I Saved $50,000 in ONE YEAR with These 3 Simple Tricks! [Ep 10]

👀 Subscribe & Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/hGfA7vvFqt4

Struggling to save money? Join money coach Shani Tené as she reveals practical tips to boost your savings and achieve financial freedom. 



🔥Submit Money Questions: https://shanitene.com/help

🔥FREE Get Started with Stocks Guide: https://shanitene.com/stockguide

🔥$1 Day Savings Challenge: https://shanitene.com/savingschallenge

🔥Challenge Community: https://shanitene.com/community 

🔥Savings Coupon Plugins: https://shanitene.com/plugins

🔥Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids found in Matthew 25: 1-13

🔥Special Gift – I got saved!: https://shanitene.com/saved


Host: Shani Tené

Website: https://shanitene.com

Instagram: https://instagram.com/shanitene

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TikTok: @shanitene

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Money Talk Series Overview (0:00 – 0:37)

The episode opens with a powerful statement about the importance of financial preparation. Emergencies can strike at any moment, and it’s crucial to have savings in place before they occur. The host, Shani Tené, emphasizes that savings habits must be established early, as they can’t be acquired at the last minute. She introduces herself as the viewers’ “favorite money coach” and welcomes them to Eternal Wealth, a show where finance intersects with faith. She invites new listeners to subscribe and promises actionable financial tips by the end of the episode.

Money Misconception (0:37 – 1:44)

Shani then shifts focus to a key issue: the struggle many people face when trying to save money. She highlights four common obstacles: lack of a budget, prioritizing short-term gratification over long-term goals, recurring unexpected expenses, and lifestyle inflation. Each of these barriers hinders the ability to save effectively, but she reassures listeners that they’re in the right place for solutions.

Mystery Guest (2:00 – 4:34)

Shani introduces the “Money Talk” series, where real financial struggles are addressed using biblical principles. Viewers can submit anonymous stories for advice. Today’s mystery guest, Brian, is a 36-year-old firefighter from the Midwest. Despite earning $50,000 a year, Brian has only $100 in savings and is concerned about his financial future. He shares a personal story about holding his newborn daughter and the realization that he must save more to secure a stable future for her. Brian’s vulnerability serves as a relatable example for listeners struggling with similar issues.

Bible Story (5:47 – 9:47)

Shani transitions to a biblical parable from Matthew 25:1-13, the story of the 10 bridesmaids. Five wise bridesmaids brought extra oil for their lamps, while five foolish ones did not. When the bridegroom arrived late, the foolish bridesmaids missed the wedding because they had to leave to buy more oil. This parable emphasizes the importance of preparation, both spiritually and financially. Just as the wise bridesmaids were prepared for the wedding, Shani urges listeners to prepare financially for the future, as emergencies and opportunities can arrive unexpectedly. She stresses the necessity of saving and avoiding procrastination in financial matters.

Tip #1: Start the $1 a Day Savings Challenge (13:12 – 13:38)

The first tip Shani shares is to begin the $1 a Day Savings Challenge. This simple yet powerful method encourages participants to save just one dollar each day. Shani emphasizes that the key to success is consistency. Whether participants set a daily savings limit or not, the main goal is to develop the habit of saving regularly. She expresses excitement about this challenge, noting that even small amounts can add up significantly over time. Shani invites listeners to stick around until the end of the episode to learn how they can participate in the challenge together as a community.

Tip #2: Use Bank Account Roundup Features (13:38 – 16:06)
The second money-saving tip is to utilize the “roundup” features offered by banks and apps. This method involves rounding up everyday purchases to the nearest dollar and transferring the difference into a savings or investment account. For example, if you purchase something for $3.75, the feature rounds it up to $4 and transfers the extra $0.25 into your savings. Over time, these small amounts can add up significantly, providing an easy and consistent way to save money. Shani mentions apps like Acorns, which not only round up purchases but also offer investment options by putting the spare change into a diversified portfolio. However, for those who prefer to invest independently, most banks offer their own roundup programs. Shani gives an example of Bank of America’s “Keep the Change” program, which transfers the difference directly into a linked savings account. She encourages listeners to check if their bank offers a similar feature to start saving effortlessly.

