
From Broke to Blessed: Financial Planning for Christians [Ep1]

👀 Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/xi6FMBnAwNU

Seeking financial freedom with faith as your guide? Shani Tené, shares her inspiring journey and the show’s unique approach. Learn how to manage money with God’s values, practical strategies, and biblical principles. Join Shani for free resources and the path to Eternal Wealth!



🔥Free Training: Reach Financial Freedom the Kingdom Way: https://shanitene.com/freedom

🔥Special Gift – I got saved!: https://shanitene.com/saved

🔥Bible Verses:

  • Matthew 6:19-21
  • Matthew 6:24
  • Matthew 6:33 
  • Luke 16:9 


Host: Shani Tené

Website: https://shanitene.com

Instagram: https://instagram.com/shanitene

YouTube: https://youtube.com/shanitene

TikTok: @shanitene


YouTube: https://youtu.be/74IvfdXnwbQ

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/eternal-wealth/id1748902097

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4AKRDJSGmqp9p5KChvsEzA?si=pbW-K4rrS-2inp8IsxcodQ


faith-based finance, christian money management, building wealth with God, bible and money, overcoming debt christianity, christian investing, financial freedom with God, eternal wealth, Shani Tené, christian financial coaching, Finance, faith, christianity, money management, budgeting, debt reduction, investing, bible, scripture, christian living, testimony, financial freedom, Shani Tené, eternal wealth



Welcome to Eternal Wealth, where finance meets faith! I’m your favorite money coach, Shani Tené, and this is Episode #1! Today, we’re diving into who I am, why you should listen, and the incredible story behind Eternal Wealth. Stick around to the end for a resource to kick-start your financial freedom journey and an actionable step for immediate results!

Who I Am

Let’s start with who I am. I didn’t come from money; everything I have, I earned through hard work and by God’s grace. Raised by a hardworking single mother, I initially equated wealth with relentless work. But after a layoff left me broke and spiritually empty, I found my way back to God, built a thriving business, and realized true abundance through a genuine relationship with Him.

How Eternal Wealth Started

Eternal Wealth began unexpectedly, sparked by a prophetic moment in church and confirmed by divine nudges like unexpected podcast equipment. Despite initial reluctance, God’s vision prevailed, leading to the birth of this podcast.

What Is Eternal Wealth

Eternal Wealth isn’t just about financial success; it’s about securing a relationship with God that extends into eternity. It’s about living with an eternal perspective, where our actions on Earth resonate in Heaven.

How You Can Achieve Eternal Wealth

Achieving Eternal Wealth involves prioritizing God over material wealth, valuing what matters in Heaven, and aligning our financial decisions with biblical principles.

What to Expect on Eternal Wealth

Expect actionable financial strategies and insightful Bible breakdowns that guide you in building wealth through a Kingdom perspective.


In this episode, we explored my journey, the inception of Eternal Wealth, and what you can anticipate from future episodes: practical financial advice infused with spiritual wisdom.

Weekly Action 

Your action step for this week: Watch my free video training on How to Reach Financial Freedom. It’s quick and impactful—perfect for jumpstarting your journey to financial independence!

Prayer & Salvation

Before we close, let me pray for you. If you’re ready to accept Christ, repeat after me: “Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and Savior.” Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven!


Thank you for joining me on this journey to Eternal Wealth. Subscribe, share, and stay tuned for more episodes filled with peace, love, and the keys to lasting abundance!


0:00 Intro

0:40 Episode Topic

1:32 Who Is Shani?

6:21 How Eternal Wealth Started?

13:09 What Is Eternal Wealth?

20:41 How Do You Achieve Eternal Wealth?

