
I Made $5,000 a Month in Extra Income With No Experience! [Ep 12]

Want to escape the rat race and make money on your own terms? Join Shani Tené, your favorite money coach, as she uncovers untapped online income opportunities. No experience necessary!

🎁 Money Bootcamp Referral Program 👉🏽 https://shanitene.com/referral

👀Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/DtHPUiSN_Ag



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Host: Shani Tené

Website: https://shanitene.com

Instagram:  @shanitene

TikTok:  @shanitene

YouTube: Eternal Wealth with Shani Tené

Book A Free Consultation: https://bit.ly/4d9MfI7



YouTube: https://youtu.be/74IvfdXnwbQ

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In this episode of Eternal Wealth, Shani Tené shares insightful tips and biblical principles to help you start making more money right from home. From affiliate marketing to leveraging referral programs, she breaks down how you can create new streams of income with ease.

Key Points:

Money Talk Series Overview
This episode is part of the Money Talk series, where we normalize conversations about money and financial challenges. Through personal stories and practical strategies, the series empowers listeners to tackle their money issues with faith-based solutions.

Mystery Guest
Meet Samantha, a 45-year-old former nurse caring for her sick mother. She shares her struggles after trying to start a baking business that ultimately failed. Samantha is searching for a way to make money from home while balancing caregiving duties.

Bible Story
Shani connects Samantha’s story to the biblical account of Elisha and the Widow’s Oil from 2 Kings 4:1-7. This story demonstrates the power of resourcefulness, creativity, and faith. God’s provision is as abundant as our willingness to act, even when the path forward isn’t clear.

Money Misconception
A common misconception is that you need a traditional job or physical product to make money. In fact, you can earn money online from the comfort of your home, even with no prior experience.

Tip #1: Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a simple way to earn passive income by promoting products or services from other companies. Shani explains how you can start earning commissions by sharing affiliate links with your network.

Tip #2: Referral Programs
Earn money by referring friends and family to services you already use! Shani highlights her Money Bootcamp referral program, where you can earn $100 for each successful referral. She also encourages listeners to explore other referral opportunities.

FREE Tool to Boost Investing
Before diving into the next tip, Shani shares a free resource designed to help you maximize your income and make money faster. Be sure to check out the link in the description!

Tip #3: Monetize Social Media
Platforms like YouTube and Instagram offer lucrative opportunities for content creators. Shani explains how you can turn your passion into profit through consistent, engaging content—even if you’re just starting out.


  • Samantha’s story of trying to earn money while caregiving.
  • The biblical lesson from the Widow’s Oil teaches resourcefulness and faith.
  • Three money-making strategies: Affiliate Marketing, Referral Programs, and Social Media Monetization.

BONUS Weekly Action
Pick one side hustle from today’s episode and start it this week! Download Shani’s free side hustle guide for actionable ideas and tips to get started right away.

Shani closes with a heartfelt prayer and extends an invitation for listeners to accept Jesus into their lives. This moment of reflection offers spiritual encouragement to take control of both financial and faith journeys.

Make sure to subscribe and download the free guide to start your money-making journey today!



0:00  Intro

0:34  Episode Topic

2:16 Mystery Guest

4:43 Bible Story

8:22 Money Misconception

9:02  Tip #1

11:37 Tip #2

15:34  FREE Money Tool 

16:50 Tip #3

21:45 Recap

22:33  BONUS Weekly Action

23:52  Prayer

27:19  Outro



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Wealthfront High Yield Savings Account:

Monarch Money Budgeting App



First Steps As a New Christian


The Bible App


THRIVE Devotional Bible


The Bible in 52 Weeks: Bible Study




This content is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Shani does not provide tax or investment advice. All investments carry risk, including the potential loss of principal. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Affiliate links in this description support the podcast at no extra cost to you – and oftentimes include discounts for you. Shani Tené participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Thank you for your support!



(0:00) Think outside the box, y’all. You gotta get out the box. The widow didn’t just sit around and wait (0:06) for things to get better.