FREE Tool to Boost Investing (16:06 – 17:22)
Shani introduces Coachline, a financial coaching service partner, offering a free training titled Five Steps to Reach Financial Freedom, The Kingdom Way. This training provides actionable steps to help individuals manage their finances, including budgeting, giving, saving, debt repayment, and creating an investment strategy—all from a Christian perspective. The training offers a holistic approach to building wealth in alignment with biblical principles. To access this free training, listeners must subscribe to the Eternal Wealth podcast.

Tip #3: Use Coupon Chrome Plugins (17:22 – 20:08)
Shani’s third money-saving tip is to use coupon Chrome plugins, which automatically search for and apply discount codes while shopping online. These plugins, such as CouponBirds and Coupert, can save shoppers significant amounts of money by automatically applying discounts at checkout. Shani emphasizes that these small savings can add up over time, especially for frequent online shoppers, and some plugins even offer cashback on purchases. She notes that these tools work on popular platforms like Amazon, making them a practical and effortless way to save money. Shani recommends using her referral link to sign up for these plugins and receive a special bonus.

Recap (20:08 – 21:11)
Shani recaps the episode by revisiting the key points covered. The mystery guest, Brian, was introduced as someone looking to save money for his child. The discussion was tied to the parable of the 10 bridesmaids in Matthew 25:1-13, highlighting the importance of saving for unforeseen circumstances. Shani then outlined three practical tips to help listeners save more: the $1 a day savings challenge, using bank account roundup features, and leveraging coupon Chrome plugins.

BONUS Weekly Action (21:11 – 22:14)
As a bonus action for the week, Shani encourages listeners to start the $1 a day savings challenge, offering a savings challenge tracker to help them stay on track. The tracker includes a space to record daily savings, along with a daily Bible verse and positive affirmation. Shani emphasizes the importance of involving God in the savings process, asking listeners to declare their commitment by commenting, “I’m starting the savings challenge.” She invites everyone to join her free online community for encouragement and accountability throughout the challenge.

Prayer (22:14 – 24:35)
Before closing, Shani leads a heartfelt prayer, asking God to guide her listeners in their savings journeys. She prays for ease and consistency in saving, asking for blessings that will allow her listeners to achieve their financial goals. Shani also prays for a shift in mindset toward saving and financial abundance, asking God to break down any obstacles preventing her audience from achieving their financial aspirations. She concludes by emphasizing God’s power to help her listeners save effectively and grow their savings for His glory.

Invitation to Accept Christ (24:35 – End)
Shani ends the episode by inviting anyone who feels lost, whether financially or spiritually, to give their life to Christ. She explains that God can free them from any negative emotions or situations they may be facing and calls on listeners to take His hand. Shani leads a simple prayer for those who want to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, celebrating those who make the decision to step into a relationship with God. She invites new believers to access a special gift in the episode’s description to help them on their spiritual journey.


0:00  Intro

0:39  Episode Topic

2:01 Money Talk Series Overview

2:49 Mystery Guest

5:54  Bible Story

9:30 Money Misconception

11:00  Tip #1

13:43  Tip #2

16:07  FREE Tool to Boost Savings

17:25  Tip #3

20:09  Recap

21:04  BONUS Weekly Action

22:16  Prayer

26:18  Outro


(0:00) When an emergency comes, you must be ready. (0:04) You can’t just be trying to get it all together (0:06) when the emergency comes, it’s too late. (0:08) Financial preparation can’t be bought (0:10) or borrowed at the last minute.

(0:13) Your savings habits must be on your own and on time. (0:17) You can’t wait any longer. (0:20) The time is now.

(0:24) What’s up? (0:25) I’m your favorite money coach, Shani Tené. (0:27) Welcome to Eternal Wealth, where finance meets faith. (0:31) If you’re new here, be sure to click that subscribe button (0:34) because you’re not gonna wanna miss another show.

(0:37) In today’s episode, we’re talking all about (0:40) how to save more money. (0:43) And make sure you stick around to the end (0:45) because I’ll also share one resource (0:48) that will help you save better (0:49) and one action you can take this week (0:53) to see immediate results with saving. (0:56) Now I have a question for you guys.

