These 10 Savings Apps Saved Me $116,864

Frugal living isn’t the only way to save a lot of money. In this video, I’ll share how I saved $116,864 using 10 specific savings apps. Start growing your savings today! 

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🔥 Special Gift – I got saved!:

🔥 Windfalls:

🔥 Wealthfront:

🔥 Rakuten:

🔥 Coupon Birds:

🔥 Sequence:

🔥 Chevron:

🔥 Fetch: (use code 3F7F11)

🔥 Kroger:

🔥 Monarch Money:

🔥 Acorns:



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0:00  Intro

2:35 App #1

3:03: App #9

3:29: App #8

4:04 App #7

4:24 BONUS 

4:52 App #6

5:41 App #5

6:16 App #4

6:58 App #3

7:32 App #2

8:28 App #1

9:50  Prayer

12:32  Outro



(0:00) Starting from having thousands and thousands of dollars in savings to being laid off and blowing (0:05) through all of my savings to turning things around and rebuilding my savings from scratch. (0:12) In today’s episode, I’m going to cover 10 apps that I use personally that have all together (0:18) saved me $116,864 from exclusive digital coupons to personalized deals. (0:27) This app helps me stack up savings on everyday essentials.

(0:33) What’s up? I’m your favorite money coach, Shawnee Tanay. (0:36) Welcome to Eternal Wealth, where finance meets faith. (0:39) In today’s episode, we’re talking all about how to save more money so you can be prepared (0:44) for emergencies and have extra money to do the things you love.

(0:49) Now, I’ve been on my savings journey for 10 years, and in that time period, it has been (0:54) a roller coaster, up and down, up and down, starting from having thousands and thousands (1:00) of dollars in savings to being laid off and blowing through all of my savings to turning (1:05) things around and rebuilding my savings from scratch. (1:10) In today’s episode, I’m going to cover 10 apps that I use personally that have all together (1:16) saved me $116,864. (1:22) Yes, I actually did my best to try to calculate it.

(1:25) I want to share these money-saving tools with you because they will help you thrive and (1:31) get your savings to a place that you are proud of. (1:34) And the Bible encourages us to plan and save so we can build wealth. (1:39) In Proverbs 21.5, it says, (1:42) The plans of the diligent lead to abundance, as surely as haste leads to poverty.

(1:48) So this verse really emphasizes that careful use of tools and resources can lead to wealth (1:54) over time. (1:55) So let’s use the tools we have. (1:57) And so I’m going to share the tools if you promise to use them.

(2:01) All right. (2:02) And so, of course, the links to all the tools are going to be in the description. (2:05) And by using my specific links, you will get access to bonuses and in some cases, free (2:10) cash.

(2:10) So check those out. (2:12) I’m going to give you the list of savings apps from 10 to 1. (2:16) And I’m not even going to say from worst to best because the tools are literally all (2:22) amazing. (2:23) But I will end with my most favorite savings tools.

(2:27) So stay locked in. (2:29) Y’all ready? (2:30) Let’s go. (2:32) All right.

(2:32) Tool number 10. (2:34) Acorns. (2:35) Acorns is like a digital piggy bank with an investment twist.

(2:39) It rounds up your purchases and saves the spare change. (2:43) So let’s just say your coffee is $3.75. (2:46) It’s going to round it up to $4 and save the 25 cents. (2:51) I love it because it’s effortless and you’re building a savings with every coffee or grocery (2:56) store run without even thinking about it.

(2:59) Savings tool number nine is Monarch Money. (3:03) Monarch Money makes budgeting feel luxurious. (3:06) And y’all know I love the Lux Life.

(3:08) I love it because it’s an all-in-one app that tracks your spending, savings and financial (3:14) goals. (3:15) The great thing about it is it lets me visualize my progress and keeps me on track to crush (3:21) my savings goals in a fun and easy to use platform. (3:24) Next up, savings tool number eight is the Kroger app.

(3:29) If you know me, you know I love food. (3:32) And the Kroger app is a goldmine for grocery savings. (3:35) From exclusive digital coupons to personalized deals, this app helps me stack up savings (3:41) on everyday essentials.