She was proactive and willing to try something new. With a little (0:11) creativity, resourcefulness, and a willingness to try something new, you can turn your situation (0:17) around and achieve financial freedom. What’s up? I’m your favorite money coach, Shani Tanay.

(0:25) Welcome to Eternal Wealth, where finance meets faith. If you’re new here, be sure to click that (0:31) subscribe button because you’re not going to want to miss another show. But in today’s episode, (0:35) we’re talking all about how to make more money, money, money, money.

And so make sure you stick (0:44) around to the end because I’ll also share one resource that will help you make money faster (0:49) and one action that you can take this week to see immediate results with generating income. (0:55) So I have a question for you. Do you want to make more money, but you’re stuck? Maybe you have fear (1:00) of failure, afraid to take a risk or try new things.

Maybe you lack confidence and you’re (1:05) doubting your abilities, which limit your willingness to act. Maybe you have limited (1:09) skills or experience, and so you struggle to find well-paying jobs or struggle to start a business. (1:15) Or maybe you just don’t know what to do using the skills that you do have.

And maybe you just have (1:20) a negative mindset, pessimistic, complaining all the time, which ultimately limits initiative. (1:26) So whatever the case may be, you are in the right place because we have solutions. We are currently (1:33) in the Money Talk series where we are normalizing talking about money because let’s be honest, (1:40) people don’t talk about money.

It’s like money is this hidden taboo topic that we just skip over. (1:46) And so what we’re doing is that we’re having people submit anonymous stories where they’re (1:52) telling me their issues, and then on the show, I’m gonna provide real solutions that are based (1:57) in biblical principles. So if you have a money problem or you’re dealing with something that (2:00) you need help with, you can submit a written anonymous story by going to the link in the (2:05) description.

I won’t know who you are. The listeners won’t know who you are. Completely (2:09) anonymous, okay? And if your story is selected, you may or may not be our next mystery guest.

(2:16) But for today, our mystery guest is a female. She’s 45 years old. She’s single.

She’s a former (2:23) nurse. Her eight-year-old salary was $70,000 before quitting. And her average monthly expenses (2:29) are $3,000 a month.

And she’s located in the suburbs of the United States. So her identity (2:35) has been concealed for privacy reasons, but we will call her Samantha. So here’s what Samantha (2:42) has to say.

I’ve always been a caregiver. I love my job as a nurse, but when my mother fell ill, (2:50) I had to quit and take care of her. The bills started piling up and my savings dwindled.

(2:55) I tried to find part-time work, but it was tough with my hectic schedule. (3:00) I felt trapped, like I was drowning in a sea of debt. One day, I realized I couldn’t keep doing (3:06) this.

I had to find a way to make money, and fast. I started thinking about my hobbies. (3:12) I’ve always loved baking, and I’m really good at it.

So I decided to start a small bakery business (3:19) from home. It was a long shot, but it was my only hope. I poured my heart and soul into my creations, (3:26) hoping that people would love them as much as I did.

But no one bought my stuff, (3:32) and I ended up wasting so much money. I need to find a way to make money, (3:36) but I need it to be from home since I can’t leave my mother’s side. What can I do? (3:41) Samantha, thank you so much for sharing your story.

Taking care of a family member is a (3:46) tough task to take on, so bless you for giving up everything to help your mother. Honestly, (3:53) not many people would do that, and so you should be so proud of yourself for taking on that (3:58) all by yourself. But at the end of the day, I get it and totally understand that you need to (4:04) make money.

So if you are listening and you’re in the same boat as Samantha and need to make money (4:10) right now, put I’m a money maker in the comments, okay? I’m a money maker. Words are powerful, (4:17) and we must start speaking it, believing it for it to become true. So all of my money makers, (4:23) where y’all at? Let me hear you say I’m a money maker in the comments.

Drop that in there. I (4:28) will pray over each of you money makers. And so I’m really excited to share three tips with you (4:32) that will actually help you become a money maker.