21:25 Way #1 

23:32 Way #2

25:27 What To Expect on Eternal Wealth

30:20 Recap

31:28 BONUS Weekly Action

32:15 Prayer

34:34 Outro


Shani Tené: 0:00

Boom, god gives me the vision for the podcast during my fast. And here we are now. You guys, I wanna make y’all rich, rich, so then you can be able to have the time and the freedom to glorify God, the time to pray. People can appear to be wealthy, but the wealth that you and I want, and what I want for you, is to have wealth here on earth as it is in heaven. What’s up? I’m your favorite money coach, shawnee Tenet. Welcome to Eternal Wealth, where finance meets faith. If you’re new here, be sure to click that subscribe button.

Shani Tené: 0:37

But guess what y’all? It is episode number one, and I’m so excited to kick things off today by talking all about, like, who am I, why you should listen to me and the story behind eternal wealth, and then, most importantly, how you can achieve eternal wealth. Like, I don’t think you guys get it that this is literally episode number one. I’m so pumped, so make sure you stick around to the end, because I’m also going to share one resource that will help you kickstart your journey to financial freedom and one action that you can take this week to see immediate results. It’s about to get so real. And just a little quick heads up, the format of this episode is going to be a little bit different than future episodes, which we’ll talk about later, but I just want to make sure that you guys know all the deets around who I am and what this is all about before we get into the actual show. So let’s not waste any more time and hop right in.

Shani Tené: 1:30

So who is the real Shawnee Tanay? You’re probably wondering like who am I? But first things first. Let’s just be clear. Like, I did not come from money, everything I have and everything I am was achieved through hard work and, most importantly, by the grace of God, and so growing up like I actually had a really bad relationship with money. I grew up in a single income household where my mom, like, worked a lot to provide for me and my three sisters, shaya, shade and Shara, who are literally like my besties and, yes, we all have similar names that start with S-H-A. Thanks, mom.

Shani Tené: 2:04

But for as long as I can remember, I equated wealth with working a lot, because that is what I saw my mom do. So when I got of age, I got a job and worked. In college, I worked. After college, I worked, I worked, worked, worked, worked, worked nonstop to make money, and I spent years trying to climb the corporate ladder and become this millionaire. I did everything that everything that I did revolved around money.

Shani Tené: 2:32

And then, out of nowhere, I was laid off and things, at this point, just took a turn for the worse. I blew through all of my savings, I maxed out my credit cards that caused my credit score to tank. I took out all these loans that I knew I couldn’t pay back, which landed me in crazy debt, and I eventually went broke, broke, broke y’all and so I had nowhere to live and I found myself couch Surfing is what they called it back then where you’re like jumping from couch to couch, like things were legit bad and I knew I couldn’t continue like this. So I was seeking a way out, which led me to church, surprise, and I ended up getting super involved. I got baptized and within no time, I had created this thriving business where I was bringing in more money than I had ever made in my entire life. I was living my best life. I was traveling, buying new cars, buying houses, doing everything that I’d ever dreamed of, and like having all of the freedom in the world. Like y’all, it was like the most amazing time in my life.

Shani Tené: 3:35

And then one day I was just like sitting and it hit me that I just literally felt empty, just totally unfulfilled, unhappy, just like in a, in a like rut, and for me it didn’t make sense because, like, how could I have everything that I ever wanted and still feel like I was missing, something like this huge void, you guys. And so, although I went to church, I prayed and I did all of the Christian things, I still felt, you guys. And so, although I went to church, I prayed and I did all of the Christian things, I still felt a void. And so that’s when I started to like dub myself what I call a checkbox Christian, which means, like I did all of the things that look good on paper church, prayer, bible study, all of that but in reality I didn’t have a good relationship with God. And so that was a big reality check for me, and I knew that I had to do something about it. So money wasn’t going to solve my problems, but what I knew was is that God could, and so I decided to go all in with God, like deep dive, which meant actually building a genuine relationship with him.

Shani Tené: 4:45

And boy, let me tell you, that’s when everything in my entire life changed. I didn’t have to work hard to make money, whoop-de-whoop, I didn’t have to do much of anything. I mean, yes, granted, I had to show up, do the things, but, like, god was literally showing up and showing out and providing opportunities and all these things, he literally provided me with every single one of my needs. And so I leaned in heavy on Matthew 6, 33, seek first the kingdom of God, and he will provide everything you need. And that’s exactly what happened. So now I had the money and I had the relationship with God, and that feeling was like no feeling I’ve ever experienced, ever.