(0:57) Do you have a difficult time saving money? (1:02) Maybe you lack a budget. (1:05) Without a clear understanding of where your money is going, (1:08) it’s actually gonna be really difficult (1:10) to identify areas where you can cut back (1:13) and allocate funds towards savings. (1:16) Maybe you just have short-term thinking.

(1:19) So prioritizing immediate gratification (1:21) over long-term financial goals (1:23) can make it challenging to save. (1:26) Or maybe you just always have unexpected expenses (1:29) that just keep coming and life is full of surprises (1:32) and unexpected costs that derail you (1:36) even when you have great savings plans laid out. (1:39) Or maybe lastly, maybe you just have a lifestyle inflation.

(1:44) So as income increases, spending often follows suit. (1:48) So this can make it very difficult (1:50) to save a significant portion of your earnings. (1:53) But you guys, whatever the case may be, (1:56) you are in the right place and I have solutions for you.

(2:00) So right now we are in the Money Talk series (2:03) where we’re normalizing talking about money. (2:06) Money is always this thing that we keep on the hush hush, (2:09) but here we’re keeping on the loud loud (2:11) because if we talk about it, we can make more of it. (2:15) If we don’t talk about it, we don’t make more of it.

(2:17) So we are having people submit anonymous stories (2:22) for issues that they’re going through (2:24) and then I’m gonna provide real solutions on this show (2:26) that are gonna be based on biblical principles. (2:30) So if you have a money problem and you want help, (2:33) you can submit your written anonymous story, (2:37) meaning I won’t know who you are, (2:38) listeners won’t know who you are, (2:40) using the link in the description. (2:42) So if your story is selected, (2:44) you may or may not be our next mystery guest.

(2:48) But today our mystery guest is a male, (2:54) he’s 36 years old, he’s married, he is a firefighter, (3:00) okay, and he makes around, I don’t know why I did that, (3:04) firefighters don’t do that, they do water, splash splash. (3:07) But he makes around $50,000 a year (3:12) with monthly expenses around $3,200 (3:15) and he lives in the Midwest, USA. (3:19) So basically he’s a middle-aged dad (3:22) who doesn’t make much but wants to save more.

(3:27) So his identity has been concealed for privacy reasons, (3:30) but we will call him Brian. (3:33) So here is what Brian has to say. (3:38) I remember the day I held my newborn daughter in my arms.

(3:42) She was so small, so fragile. (3:43) That’s when I made a promise to myself (3:45) to provide for her with everything she needs, (3:48) to give her a life better than the one I had. (3:51) But now looking at her growing up so fast, (3:54) I realize I’m falling short.

(3:56) My savings are dwindling and the future feels uncertain. (4:00) I can’t believe I’m 36 years old (4:03) and have less than $100 in my savings. (4:06) I can’t bear the thought of having her worry about money.

(4:10) I need to change my ways to start saving more. (4:12) It’s not just for her, it’s for me too. (4:15) I want to be able to retire comfortable (4:18) and be able to spend quality time with her when she’s older.

(4:21) It’s time to take control of my finances (4:23) to secure our future together. (4:26) That is such a precious story. (4:28) I don’t have any kids, but I do have nieces and nephews (4:31) and I can only imagine the desire to provide for a child.

(4:35) That’s so much, like that’s so powerful. (4:38) So thank you so much for telling your story, Brian. (4:41) But y’all want to know like something (4:43) that’s a little crazy? (4:44) Like I don’t have any kids like I mentioned, (4:47) but I already have savings accounts (4:49) set up for my future kids.

(4:51) Now that’s what we call crazy faith and vision. (4:54) But regardless if it’s kids or not, (4:58) we all have something we want to save for. (5:00) So you just have to be like me (5:02) and set a vision for your savings.

(5:04) Put in the comments right now, (5:06) I will save for and then fill in the blank. (5:09) I will save for my kids. (5:11) I will save for my future kids.

(5:12) I will save for a vacation. (5:14) I will save for a house. (5:16) I will save for a car.

(5:17) Whatever it is that you want to save up for, (5:20) put it in the comments. (5:21) I will save for fill in the blank. (5:24) Declare it right now, you guys.