And so before we get into the tips, (4:37) let’s take a look what God has to say about making that moolah, okay? Because it’s story time. (4:46) Let’s take a look at the story of Elijah and the widow’s oil in 2 Kings chapter 4 verses 1 through (4:52) 7. So imagine this. You’re struggling to make ends meet, bills are piling up, and you’re worried about (4:59) losing everything.

Sounds familiar, right? Well, the story of Elijah and the widow in 2 Kings 4 (5:05) verses 1 through 7 is a classic tale of financial hardship and a surprising solution. The widow in (5:13) this story was facing a tough situation. Her husband had just died, leaving her and her son (5:19) with little to no income.

And to make matters worse, a creditor was threatening to take her (5:25) sons as slaves to pay off her debt. Now that’s serious. And so it was a pretty dire situation.

(5:31) But Elisha the prophet had a plan. He told her to gather all the empty jars she could find and (5:39) fill them with oil. Then she was to pour the oil from one jar to another.

And it would just keep (5:47) multiplying. She followed his instructions. And before she knew it, she had enough oil to sell (5:54) and pay off her debt and even have some left over.

So in 2 Kings 4 verse 5, there’s a key verse that (6:01) says, go out and borrow empty jars from all your neighbors. Like, sit there and think about it. Go (6:08) out and borrow empty jars from all your neighbors.

So this verse emphasizes the importance of (6:14) resourcefulness and leveraging of available resources, even if they seem significant. So (6:20) sometimes we don’t want to do stuff because we’re like, that’s not going to make an impact. I don’t (6:24) want to ask anybody for anything.

That little bit is not going to help me. But as you can see in this (6:29) story, something that seems so insignificant became very significant. And then in 2 Kings 4 verse 6, (6:35) it says, there is not a jar left.

Then the oil stopped flowing. And so look at this, you guys, (6:42) the oil stopped pouring only when they ran out of containers. So the number of jars they gathered (6:48) was an indication of their faith.

So God’s provision was as large as their faith and willingness to be (6:54) obedient. And so what we have to understand is that God is able to do more than we can ask for, (7:01) think, or imagine. So don’t limit his blessing by lack of faith and obedience.

So what can we learn (7:08) from this story? First is think outside the box, y’all. You got to get out the box. The widow (7:14) didn’t just sit around and wait for things to get better.

She was proactive and willing to try (7:19) something new. So leverage your resources. The oil and the jars was a resource she had available, (7:25) so she used it.

And so by using it creatively, she was able to turn her situation around. So (7:30) you just got to be creative. Is create multiple streams of income.

Selling the oil was essentially (7:36) creating a source of income. So this is a strategy that can be incredibly helpful in today’s economy. (7:42) So don’t be afraid to ask for help.

The widow went to Elisha for guidance. Sometimes seeking (7:50) advice from a trusted friend or mentor can make all of the difference. So the next time you’re (7:57) feeling overwhelmed by financial stress, remember the story of Elisha and the widow.

With a little (8:04) creativity, resourcefulness, and a willingness to try something new, you can turn your situation (8:10) around and achieve financial freedom. So let’s talk about how we can be like the widow and make (8:17) some money, honey. Let’s get this money, honey.

All right. So let’s circle back to Samantha. (8:25) So Samantha mentioned that she tried starting a baking business and it failed, which is (8:31) unfortunate.

But there is a common misconception that the only way to make real money is to get (8:36) a job or start selling something physical. That is not true at all, because you can make money (8:43) right from the comfort of your own couch. Or if you’re like me and you like your bed, you can make (8:48) it from your bed.

It’s called making money online, people. And the best part is you don’t have to have (8:55) any experience like zero, zero, zero experience. Okay.

So let’s talk about how. Tip number one. (9:04) Way number one is going to be affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is one of the most (9:10) straightforward ways to earn income online. So affiliate marketing involves promoting products (9:15) or services from other companies and earning a commission for every sale or action made through (9:22) your unique referral link. It’s a super simple way.