Shani Tené: 5:29

And then it dawned on me like yo, shawnee, you can’t keep this to yourself. God blessed you with the skills to acquire wealth and, on top of that, a genuine relationship with him. I’m not going to gatekeep. So I was like, why not help other people experience this too? And so that, ladies and gents, is when I became a faith-based money coach. But God was like no, no, no, no. That’s not enough, shawnee, we’re not going to stop there. More people need to hear this. And that is when the idea of a podcast came about. And the crazy part is, god had the vision for eternal wealth long before I knew about it and long before I saw it. And so now it leads me to like, okay, well, how did eternal wealth actually come about? So it’s like April 2023 and I was at church Shout out to Live Atlanta.

Shani Tené: 6:30

Pastor Mayo was giving a sermon and like in the middle of the sermon he just paused and was like where’s Shawnee? And I’m sitting in the back probably acting up, and I’m like, oh snap, I’m in trouble. So I think that’s why he’s calling me out, because I’m probably talking to somebody. And little did I know that it was not what was going on. Um, he just literally started to be like where’s Shawnee? And then he’s just started to go into this whole prophecy about like y’all, shawnee is starting a podcast. It’s gonna be amazing, by show of hands, raise your hand if you would subscribe to shawnee’s podcast when she launches.

Shani Tené: 7:08

I’m sitting there super confused because what podcast? Like, what is he talking about? And so, but to my surprise, everybody up in the church raised their hand to yes, I would subscribe to the podcast if she had one. So, for all, y’all who rose your hand, raised your hand. Whatever, I’m expecting y’all to be subscribers, like yesterday. No, I’m joking but for real.

Shani Tené: 7:30

So, anywho, I’m sitting there confused, like cool, these people support me, but like confused because what is Mayo talking about? Like I had a combo with my sister, sade, like months ago about a potential podcast, but that was just me talking, but Mayo and I never, ever had a conversation about me doing a podcast and I was literally like OMG, like oh my god, why did you do that? Now everybody is like asking me about a podcast and I legit don’t even have one, nor do I want one. Like why would I want a podcast? No, so that was the end of that. No podcast came.

Shani Tené: 8:06

And then we’re gonna like flash forward seven months later and it’s now November 2023. And so why do the heck do I get on Amazon? I started searching because I love me some Amazon, probably. I got some packages, literally, that just got delivered. And, um, yes, I have a slight Amazon problem. I’m sure you do too, so, but anyway. So I’m on Amazon searching and it’s Black Friday. So you know I’m getting something because I love me a good deal.

Shani Tené: 8:32

And so why, when I log into Amazon, the first thing that pops up on the screen is podcast equipment. Like what is what’s going on? What is God, the universe, trying to tell me? I was never searching for podcast equipment. Random, it’s literally seven months later. Okay, I don’t know.

Shani Tené: 8:49

So I love deals and sales and so it was a really good deal. So I’m like, shoot, let me just buy this equipment. I like to save money, and if I get it now then it’s on sale, so that’s great. And if I don’t end up using it, I could just resell it or give it to my sister who just started a podcast too. So it was going to be a win-win situation. So I buy the podcast equipment and got no plans for it, but and that’s why it just ends up sitting in the box in the basement for months Again, no podcast. So then we’re going to flash forward to like another seven months, like I don’t know where the seven theme is coming from, but seven’s my number, number of completion, all the great things. So it makes sense.

Shani Tené: 9:32

But anywho, another seven months passed by and one of my friends shout out Tyler, who goes to my church, is like we’re at church. And he’s like give me the keys to your car. And I’m like that’s weird. No, like what keys to your car? And I’m like that’s weird. No, like what do you need the keys to my car for? And he’s like I need to put something in your car and there’s so much going on. I’m like, okay, I don’t really got time to like go through this with you. Sure, here’s my keys, because I trust him, so I give him the keys. He comes back, give you my keys. I don’t think anything of it. I go through the rest of the church service serving like a good, faithful servant and that’s that. But y’all tell me why.