(5:26) Declare it because what we say becomes. (5:30) And also anyone who declares it in the comments, (5:33) I’ll make sure that I pray over you (5:34) because we know prayer works, okay? (5:37) So let me know what you’re gonna be saving up for. (5:39) But right now I’m excited to share three tips (5:42) to help you save more so you can achieve those goals (5:45) that you just put in the comments.

(5:47) But before we get into the tips, (5:49) let’s take a look at what God has to say (5:52) because y’all know what time it is. (5:54) It’s story time. (5:57) So in the parable of the 10 bridesmaids (6:01) found in Matthew 25 verses one through 13, (6:06) Jesus tells the story of 10 virgins, AKA bridesmaids.

(6:11) I don’t know, I guess back then, (6:13) if you’d be a bridesmaid, you gotta be a virgin, (6:15) but we’re not gonna get into no details, okay? (6:17) The virgin bridesmaids, (6:19) they’re waiting for the bridegroom (6:22) to arrive for a wedding banquet. (6:25) The 10 women are all like super excited (6:27) to go to the party and eat good food. (6:30) And so as they wait, they all have these lamps for light.

(6:33) And so five of the virgins are wise (6:36) and they bring extra oil for their lamps (6:39) while the other five are foolish (6:42) and do not bring any extra oil. (6:45) So the bridegroom actually is like ends up being late. (6:50) Yeah, he must be on CP time (6:51) because like who’s showing up late? (6:54) And while the women, that’s ridiculous.

(6:58) We gonna just leave it and keep it moving. (7:00) Okay, and while the women wait, (7:02) the foolish version’s lamps begin to run out of oil (7:06) and they have to leave to buy more. (7:09) So while they’re gone, the bridegroom comes back (7:13) and the wise bridesmaids who were prepared (7:16) and saved that extra oil, (7:18) they get to go with him to the wedding and feast, okay? (7:22) The door is shut on the foolish bridesmaids (7:26) who are left out and don’t get to attend the party.

(7:29) So this parable, don’t that just suck? (7:32) You just waited all night to go to a party (7:35) and you got to run out to go get some oil (7:39) and then you come back and the door’s shut. (7:41) That’s just a tragedy, right? (7:43) And so this story emphasizes the importance (7:46) of being prepared and foresight, (7:49) similar to saving and planning ahead in financial matters. (7:53) So just as the wise bridesmaids saved and brought extra oil, (7:58) we are encouraged to save and prepare for the future.

(8:02) While the foolish bridesmaids lack of preparation (8:06) serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences (8:09) of failing to plan for unforeseen events. (8:12) So this parable underscores the value of being prudent (8:16) and not procrastinating when it comes to financial planning. (8:20) Keyword being not procrastinating, (8:24) not procrastinating, not waiting.

(8:27) You can’t wait any longer. (8:30) The time is now. (8:32) And so this story reminds us that opportunities (8:35) and crises can come unexpectedly (8:37) and those who are prepared will be in a better position (8:41) to navigate them.

(8:42) In Matthew chapter 25 verses 13, it says, (8:46) therefore keep watch because you do not know (8:50) the day or the hour. (8:52) So this is really specifically talking about (8:54) when Jesus returns, we must be ready. (8:58) Spiritual preparation cannot be bought or borrowed (9:01) at the last minute.

(9:03) So when he gets here, (9:04) you can’t be just trying to get it all together, okay? (9:06) Your relationship with God must be on your own and on time. (9:11) In the same fashion, when an emergency comes, (9:15) you must be ready. (9:17) You can’t just be trying to get it all together (9:19) when the emergency comes, it’s too late.

(9:21) Financial preparation can’t be bought (9:24) or borrowed at the last minute. (9:26) Your savings habits must be on your own and on time. (9:31) So let’s talk about how we can be like the wise bridesmaids (9:35) and be ready anytime for anything by saving, okay? (9:41) So first, let’s circle back to Brian’s story (9:45) and tackle a common misconception.

(9:48) Brian is 36 with no savings, (9:50) which we all can agree that’s probably not good. (9:54) However, there’s light, it’s never too late to start saving. (9:58) Don’t let your age stop you from progressing financially.