So it’s a fantastic way to monetize your online (9:29) presence, whether you have a blog, social media following, or even a newsletter, or if you don’t (9:35) have anything, it’s a great way to start. So here’s how it works. You sign up for an affiliate program.

(9:41) Amazon Associates is a good one. Yes. Amazon, the place where we all shop and drop and roll, (9:48) has an associates affiliate program.

So for example, once you apply for it, once you get (9:54) approved, you get access to a unique link that tracks any sales that come through it. So when (10:00) you share this link with your audience or with your family or with your friends, and they make (10:04) a purchase on Amazon, you earn a percentage of the sale. Now I know y’all all know people who (10:10) shop at Amazon because I know a ton, including myself.

So basically you can capitalize on all (10:17) of those purchases. All you have to do is use your affiliate link and you earn commissions. So there (10:23) are thousands and thousands of other companies that have affiliate programs like this.

And so the (10:28) beauty of affiliate marketing is that you don’t need to create or manage the products yourself. (10:33) Your job is to provide value by recommending products or services that align with your niche (10:40) or your audience’s interests. And so the key is to be authentic.

So I would only recommend really (10:46) promoting products that you genuinely believe in or have used yourself because this builds trust (10:51) with your audience, which is pretty much crucial for long-term success. So a practical tip is to (10:57) basically integrate these links naturally into your conversations, into your life, into your content. (11:03) So for example, if you’re like a fitness enthusiast, you might write a blog post about your (11:08) favorite workout gear and include affiliate links to those products.

Or if you’re active on YouTube, (11:14) you could do product reviews with affiliate links in the description. Or maybe you don’t have any of (11:20) those things, you can literally just send these links to your friends and family. It doesn’t (11:24) have to be tied to a specific thing that you’re doing.

And so the more valuable your content, the (11:29) more likely your audience will click through and make that purchase. So affiliate links, (11:34) favorite, favorite, favorite. Referral programs.

Referral programs are another excellent way to (11:41) generate income. Many companies offer cash or rewards for referring new customers to their (11:46) services. And so the concept is pretty simple.

You share a referral link or a code. And when someone (11:53) signs up or makes a purchase using your referral, you earn a reward. And so this is not necessarily (12:01) the same as affiliate link.

They kind of work a little bit different. And so the great thing about (12:05) referrals is that they can come from multiple sources. So for instance, many apps and subscription (12:12) services offer referral bonuses.

So if you’re already using a product or a service that you love, (12:19) you just want to check to see if they have a referral program. Say for example, the skincare (12:24) that I use, they have a referral program so I can refer other people to get the same skincare (12:30) products that I use and I get a bonus. Okay.

A little bit different than how the affiliate (12:36) links work. Okay. So if they start using my skincare product or whatever you’re sending them, (12:42) and I start sharing this with my friends and family, then I will get that bonus on my back end.

(12:46) So you’d be surprised at how quickly these rewards can add up. It might even be in the sense of like, (12:53) okay, I get a discount off of my next purchase, or they give me a 30% off coupon, or they might (12:59) actually give me cash rewards. So it varies based on whatever the program that you’re using.

(13:05) Aside from that, maybe you’re like, Shawnee, I don’t have hair care stuff. I don’t have facial (13:09) stuff. I don’t have, and it doesn’t even have to do with beauty.

Those are just examples, but maybe (13:12) you don’t have none of that. But guess what? I got a solution that every single person, no matter who (13:19) you are, can join a referral program. Okay.

It’s very specific and lucrative because it’s mine (13:26) and I’m offering it to you guys. Okay. So I have a referral program.

So my referral program is for (13:33) my exclusive money coaching program called Money Bootcamp, where I teach people how to build wealth (13:39) the kingdom way. Okay. So I go through their budgeting, their giving, their savings, (13:44) their investing, and their debt elimination.