Shani Tené: 10:06

I get home. I get home, y’all, I bust open that trunk and guess what it’s full of. It’s full of all of this podcast equipment. I mean like thousands and thousands of dollars worth of free podcast equipment, basically everything that I needed to turn an audio podcast into a video podcast. Right and so which I also wasn’t thinking about making this a video I was like, okay, even if I did do a podcast, it would just be audio. But here we are Great video quality and all this things. Thanks, tyler. So all this stuff is in the trunk and I’m like whoa mind blown, like I don’t even have an audio podcast. Now I got stuff for a the trunk and I’m like whoa mind blown, like I don’t even have an audio podcast. Now I got stuff for a video podcast. I’m like shooketh y’all. I’m like, oh snap, maybe I should do a podcast.

Shani Tené: 10:52

And so that’s when I really started to like entertain the idea of a podcast, because I really still didn’t want to do it y’all. I do not like to be in the forefront of things, I do not want to do it y’all. Like. I do not like to be in the forefront of things, I do not want to be famous, I don’t want the cameras and the lights and the action. I don’t want the popper, I don’t want the people, I don’t want all the attention, because I know what comes with that Like it’s a lot right. So like doing a podcast, I know if I did it and if I did it the right way, it’s going to reach millions and I didn’t really want that like type of light, right. And so podcast to me was just out the question and so, especially on video and so.

Shani Tené: 11:32

But At the same time there was way too many things pointing me in the direction of a podcast and so I decided, okay, I don’t really know what this means, but clearly God’s trying to talk to me, because there’s prophecies and free equipment and all this stuff. And so I decided I was going to go on a fast. And then, boom, god gives me the vision for the podcast during my fast. God gives me the vision for the podcast during my fast. And here we are now, you guys, july of 2024. And over a year later, with a whole legit podcast, like it’s happening, like eternal wealth is here, like God is so funny because I just never thought that this was going to happen. And here we are and I’m just, like now, so pumped about it and y’all about to get this work, y’all about to get this information, because I decided to go all in, which means y’all are about to get my 100,000%, because that’s just who I am. So, yes, you guys, I wasn’t pumped before, but now I’m like on 1 million and I’m just so excited to share what God has shared with me, with you guys, which makes this just like fun now, like it’s it’s like fun. And so I definitely, like, before we hop in, I just want to shout out, like my sisters, my mom and my friends, who all, like, really prayed for me and let me pick their brains about this podcast before launching, sending cover art and all of the things. So thank you all of you guys. You know who you are. I really appreciate you guys, because I wouldn’t be here without you.

Shani Tené: 13:03

And so let’s kind of move into, like, what is Eternal Wealth? Like we have this show now. So what does Eternal Wealth actually mean? So Eternal Wealth is what I hope every one of us gets to experience. It’s a genuine relationship with God that leads to eternity in heaven, because that is what true wealth is. And so it really all starts with making the best of the time that we have here on earth, because earth, if you think about it, it’s not our permanent home, it’s our temporary dwelling before we reach our real home, which is heaven. And so what we do on earth affects our eternal destiny.

Shani Tené: 13:48

And so in one of my favorite books of the purpose-driven life by rick warren, he explains that when you finally understand that there is more to life than just the here and now, and you realize that life is just preparation for eternity, you begin to live differently. You will start living in light of eternity, and that will shape how you handle your money, and so like, suddenly, many of the activities, the goals and the other things that seemed so important to you in the past, they’re going to appear trivial. The goals and the other things that seemed so important to you in the past. They’re going to appear trivial, unimportant and unworthy of your attention.