(10:01) Just start, no matter how old you are, just start. (10:05) They say, why put off tomorrow what you can do today? (10:09) Today is better than later. (10:11) So now is better than later.

(10:13) It’s kind of like, oh wait, now and later. (10:15) Is that what they call it, now and later? (10:17) I don’t know, I don’t even know if that makes sense. (10:21) Whatever, we just go in places today.

(10:25) But the crazy thing is Brian isn’t alone. (10:29) Nearly 90% of Americans can’t cover (10:32) a $40 emergency expense using cash or savings. (10:36) That means only 10% of Americans (10:39) are financially responsible.

(10:41) That’s not enough. (10:42) Are you in the 90% or 10%? (10:45) We want you in the 10% and even more so, (10:48) we want that number to go higher (10:50) and it can if we begin to save effectively. (10:55) So let’s get into the three ways to increase your savings.

(11:01) Tip number one to save more (11:03) is to start the $1 a day savings challenge. (11:08) Ooh, I love it, I love challenges. (11:10) So this is a fun and progressive way to save money (11:13) that also builds discipline.

(11:16) So here’s how it works. (11:18) On day one, you save $1. (11:20) On day two, you save $2.

(11:23) On day three, you save $3. (11:25) On day four, you save four. (11:27) Y’all getting the gist, okay? (11:30) So you just continue this pattern, (11:32) increasing the amount by $1 each day for a set period.

(11:37) Let’s just say 30 days. (11:38) If you did this for 30 days, (11:40) by the end of 30 days, you will have saved $465. (11:47) It’s a small but impactful amount (11:50) that can be used towards savings.

(11:52) So if you decide to like extend the challenge (11:55) to let’s say 365 days, you as an overachiever (11:58) and kudos to you where you save that $1 on the first day, (12:02) $2 on the second day and so forth, (12:04) you could save over $66,000. (12:09) I don’t know if I actually calculated that word, right? (12:13) Don’t y’all come for me, (12:14) but that does seem like a lot. (12:16) But if it’s not right, (12:17) I’ll put the right number on the screen.

(12:18) If it is right, it’s $66,000. (12:21) By the end of the year, you guys. (12:24) Now, realistically, not everyone can increase (12:27) their daily savings by $1 for that long, (12:30) but even scaling this back to a timeframe (12:33) that fits your budget like 60 days (12:35) can still yield impressive results.

(12:39) And so what makes this challenge particularly effective (12:42) is that it turns savings into a habit. (12:45) The only way you can start to save (12:47) is if you make a habit of it. (12:49) So the gradual increase in savings (12:51) helps you build discipline and mindfulness (12:54) around your spending.

(12:55) As and as the amounts grow larger, (12:58) you’re forced to make more intentional choices (13:00) about where your money goes, (13:01) which can lead to better financial habits overall. (13:04) So this is such a dope challenge. (13:06) And so if you’re maybe not ready to commit (13:09) to a full 30 days or more, (13:11) you can just modify the challenge to fit your needs.

(13:13) So maybe just start with a seven day challenge (13:16) and then repeat that over and over. (13:18) So, or maybe perhaps you just like cap the daily amount (13:22) at a certain level, or it doesn’t matter, (13:26) you can modify it. (13:27) But the key to this challenge is consistency (13:29) and making the commitment to save regularly, (13:32) even if it’s just a small amount, okay? (13:35) So I’m so excited for that challenge.

(13:38) And stick to the end, (13:39) cause I’m gonna tell you (13:40) how we can do the challenge together. (13:42) But moving on to tip number two to saving more money (13:47) is use bank account roundup features. (13:51) So this is a brilliant strategy (13:53) for those who find it challenging (13:55) to save money consistently.

(13:56) So roundup is a feature banks and different apps offer (14:00) that work by rounding up your everyday purchases (14:03) to the nearest dollar, (14:05) and then automatically transferring the difference (14:07) into a savings or an investment account. (14:10) So for example, if you buy a coffee for $3.75, (14:16) the app rounds it up to $4 and even $4, (14:20) and then it transfers the extra 25 cents into your savings. (14:25) It’s a painless way to save (14:27) because you don’t even notice (14:28) that that money’s leaving your account.