I cover all of those things in my program. (13:49) So when you refer someone to Money Bootcamp and they join, guess what, y’all? I am personally going (13:56) to give you $100. I’m going to give you a $100 referral bonus.

So you heard that correctly, (14:02) $100. And so this isn’t just a one-time deal. So every person you refer means another $100 (14:09) in your pocket.

So think about the potential here, you guys. So if you refer just five people, (14:16) that’s $500. 10 people, that’s $1,000.

And the best part is you’re helping others gain valuable (14:23) financial knowledge and tools while you earn money. So if you’re already talking about personal (14:28) finance, budgeting, or money management with your friends, or online, or you’ve told them about this (14:34) podcast, then why not leverage that into a solid income stream? And so I have a lot of people (14:43) who aren’t necessarily even my clients who use my referral program, and they’ve created an entire (14:49) new revenue stream just by referring people to me. I always said, like, when I have a business, (14:55) I want to be able to help other people make money.

And so this is one of my ways of giving back, (15:01) is that, yes, I want to give you $100 if you have someone refer to me who ends up working for me, (15:06) because it’s a win-win. You get $100, and that person gets financial help. And so, (15:12) yes, Money Bootcamp referral program is awesome.

But keep in mind, there are thousands of other (15:17) referral programs, just like mine, that you can take advantage of. You just got to go check those (15:21) out, okay? And so before we get into the third tip, let’s check out something from one of our (15:28) partners that will help you make money faster, and it’s totally free. So check this out.

(15:35) Hey, Wealth Builders, let’s talk about taking your finances to the next level. (15:39) I’m excited to partner with Coachline, a leader in financial coaching services. (15:43) They’re currently offering a free training, Five Steps to Reach Financial Freedom, (15:48) the Kingdom Way.

In this training, you’ll get actionable steps to help you budget, give, (15:55) optimize your savings, get out of debt, and create an investment strategy to build real wealth. (16:01) There’s literally things you can do today that will set you up for the rest of your life. (16:05) Ultimately, the goal is to help you create a financial plan without the overwhelm.

Don’t (16:11) miss this chance to take control of your finances by learning how to manage your money wisely, (16:16) while doing it God’s way. You must be subscribed to Eternal Wealth to watch the free training. (16:21) So go ahead and click that subscribe button now.

Visit shawntitaneh.com forward slash freedom (16:28) to learn more and watch the free training. It’s time to level up. Welcome back.

So cool. Be sure (16:35) that you subscribe now so you can get that free training. The thing is, making more money is just (16:40) one piece of the puzzle.

You need a holistic approach to generate real wealth. So be sure (16:45) to check out the training to get the financial blueprint. It’s literally a game changer.

But (16:50) jumping back in to tip number three to making more money is to monetize social media. Lastly, (16:57) let’s explore how you can monetize social media. Because specifically through content creation (17:01) on platforms like YouTube and Instagram, the potential for making money is out of this (17:07) world.

Mind blown. So we’re living in a time where turning your passion into profit is more (17:12) accessible than ever. Again, anybody can do this.

You don’t need skills. So just stay with me. (17:17) So if you’re knowledgeable or passionate about a particular subject, whether it’s cooking, (17:23) fitness, personal finance, or even a hobby like knitting, you can create content around it and (17:29) get paid.

So like Samantha, instead of actually creating actual cupcakes, she could create (17:35) content around how to actually bake, put that on YouTube or Instagram and get paid from that. (17:40) That’s how she’s turning something physical into something digital. And so this is what you want (17:45) to do.

All you want to do is start by creating content that adds value to your audience. So (17:50) this could be through how-to videos, tutorials, or even sharing your personal journey and experiences. (17:57) And as your content gains traction, you’ll start earning money through ad revenue based on video (18:04) views.

And so basically, the more engaging and valuable your content is, the more likely you’re (18:10) able to attract a larger audience leading to higher earnings. Okay. And so I really want to (18:16) focus on YouTube and Instagram because they’re literally paying you for video views.