Shani Tené: 14:23

And so, in knowing that, like I, no longer obsessed over making a lot of money, I didn’t need to be a millionaire anymore, I didn’t need to have all of these fancy things. I instead focused on how I can serve God and, by default, I made a lot of money, I got all the fancy things, I got all the great things, but that wasn’t my focus. My focus was God, because now my focus is on eternity, and so it’s no longer about the money, it’s about God and the impact that we can make through him. And so, at the end of the day, god still wants us to be fruitful. So the money, the things will naturally come. It just can’t be the focus. Money can’t be the focus, and I had to learn that the hard way.

Shani Tené: 15:08

But I’m here now to kind of guide you guys through that. God has to be number one and money can’t take his place, okay, and so the closer that you live to God, the smaller everything else appears, including money. And so when you live in light of eternity, your values start to change, and so we start to use our time and money more wisely. And well, at least that’s what happened to me, and I’m hoping the same will happen for you. Well, at least that’s what happened to me, and I’m hoping the same will happen for you. And so eternal wealth is based on the premise that we came into this world with nothing Like y’all. We literally were born into nothing and we’re going to leave with nothing. So when you pass away, you can’t take none of this stuff with you, so it doesn’t really even matter. And so, therefore, everything we have, including our money, is God’s and should be used to glorify him. That’s just what it is.

Shani Tené: 16:01

And so, and so in Matthew um, chapter 6, verses 19, 19 through 21, it says do not store up your treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but store up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is there, your heart will also be. That’s one of my favorite verses, for where your treasure is there, your heart will also be meaning. If you’re putting your treasure in money. That’s where your focus is going to be and you’re not going to get the blessings of God, but where you need to have. Your treasure is in God, and when you put God first, he will provide all of your needs. So our treasures need to be in God, not in earthly things, and then God will be able to bless us. So we got to learn to put God first. Okay, love that verse, ah, makes me so happy.

Shani Tené: 17:05

And then another good one in Matthew 6, 24,. It says no one can serve two masters. You cannot serve both God and money. Now, you can’t get any more clear than that. Like God is laying it out for us in the Bible. So I don’t know why we’re always so confused. He makes it clear you cannot serve both God and money. Like the end period poo, whatever the kids say these days, right, and so that is so important. It’s just plain, Jane, I don’t even. There’s nothing to even explain. There is like you can’t serve both. So we serve God and then he will provide our money. Okay, and then another one. We’ll go through a couple more.

Shani Tené: 17:41

Matthew 6, chapter 6, verse 33, says but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. So when we put God first, when you seek the kingdom first, everything else will be added, not reverse, not when you seek money and material things, then things will be added. No, you’re probably not going to get nothing, and that’s why a lot of you are stuck right now is because you are putting money and things and possessions above God. But until you put God first, you’re not going to see the fruits of your labor. You’re not going to see the fruits of your labor. You’re not going to see the blessings. You have to seek God first in order to be blessed in the way that’s going to affect eternity. Like we see people all the time who have money now, but they might got money now, but will they have that wealth in eternity? Because that’s ultimately what matters. So people can appear to be wealthy, but the wealth that you and I want, and what I want for you, is to have wealth here on earth as it is in heaven. Okay, and so that is our goal, that is our mission, that is our purpose.

Shani Tené: 18:47

And then, finally, our last verse is going to be Luke, chapter 16, verse nine, which says I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourself so that, when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings Eternal, you guys, meaning in heaven, forever, meaning. Use the money that you have on earth to better other people’s lives, help people, advance the kingdom. So, when those earthly things are gone, when you lose your money, when you lose your job, when you lose your house, when you lose your possessions, that you still have something the relationship with God to sustain you. You cannot focus and put all of your energy and money being your sustainer God sustains and put all of your energy and money being your sustainer God sustains, and that’s the only thing that will keep us alive here and there in heaven. Okay, so make sure that we are putting our faith in God and not in money. And so the lesson in all of these verses is really that, like money and worldly resources should be used to benefit others rather than benefit yourself or for selfish desires. And so when we lose all of these things, like I mentioned, you will be welcome into your eternal home, which is heaven. So if you use your resources well here on earth, god will bless you with those resources in eternity. Okay, and so in the Bible, it’s literally it’s literally crystal clear about how we should handle our money and time on earth. So let’s just listen. Let’s just listen. Okay, so we can all have eternal wealth in heaven. Okay, so we can all have eternal wealth in heaven. Yes, lord, how do you actually achieve eternal wealth? Like we just figured out what eternal wealth was. But how do you actually achieve eternal wealth? Well, we just talked about it.