(3:42) And I really love how it transformed my grocery trips into money savings adventures because (3:48) I am not a fan of shopping at the grocery store, but using the app makes me a little (3:53) bit more happy because I know I’m saving. (3:54) So if you don’t have a Kroger in your area, I’m sure your local grocery store has a (3:59) similar app so you can check that out. (4:01) Savings tool number seven is Fetch.

(4:05) Fetch is a savings superhero. (4:07) All you do is snap pictures of your receipts and boom, you earn points for every purchase, (4:15) which you can redeem for gift cards. (4:17) The simplicity of it is amazing and every shopping trip, you basically turn it into (4:22) a way to get rewards.

(4:24) Knowing the tools to use to save more money is just one of the seven keys to building (4:30) eternal wealth. (4:31) You can check out all the seven keys and unlock your full potential by grabbing my seven keys (4:36) to eternal wealth mini course today. (4:38) You will get a biblically based blueprint to reaching financial freedom.

(4:43) I’ll drop the link in the description so you can check it out. (4:46) Coming in at number six, we have the Chevron app. (4:50) So Chevron’s gas app saves you money at the pump.

(4:54) So I love using it because it’s packed with deals and discounts on gas and y’all looking (5:00) at them prices like I’m looking at them prices. (5:02) Those prices are crazy. (5:03) So any savings I can get on my gas, I’m all in.

(5:06) So it’s a no brainer. (5:07) If you’re looking to save a few extra bucks every time you fill up and if you don’t have (5:12) Chevron in your area, check out your local gas station and I’m sure they have something (5:16) similar, but the Chevron one is really dope because right now they have your first three (5:21) fill ups. (5:22) You get a dollar off every gallon and if you do the math that actually adds up.

(5:26) Okay, y’all we are halfway through the list. (5:29) If you love saving money as much as I do, go ahead and hit that like button and let’s (5:34) get into the top five saving apps. (5:37) Okay, so my number five savings app is Sequence.

(5:42) Sequence is a sneaky silent killer. (5:46) A lot of people don’t know about it. (5:47) Sequence is about saving with a plan.

(5:51) It helps you create automated financial steps to reach your savings goals without lifting (5:55) a finger. (5:56) You can literally set up automatic transfers between your banks and investing accounts (6:01) so you never forget to save each month. (6:04) I love how it takes the stress out of managing my money.

(6:07) It’s like having a saving strategy on autopilot. (6:11) Coming in at number four spot, we have Coupon Birds. (6:16) Coupon Birds is a must for anyone who loves deals.

(6:20) It automatically applies the best coupons when you shop online. (6:23) Using this app reminds me of how I feel when I find random money in my pocket or in the (6:29) couch. (6:29) I know y’all know that feeling.

(6:30) It’s the best feeling in the world and that’s what this app kind of gives you, that feeling. (6:35) I never miss out on a discount using this app. (6:40) Now it’s time for my top three savings apps.

(6:45) All right y’all, so these are my top dogs, my top go-tos. (6:49) I don’t go a day without these bad boys. (6:51) So my number three savings tool is Rakuten.

(6:57) Rakuten gives you cash back just for shopping. (7:00) With thousands of stores to choose from, I love how easy it is to rack up savings while (7:05) shopping for everything from clothes to travel to household items, basically anything. (7:12) Really, it’s free money for buying what I already love.

(7:16) I’m basically getting money back for buying things that I was already going to buy in (7:20) the first place. (7:20) Why not get the free money? (7:22) So that’s coming in hot at three. (7:25) Coming in in second place, my number two savings app is Wealthfront.

(7:33) Wealthfront is my go-to for savings. (7:35) It’s a high yield savings account that helps maximize my savings with high interest cash (7:41) accounts. (7:42) So this app has probably saved me the most out of all the apps because the returns are (7:46) consistent and high, averaging about five percent.

(7:50) So what this means is that any money that I put into this account, I automatically get (7:55) five percent back in cold, hard cash. (7:58) It’s literally free money just from keeping my money in the account. (8:02) You cannot beat that, okay? (8:04) So if you have your money in a regular savings account, you automatically want to just go (8:08) ahead and move that over to a high yield savings account.

(8:10) That one specifically. (8:11) All right. (8:12) Okay, and y’all, we have made it to the end, to the big dog.