(14:29) It’s incremental yet over time, (14:32) those small amounts will start to add up. (14:34) And so there are several apps out there (14:37) that offer this feature (14:38) with some even investing your spare change into stocks (14:42) and things like that. (14:43) And so one popular app is called Acorns, (14:46) which not only rounds up your purchase, (14:48) but also gives you the option (14:50) to invest that money in diversified portfolio.

(14:53) So it’s a way of putting your savings to work for you (14:57) without requiring any effort (14:59) beyond like your daily spending. (15:01) But for those who prefer (15:02) a more straightforward savings approach like myself (15:05) and wanna do your own investing (15:07) and don’t want other people all up in your coins, (15:09) most banks now offer their own roundup features (15:14) where they transfer the difference directly (15:15) into a linked savings account. (15:17) For example, I have a checking account with Bank of America (15:22) and they have a program called Keep the Change, (15:25) meaning I’m keeping the change, keep the change, (15:27) which rounds up the change (15:29) and deposits automatically into my savings account.

(15:32) So just check with your bank (15:33) to see if they have a similar program for account roundup (15:39) and start using the program. (15:41) It’s amazing, it’s free. (15:42) So using a roundup feature (15:44) is one of those set it and forget it methods (15:46) that can help you build a nice cushion of savings (15:49) with minimal effort.

(15:50) And the best part is you’re saving (15:52) without even thinking about it. (15:54) It can’t get any better than that. (15:55) But before we get into the third tip to save more, (16:00) let’s check out something from one of our partners (16:02) that will help you save better and it’s totally free.

(16:06) Check it out. (16:07) Hey, Wealth Builders, (16:08) let’s talk about taking your finances to the next level. (16:11) I’m excited to partner with Coachline, (16:13) a leader in financial coaching services.

(16:15) They’re currently offering a free training, (16:19) Five Steps to Reach Financial Freedom, The Kingdom Way. (16:22) In this training, you’ll get actionable steps (16:25) to help you budget, give, optimize your savings, (16:28) get out of debt and create an investment strategy (16:31) to build real wealth. (16:33) There’s literally things you can do today (16:35) that will set you up for the rest of your life.

(16:38) Ultimately, the goal is to help you create a financial plan (16:41) without the overwhelm. (16:43) Don’t miss this chance to take control of your finances (16:46) by learning how to manage your money wisely (16:48) while doing it God’s way. (16:49) You must be subscribed to Eternal Wealth (16:52) to watch the free training.

(16:53) So go ahead and click that subscribe button now. (16:57) Visit shawntitaneh.com forward slash freedom (17:00) to learn more and watch the free training. (17:03) It’s time to level up.

(17:05) Welcome back. (17:06) Isn’t that so cool? (17:07) Be sure to subscribe now so you can get the free training. (17:10) The thing is you can’t save your way to wealth.

(17:13) You need a holistic approach to build real wealth. (17:16) So be sure to check out that training (17:18) to get the financial blueprint. (17:19) It’s literally change, it will change your life.

(17:22) So we’re gonna jump back in. (17:25) Tip number three to saving more (17:27) is using a coupon Chrome plugin. (17:31) This is a digital tool that helps you save money (17:34) while shopping online.

(17:36) These tools are fantastic for anyone (17:38) who does a lot of online shopping, (17:40) which let’s be honest is most of us. (17:43) So how do these plugins work? (17:45) So what they do is they automatically search the internet (17:49) for coupon codes and then apply the best code (17:52) to your purchase at checkout. (17:55) So imagine you’re buying a pair of shoes online (17:58) and you’re about to hit purchase button.

(18:00) So when the plugin kicks in, (18:03) it’s gonna be scouring the web for any available discounts. (18:07) So in seconds, it applies the best discount (18:10) and boom, just like that, (18:12) you’ve just saved 10, 20 or even 30% off your total. (18:16) So these savings might seem small in isolation, (18:19) but over time they can make a significant difference, (18:23) especially if you shop online frequently.

(18:25) And yes, some of them even work on Amazon. (18:29) And if you know me, you know I love me some Amazon. (18:32) So also just like the rest of the other 7 billion people (18:35) in the world, stay off of my Amazon.