Shani Tené: 20:49

Matthew, chapter six, verse 19, tells us store up treasures in heaven, not on earth. That’s it Store up treasures in heaven, not on earth. That’s it Store up treasures in heaven, not on earth, meaning we need to be doing things that’s going to grant us into heaven, not things that are going to make us look cool here on earth. Okay, and so there are going to be two ways that you can store up treasures in heaven, cause you might be like, well, shawnee, how do can store up treasures in heaven? Because you might be like, well, shani, how do I store up treasures in heaven? Well, here we go. The first way.

Shani Tené: 21:23

Way number one is going to be don’t obsess over, over wealth. So that used to be me. I used to be super obsessed with making money. Like catch me, all I’m doing is getting that money, honey. Like don’t talk to me. I’m making money Can’t go out. I’m making like that used to be me, like all about the money, all about the money. I need money, I want to be this, I want to be that.

Shani Tené: 21:44

No, we cannot obsess over money, but at the end of the day, having money isn’t bad. So that’s not what I’m saying. God actually wants us to have money. God wants us to be fruitful. In Jeremiah 29, 11, it says for I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper. You Keyword prosper. He wants us to be prosperous. So God gives us success and resources. However, when we focus too much on our wealth instead of God, it becomes harmful and resources. However, when we focus too much on our wealth instead of God, it becomes harmful and meaningless. So we have to kind of put change our perspective on what we’re focusing on. Okay. Fixating on wealth can damage our relationship with God and with other people. Like I lost so many friends and ditched so many family members because I was too busy trying to get that money.

Shani Tené: 22:31

Like in grind mode. Like no, we’re not about that life. Like if God is in your life, you don’t need to grind. Like grind is actually bad. You should be chilling, because God’s got you and he’s putting all the puzzles in their places. He’s moving all the chess pieces. You should be able to just sit back and, like pray, be in your word. Obviously, faith without words is dead, which we always know. It’s like you still gotta put in the work, but at the end of the day, you shouldn’t be having to work hard. If you’re working hard, then God’s not in it. You’re doing things out of your own strength, okay, and so God really cares more about our hearts than our bank accounts, and he guides us towards what’s truly best for us and our belongings. So he really shows us, like, what do we actually need? The things that we think we need, we don’t actually need. And so what we? Instead of obsessing over money, what you need to be doing is obsessing over God, and he will give you everything you need, okay, so obsess over God instead of money.

Shani Tené: 23:29

The second way that you can store up treasures in heaven is to value what’s important in heaven. So what does this mean? So, since our possessions stay on earth after we die, what will be our treasure in heaven if we leave with nothing? And so there’s definitely a difference between our earthly possessions and what matters to God like completely different. So our time on earth is very short, but on the flip side, eternity is forever.

Shani Tené: 24:00

So by following Jesus’s teachings, we can prepare for a lasting future with God, and so what matters, both now and in eternity, are the things God values, and those are things like treating people well, forgiveness and loyalty, and so we should be using our possessions to love people, not love possessions and use people. Did y’all get that? We should be using our possessions to love people, not love possessions and use people. That’s so good. Did I come up with that? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, so good, so good. No, I’m joking, but yeah. So we should be using them to help other people and move the kingdom forward, and so we can chase after temporary wealth all we want but God offers us eternal treasure, a relationship with him that starts now and lasts forever in heaven.