So when (18:23) people watch your videos, you get paid. It’s that simple. So you can literally start today and start (18:30) seeing income specifically on Instagram.

YouTube has some parameters that you have to meet before (18:34) you start making money. But Instagram, you can start that immediately. They start busting out (18:38) that money ASAP.

Okay. And so in my opinion, I actually prefer YouTube. I love YouTube because (18:45) I feel like it’s the most underrated social platform there is.

So it has the power to make (18:50) you the most money. So simply by creating videos, you can make money. And okay.

And before y’all (18:57) come at me, you do not have to have all the lighting and the clear cameras and the mics (19:04) and all the stuff that I have. You can literally just record straight from your phone. People are (19:09) making tons of money doing that now with all the glitz and the glamors and the lights and the (19:14) cameras and the actions.

Okay. All you need is your phone. And then once you generate income, (19:19) you can upgrade your equipment.

Okay. I started on my phone. Okay.

So we’re here now because we’re (19:24) getting that money and we upgraded our equipment. So you can do the same. And so as you build a (19:29) following, opportunities for sponsored posts and collaborations with brands will just start (19:34) coming your way.

And brands are always on the lookout for influencers with engaged audiences (19:40) who align with their values. And so this can really lead to like lucrative sponsorship deals (19:45) that pay you to promote their products or services. So whenever you hear someone say, (19:50) like, check this out from our sponsors or whatever, they’re getting paid to do that.

Okay. (19:55) And brands are always looking for people to do it. It doesn’t matter how many followers you have, (19:58) you can start with one follower.

Like you just got to get started. And so the key to success on (20:03) these platforms is essentially consistency and authenticity. So people connect with genuine (20:09) stories and relatable content.

So don’t be afraid to share your journey. You could just get on the (20:15) camera and start talking about your, your life, um, your challenges, your victories. Um, and guess (20:20) what? Even if you’re an introvert, there is a space for you here too.

There’s tons of introverts (20:25) online making money. You don’t have to have this bubbly personality like me. You can be (20:30) monotone and sit there and talk like whatever.

And people there’s people out there that are (20:34) going to love you. So over time, as you build trust and credibility, your audience will go. (20:39) And so will your income opportunities.

So all you got to do is just start by recording yourself, (20:44) talking about something that you’re passionate about and post it. That’s it. Okay.

So just pick (20:49) something and just start posting. And you will see that it’s not as crazy as it, as it seems, (20:54) or as difficult as it seems. Okay.

So basically to sum this all up, all up these three static (21:00) strategies, affiliate marketing, referral programs, and social media monetization offer powerful ways (21:06) to generate income without the stress of running a traditional business. Okay. And so they’re (21:12) flexible, they’re scalable, and they can be integrated into your daily life, allowing you (21:17) to create multiple streams of income and do it in the comfort of your own home and still allow you (21:24) to do what you actually love.

So whether you’re looking to like supplement your income or build (21:29) a new revenue stream, these methods can help you achieve those financial goals. And there’s something (21:33) that I do all three of them, you guys. And I love it.

I don’t have a regular business like this is (21:40) my business. Okay. And it could be your business too.

Okay. And so we talked a lot. So let’s run (21:46) it back.

Let’s do a quick recap. So we started with our mystery guest, Samantha, who needs to (21:51) make money as she cares for her mother. We tied that together with the story of Elisha and the (21:57) widow’s oil in Second Kings four verses one through seven, that teaches us that we can make money by (22:02) being proactive and trying something new.

Then we connected it together with three tips to help you (22:09) make money. Tip number one was affiliate marketing. Tip number two was referral programs.

And tip (22:17) number three was monetize social media. And so for those of you who stick around, I’m so glad that (22:23) you’re still here with us. Go ahead and give this episode a like and share it with someone who you (22:28) think could benefit from these tips.

And so as promised for staying until the end, your action (22:34) for the week is to drum roll, pick one side hustle and start earning money ASAP. So it could be any of (22:43) those three things that we talked about, or it could be something completely different. But guess (22:47) what? I created a side hustle guide for you with tons of options that you can choose from.