(8:18) My number one favorite savings app. (8:21) Can I get a drum roll, please? (8:25) My number one favorite savings app is Windfalls. (8:29) Windfalls is changing the game because it allows you to literally put your savings on autopilot.

(8:37) It’s an AI bill negotiator. (8:39) So basically how it works is that you upload a bill, like I did my internet bill. (8:44) The AI does his thing, because AI be AI-ing, and then literally within hours, they send (8:50) you an email letting you know how much they saved on your bill.

(8:53) I did it for all my bills, internet, phone, cable, insurance, and so many others, and (8:59) ended up with thousands of dollars worth of savings. (9:02) You cannot beat the savings that this app provides, and even more so, you don’t even (9:07) have to do anything. (9:08) It’s like you upload your bill and then it does everything else for you.

(9:12) Who loves a good hands-off situation? (9:15) Me, because I don’t even got time to do the work, calling up them folks, asking for the (9:19) discounts. (9:20) Them days are over. (9:21) This app literally does it for you and gets you awesome, awesome, awesome discounts.

(9:26) Okay, so there you have it. (9:28) The 10 tools that saved me $116,864. (9:36) Okay, so the links to all of these tools are in the description, and remember, if you use (9:41) my links, you will get special bonuses, and in some cases, free cash.

(9:45) So let me know in the comments which tool excites you the most or which tool you plan (9:50) on using. (9:51) So let’s pray before we head out. (9:55) Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for today.

(9:58) Thank you so much for my listeners, Lord. (10:00) We just are giving you all the glory today. (10:03) We exalt you.

(10:04) We honor you, and Lord, we just pray that we utilize the resources, the tools that we (10:09) have around us to help boost our savings, Lord. (10:12) I pray that you give my listeners motivation to look into these tools, go to the description, (10:18) get the links, and start to utilize them so they can be able to save more, and so then, (10:24) Lord, we pray that when they use these apps, it actually saves them money, their savings (10:28) grows, now they feel more prepared for emergencies, and they’re able to do the things in life (10:33) that you’ve called them to do and also be able to do things that are fun for them and (10:38) things that they enjoy, Lord. (10:39) So I pray that you just cover my listeners, you protect them, and you help them understand (10:44) how to use these apps, that these apps are easy for them to understand and use, and that (10:49) ultimately, Lord, it just magnifies their savings.

(10:52) In your mighty name, we pray these things. (10:55) In Jesus’ name, amen. (10:58) And I never want to end without giving you the opportunity to enter into a relationship (11:02) with God.

(11:03) So if you do not have a relationship with God, you don’t have that understanding of (11:09) the love that I tend to talk about every week after week, and you really want to get to (11:15) know God on a more personal level. (11:17) You really want to tap in and spend eternity with him in heaven. (11:20) You really want to experience the joy that comes from being in relationship with Christ, (11:26) or maybe you’ve just gone astray and you need to get back on the right path and step (11:33) into partnership with God, partner with him on your finances, partner with him in your (11:38) life, and just really commit yourself back to him.

(11:41) If that sounds like you or something that you want, then I’m just going to say, repeat (11:45) this short, simple prayer, okay? (11:47) So repeat after me. (11:49) Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and Savior. (11:55) And that’s it.

(11:56) If you prayed that prayer, congratulations. (11:59) And welcome, welcome, welcome to the kingdom of heaven. (12:03) I’m so proud of you.

(12:04) God is so proud of you. (12:05) Everybody in heaven is so proud of you. (12:07) This is one of the best decisions you can ever make.

(12:09) And so we want to celebrate you. (12:12) And so click the link in the description to get the guide to help you as you navigate (12:17) this new walk with Christ. (12:20) So we’re excited to celebrate you.

(12:22) So I just want to thank you so much for joining me. (12:24) Until next time, peace, love, and eternal wealth. (12:29) Love you guys.

(12:33) Congrats. (12:33) You just finished another episode of Eternal Wealth. (12:36) If you want more, head over to for show notes and access to all the resources (12:42) shared.

(12:43) And if you’re looking for a new crew of eternal wealth builders like you to bounce ideas and (12:48) ask questions, be sure to join my exclusive community. (12:51) The link is waiting for you at


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