Shani Tené: 24:57

Basically, what I’m trying to say is like, what good is it to gain more stuff if we lose what truly matters? Nothing, and I mean nothing, is more valuable than knowing Jesus. And that’s on Mary had a little. No, I’m just joking, and that’s on Jesus, period. No, but yeah, seriously, you guys, in all seriousness, there is nothing more valuable than knowing Jesus.

Shani Tené: 25:23

So let’s wrap this baby up with what you can expect to experience on eternal wealth. And so there’s going to be two things, simple finance and faith. Ooh, if you didn’t catch that before. So, basically, money is a tool and it’s able to give you opportunities, but only God can give you everlasting life. So we can’t talk about money without talking about God. It’s both or none, okay.

Shani Tené: 25:50

So eternal wealth will help you to build wealth that will provide you with opportunities to use your gifts to glorify God. So the whole point is I want to make y’all rich, rich, so then you can be able to have the time and the freedom to glorify God the time to pray, the time to uplift the kingdom, the time to use your gifts to help other people, to use your gifts to glorify God. Like, money is the tool, but God is the way. Okay, so that’s our whole purpose here, and so eternal wealth helps ensure you are stewarding your money wisely and building an actual, genuine relationship with God so you can spend eternity with him in heaven, which is the only thing that actually matters. So we’re doing real kingdom business here, y’all. This ain’t no jiggity joke Like if you want to, if you want to make real money and spend eternity in heaven, then you don’t got no choice but to listen to eternal wealth. This is it. This is where you need to be. We’re gonna get down to the real nitty gritty of how to build wealth on earth and in heaven. So if that sounds like something, you want you in the right place, okay. And so, on the finance side, we’re gonna be covering real, actionable strategies to build wealth, so real things you can implement on your own or implement with my help to help improve your financial situation. So there’s going to be real tactics with step-by-step instructions around budgeting, saving, giving, investing, generating income, debt reduction, credit boosting, starting businesses and so much more. Y’all Like it’s about to be lit in here. And so that’s on the finance side.

Shani Tené: 27:36

On the faith side, I’m going to be breaking down Bible stories to help you understand and learn the Bible better. Because if you’re anything like me, like when I first got into the Bible, I was like, absolutely not. It’s so confusing. All these names John and Joseph and Jesus and then the names you can’t even pronounce and all the words you can’t pronounce, and then all these stories and all these lineages and all this stuff. It was a big confusion ball, so I didn’t even really want to read the Bible, honestly, because I didn’t really understand it. But when I started to break down the Bible in my own language, in my own terms, and make it make sense, the Bible became my best friend.

Shani Tené: 28:15

And so I want to do the same for you. I want to make the Bible enjoyable. I don’t want it to be boring, I want it to be fun, I don’t want it to be confusing, I want it to be clear, and so in these episodes, I’m going to be making it clear and fun so you can understand it. Episodes I’m going to be making it clear and fun. Um, so you can understand it, because I used to be that girl where I was like I would hear these people like having things going on in their life, and they’d be like, yeah, in second Timothy, chapter one, verse seven, it says so, in your life, you should do this.

Shani Tené: 28:42

And I was like, shoot, I cannot recall no verses like that to help nobody. And I felt bad. And so I always wanted to be that person, to be able to help somebody in a situation with a relatable verse in the Bible that could help them. And so I wasn’t able to do that, but now I can, because I actually know these stories and understand them, and I want you to be able to do the same, and so that’s helpful because we can actually take the Bible which is like our blueprint and be able to apply it to our life. So think of this as like taking the Bible, making it cool, making it relevant and then making it applicable to our everyday life, and so you can expect that in the faith portion, you’re going to get this word, you’re going to get this Bible. It’s going to be fun, it’s going to be great, and so we’re going to be taking those Bible stories, breaking them down into stuff that we can understand, connecting it to our money and really tying in how God wants us to handle our finances, based on biblical principles that are outlined in these Bible stories. So basically, with Eternal Wealth, you will get wealth building strategies through a kingdom lens Love it, love it, love it, love it, love it. So, if you are still listening, I just want to thank you so much for tuning in.