(18:37) No, I’m joking. (18:37) But yeah, so it works on lots of different sites. (18:40) So another great feature of these plugins (18:43) is that they often include cashback offers.

(18:46) For example, you might get 5% cashback on a purchase (18:50) which can either be used towards your next purchase (18:52) or deposit it directly into your bank account. (18:54) So this feature alone can make using these plugins (18:58) a no brainer for anybody. (19:00) So especially if you’re looking to maximize (19:02) your savings effortlessly, it requires zero effort.

(19:06) So I literally do not shop online (19:09) without one of these coupon plugins. (19:11) And so my two favorite savings plugins are, (19:15) one is Coupon Birds and the second is Coupert. (19:18) I hope I’m saying it right, but that’s what it looks like.

(19:21) So head to the link in the description to sign up for free. (19:25) And also I’ll include a list of some other saving sites. (19:29) And by using my link, you will get a special bonus.

(19:31) So make sure you go to the link in the description (19:34) to get those bonuses and check out all of those saving sites (19:37) and to also be able to sign up for them for free. (19:39) So this is easy automatic savings. (19:42) It’s almost like having a personal shopper (19:43) who’s always looking for deals on your behalf.

(19:46) So do not miss out, download those plugins now. (19:51) Okay, so y’all, this is exactly what I did to save money (19:56) even when I didn’t have much money to save. (19:58) So as you can see, all three of these tips (20:01) don’t require you to have a lot of money to save.

(20:03) It’s other avenues that are allowing you to save. (20:06) And so we talked about a lot. (20:07) So let’s run it back.

(20:09) Let’s do a quick recap. (20:11) So we started with our mystery guest, Brian, (20:13) who wants to save money for his child. (20:16) We tied that into the parable of the 10 bridesmaids (20:20) found in Matthew 25 verses one through 13, (20:23) which showed us the importance of saving (20:26) for unforeseen circumstances.

(20:28) Then we connected it all together (20:31) with three tips to help you save more. (20:34) Tip one, start the $1 a day savings challenge. (20:38) Tip two, use bank account roundup features.

(20:42) And tip three, use coupon Chrome plugins. (20:47) That’s it. (20:48) And for those who stuck around, (20:50) I am so glad you’re still here with us.

(20:52) Go ahead and like and share this episode. (20:55) It will just help me out so much, okay? (20:58) And also it’s gonna help someone else. (21:00) Don’t you wanna be a blessing to somebody else? (21:02) But as promised for staying until the end, (21:05) your action for the week is to start (21:08) the $1 a day savings challenge.

(21:12) And to help you get started, (21:13) I created the savings challenge tracker (21:17) where you can start your savings challenge today (21:19) and keep track of your money saved. (21:22) So the tracker will have a space to track the dollars (21:25) as they add up each day, (21:26) as well as a daily Bible verse and positive affirmation. (21:31) You know, we gotta put God on top of it.

(21:33) What y’all think we was gonna do? (21:35) We gotta be in with God as we’re saving that money (21:39) so he can multiply it. (21:41) So head to the link in the description (21:42) to grab the savings challenge tracker. (21:46) And let me know that you’re committed (21:48) to starting this challenge.

(21:50) We’re gonna do this challenge together, okay? (21:52) Let me know that you are gonna do this challenge (21:54) by typing I’m starting the savings challenge (21:58) in the comments. (21:59) I’m starting the savings challenge in the comments. (22:01) You got this.

(22:02) I wanna connect with you guys if you’re doing the challenge (22:05) and we’re gonna pump each other up and do this together. (22:07) You can join my free community (22:08) and we’ll be talking about the challenge in there as well. (22:11) So I’ll drop the link to the community (22:13) as well in the description.

(22:16) So I would obviously love to pray for you guys (22:19) before we close out. (22:21) So let’s bow our heads and pray. (22:25) So dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much.

(22:29) Thank you. (22:30) We love you. (22:31) We honor you.

(22:33) We glorify you. (22:33) We praise you. (22:34) We give you all the honor.