So just (22:52) go ahead and download it right now by going to the link in the description is totally free. And you (22:58) never know your side hustle could become your main hustle. I mean, look at me now.

Fresh then a (23:05) Oh, that’s bad. Cut that out. Look at me now.

YouTube is eventually going to be my main thing. And (23:12) that’s all thanks to you guys. So I do want to say thank you guys so much.

Thank you so much for (23:16) watching. I would not be where I am without you guys. But let me know that you are committed to (23:20) completing this weekly action by leaving and I’m taking control of my money in the comments.

I’m (23:27) taking control of my money because you are you are in control. God’s in control of you and then (23:33) you in control. But actually let’s change it.

God, me and God are taking control of our of my money. (23:39) Okay, however you want to put it put it in there. I’m taking control of my money because ultimately (23:43) you’re the one who’s going to be doing it.

Okay. And so I would love to pray for you before we go. (23:49) So let’s pray.

Let’s go. All right. So dear Heavenly Father, thank you for today.

As always, (23:56) thank you for my listeners, as I mentioned, obviously without you, but without my listeners (24:00) listening to this, I would not be where I am. So I just want to thank them for tuning in every (24:06) Wednesday, every week, because the date might change every week, Lord. But I just want to (24:14) come to you in Great Thanksgiving and just prayer around growth, Lord, I pray that you expand the (24:21) territories of my listeners, Lord, that you just increase their territories, you increase their (24:27) finances, you increase their money, that money just flows to them easily, Lord, that they don’t (24:32) have a difficult time making more money, that money just flows to them easily, Lord.

I pray that (24:38) you just bless them exceedingly abundantly, above all, give them more than they can ask for, think (24:44) or imagine, Lord, just overflow in this place, overflow blessings in their life, Lord, let money (24:51) not be a burden. Let money not hold them back. Let money be second nature.

They don’t let them (24:58) get to a point where they don’t have to check their bank accounts before swiping their cards, (25:01) Lord, let them be so fruitful, so abundant, that they’re able to move with peace, move with ease, (25:08) Lord. I just pray for increase, increase, increase, increase over the lives of my listeners, Lord, (25:12) that they’re able to take on one of these side hustles and really run with it and just see the (25:17) fruits of their labor, Lord. I pray that you just bless them, Lord, and it is in your mighty name (25:21) that we pray.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

And so I never want to end an episode without giving you the (25:28) opportunity to enter into an eternal relationship with God. So if you are going through things right (25:36) now, maybe you’re struggling with your money, with your life, with your parents, with your family, (25:41) with your spouse, with your significant other, just with work, with job, just with life, because (25:47) life be life, and if you’re going through life, and you’re not happy, and you’re not where you (25:53) want to be, the only thing that can change that is God. So I want to give you the opportunity to (25:57) enter into a relationship with him where he can renew you.

He can wash you white as snow (26:02) and put you on a path to greatness. So if you want to step into that with God and make him your Lord (26:08) and Savior and spend eternity with him in heaven, all you have to do is repeat this simple prayer (26:14) and repeat after me. So it’s, Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and Savior.

And that’s it. If you prayed (26:26) that prayer, congratulations, and welcome to the kingdom of heaven. We’re so excited for you.

As I (26:33) always say, the heavens are roaring, the heavens are jumping, the heavens are celebrating, because (26:38) they have just received another eternal member of heaven. Okay, so best decision you’ve ever made. (26:46) Congratulations, and we want to celebrate with you.

So be sure to click the link in the description (26:50) to get a special gift to help you start your faith walk. I am so excited for you because (26:57) literally your life is going to change after today. Okay, and so let’s just give a round of (27:01) applause for those who just gave their life to Christ.

And if you enjoyed this episode, be sure (27:06) to subscribe, like, and share. And so thank you guys so much for joining me. Until next time, peace, (27:13) love, and eternal wealth.


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