Shani Tené: 30:00

This episode was a little bit longer than intended. I was just kind of riffling and raffling, but I do want to try to keep these episodes fairly short in the future, because, if you’re anything like me like I don’t really like to listen to stuff like for too long, and so I just want to be respectful of people’s time Like I want to give you the goods but also give you the time, and so we did cover a lot. So here’s a little quick recap and then you can be on your merry way. We talked about me. I’m just a regular smegular girl who got laid off and turned my tragedy into triumph with God’s help. We chatted about how eternal wealth was birthed from a prophecy from my pastor and by other signs and wonders from God that just kept pressing me in that direction.

Shani Tené: 30:38

We discussed how eternal wealth will help ensure you are stewarding your money wisely and building a genuine relationship with God so you can spend eternity with him. And then next, we discussed how you can reach eternal wealth by storing your treasures in heaven. And then, to top it off, we went through everything you can expect on this show, which is essentially wealth building strategies through a kingdom lens, woo. That’s a lot for the first episode, y’all. So I know if y’all got all this in this one, y’all just wait for the, the, the actual actionable stuff, right.

Shani Tené: 31:14

And so, for those of you who stuck around to the end I’m so glad you’re still with us go ahead and give this episode a like or rate it a five, um, and as promised for staying until the end, um, your action for the week is to watch my free training how to Reach Financial Freedom. It’s just a 15-minute training that will provide you the actual blueprint for building wealth the kingdom way. So you can just head to the link in the description to watch it right now. There’s literally things in this training that you can do today that will set you up for the rest of your life. So you want to go watch it now. It’s my whole foundational framework for how to generate wealth the kingdom way. You’re going to love it. It’s going to change your mind. You’re going to be like whoa boy, oh boy, right. So go check that out. And so let me know in the comments once you watch it and if you’ve already watched it, go ahead with your bad self. Let me know what you liked most or what you learned when you watched it.

Shani Tené: 32:12

And so, before we head out, I would love to pray for you before we close. So, dear Heavenly Father, thank you for today, thank you for episode number one, thank you for blessing me with the abilities to get all the equipment to set this up, to do this, to spread my light, to spread the knowledge that you’ve given me. I pray that this podcast blesses every listener and that it transforms their lives, that they learn tips and tricks that can actually change the trajectory of their life and that, ultimately, that they are able to have eternity with you in heaven. Lord. I pray for every listener. I pray that you bless them. I pray that you give them time back in a half, or taking time out of their day to listen to this podcast, to get closer to you, to better themselves, lord, and that they just become listeners of this podcast and that they just stay locked in. Lord, I pray healing over those who need to be healed and I pray that you meet every single one of their needs, the needs that I don’t know, but you know, lord. I pray this in your mighty name. In Jesus’ name, we all say amen, amen, amen, and so y’all.

Shani Tené: 33:19

I never want to end an episode without giving you the opportunity to enter into a relationship with God, so it don’t matter if you don’t got it all together, your money’s jacked up. It doesn’t matter. God loves you just as you are. So if you’re ready to give your life to Christ, just repeat after me. It’s real short. Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and Savior. That’s it. If you prayed that prayer, congratulations and welcome to the kingdom of heaven. I, and everyone else in the kingdom, is just so excited for you. You’re like this is a really big decision, and so we want to celebrate with you. So be sure to go to the link in the description to get a special gift to help start your faith walk. I’m just so excited for you. So congratulations, and so let’s give it up for those who just gave their life to Christ.

Shani Tené: 34:16

And if you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe. So thank you so much for joining me. Until next time, I will see you on episode number two with Eternal Wealth. Bye for now, congrats. You just finished another episode of Eternal Wealth. Bye for now, congrats. You just finished another episode of Eternal Wealth. If you want more, head over to shanitene.com for show notes and access to all the resources shared, and if you’re looking for a new crew of Eternal Wealth builders like you to bounce ideas and ask questions, be sure to join my exclusive community. The link is waiting for you at shanitene.com.


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