(22:36) We just thank you for who you are (22:38) and all the things that you’re doing in our life, (22:40) all the things that you will do in our life (22:42) and all the things that you have done in our life. (22:45) Lord, today we come to you in Great Thanksgiving (22:48) asking for prayer around savings. (22:51) Lord, savings has always been such a tough topic (22:55) for a lot of us, Lord, but with you, it’s not tough anymore.

(22:58) With you, Lord, we pray that saving is easy. (23:01) We pray that each of my listeners (23:02) is able to save effectively and consistently (23:06) and grow their money, Lord. (23:08) We pray that their savings gets so big (23:10) that they’re able to buy more than they get asked for, (23:13) think or imagine.

(23:14) Every one of their savings goals is hit. (23:17) Every desire that they want to purchase, (23:19) they have the funds to do it, Lord. (23:21) We pray that you magnify these savings account, (23:23) that you grow them quickly, Lord, (23:28) and that we’re able to do good works (23:30) with the money that we’re saving, (23:31) that we’re able to save to live our life (23:33) and save to glorify you, Lord.

(23:35) We pray that any strongholds against savings, (23:39) anything that’s preventing us from saving, (23:41) anything that’s stopping us from saving, Lord, (23:43) we put that down right now. (23:45) We know that you’re greater than any obstacle, Lord. (23:47) We know that you come higher (23:50) than anything that might be stopping us.

(23:52) If you are for us, who or what can be against us? (23:55) Absolutely nothing, Lord. (23:57) So we pray that we just are able to save, (24:00) that we change our mindset about saving, (24:02) and that we just start today. (24:04) Please just put it in my listeners’ hearts to start today, (24:06) just with a dollar a day, Lord, and you will bless that.

(24:11) We pray that you bless the savings, you grow their savings. (24:14) We give you all the honor, we give you all the praise, (24:16) and it is in your mighty name that we all say amen. (24:20) Amen, amen, amen.

(24:23) So y’all know I never wanna end an episode (24:25) without giving you the opportunity (24:28) to enter into a relationship with God. (24:31) So you might be a mess right now. (24:34) You might got zero savings.

(24:35) You might have no money. (24:37) You might have a lot of money. (24:38) You might feel empty.

(24:39) You might feel full. (24:40) You might feel confused. (24:42) You might feel, whatever it is you’re feeling (24:44) that’s not of God, God can release you from that, okay? (24:47) And so God wants to step into your relationship with you.

(24:50) His hand is out reaching for you. (24:54) All you have to do is grab it back, okay? (24:56) So if you wanna step into a real relationship with God (24:58) and spend eternity with him in heaven, (25:01) all you have to do is give your life to him, okay? (25:04) And so I just want you, if you do want that for yourself, (25:07) all you have to do is repeat after me (25:09) and say this simple prayer. (25:11) It is, just repeat after me.

(25:13) Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and savior. (25:20) That’s it. (25:21) If you prayed that prayer, congratulations (25:24) and welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome (25:28) to the kingdom of heaven.

(25:30) The people in heaven are jumping for joy (25:33) because you just made the best decision of your entire life. (25:37) And so we wanna celebrate you. (25:39) So be sure to go to the link in the description (25:41) to get a special gift (25:43) that will help you start your faith journey.

(25:46) This is so exciting, so amazing. (25:48) You should be so proud of yourself because God is. (25:50) So let’s give it up for those (25:52) who just gave their life to Christ.

(25:53) And if you enjoyed this episode, (25:55) be sure to subscribe, like, and share. (25:59) Most importantly, share. (26:01) You guys, we gotta get this information out to the masses.

(26:04) Do not be a gatekeeper. (26:05) How about sharing this with someone else (26:08) as an act of giving? (26:09) So when you give, you receive. (26:12) So give this episode as a gift to somebody, okay? (26:16) But thank you guys so much for joining me.

(26:18) Until next time, peace, love, and eternal wealth. (26:23) Love you guys. (26:27) Congrats, you just finished another episode (26:29) of Eternal Wealth.

(26:31) If you want more, head over to shawntanet.com (26:34) for show notes and access to all the resources shared. (26:37) And if you’re looking for a new crew (26:39) of eternal wealth builders like you (26:41) to bounce ideas and ask questions, (26:43) be sure to join my exclusive community. (26:45) The link is waiting for you at shanitene.com.


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