
3 Simple Ways to Earn Extra Income Without Starting a Business (Even in a Crisis!) [Ep 5]

👀 Subscribe & Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/EUkrjiPfubo

Feeling the pinch financially? You’re not alone! In this episode of Eternal Wealth, Shani Tené shares 3 SIMPLE ways to make extra income WITHOUT the stress of starting a business.



🔥Submit Money Questions: https://shanitene.com/help

🔥FREE Get Started with Stocks Guide: https://shanitene.com/stockguide

🔥The Story of The Proverbs 31 Woman in Proverbs 31: 10-31

🔥Sign up for Rakuten Cashback: https://shanitene.com/rakuten

🔥Special Gift – I got saved!: https://shanitene.com/saved


Host: Shani Tené

Website: https://shanitene.com

Instagram: https://instagram.com/shanitene

YouTube: https://youtube.com/shanitene

TikTok: @shanitene

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make extra income, side hustle, money saving tips, christian finance, Proverbs 31 Woman, bank churning, cash back shopping, investing for beginners, financial freedom, make money fast, extra income ideas, side hustle no money, how to make money online, passive income tips, budget friendly side hustle


Money Talk Series Overview (00:00 – 02:33)

The podcast opens with Shani Tené discussing the importance of financial and spiritual growth. She introduces the series focus on financial tips and insights that align with biblical principles. The aim is to provide listeners with practical strategies for creating multiple streams of income and achieving financial independence while staying grounded in faith.

Mystery Guest (02:33 – 03:45)

A special mystery guest is teased, adding an element of excitement to the episode. The guest is expected to share valuable insights and experiences that align with the podcast’s themes of finance and faith.

Bible Story (03:45 – 06:15)

Shani shares a biblical story that ties into the theme of financial wisdom. She emphasizes the importance of seeking guidance from scripture when making financial decisions. The story highlights the virtues of prudence, diligence, and trust in God’s provision.

Money Misconception (06:15 – 08:25)

A common money misconception is addressed: the belief that accumulating wealth is inherently wrong. Shani clarifies that money itself is not evil; rather, it’s the love of money that can lead to negative outcomes. She stresses that wealth can be a tool for doing good when used wisely and in alignment with God’s will.

Tip #1 (08:25 – 10:40)

The first tip to generate extra income is bank churning. Shani explains how signing up for bank account bonuses can provide an easy way to make additional money. She gives an example of how opening new bank accounts with promotional offers can lead to significant financial gains without much effort.

Tip #2 (10:40 – 15:10)

The second tip involves using cashback platforms for online shopping. Shani describes how these platforms can help save money on purchases already planned. By shopping through cashback websites, consumers can receive a percentage of their purchase back in cash, which accumulates over time. She highlights Rakuten as her favorite cashback platform and encourages listeners to sign up using her referral link for a special bonus.

FREE Tool to Boost Investing (15:10 – 17:39)

A free resource is introduced from one of the podcast’s partners, Coachline, which offers a guide to getting started with stocks. This guide includes steps to understand stocks, determine an investing budget, choose stocks, and open a brokerage account. The aim is to demystify investing and help listeners start growing their wealth through the stock market.

Tip #3 (17:39 – 25:03)

The third tip is to start investing as soon as possible. Shani explains the power of compounding interest and how consistent investing, even small amounts, can lead to significant financial growth over time. She encourages listeners to cut unnecessary expenses and redirect that money into investments. Shani also mentions a video she created that outlines the steps to start investing for beginners.

Recap (25:03 – 25:06)

Shani recaps the episode, summarizing the three tips discussed: bank churning, using cashback platforms, and starting to invest. She reiterates the importance of creating multiple streams of income and aligning financial decisions with biblical principles.

BONUS Weekly Action (25:06 – 25:06)

For listeners who stay until the end, Shani provides a weekly action item: signing up for Rakuten’s cashback platform. She emphasizes the ease and benefits of this action and encourages listeners to commit by using the hashtag #cashback in the comments.

Prayer (25:06 – 25:06)

The episode concludes with a prayer, thanking God for the listeners and asking for blessings on their financial journeys. Shani prays for wisdom, provision, and financial growth for her audience, encouraging them to trust in God’s guidance and grace.

Shani also extends an invitation to listeners who want to start a relationship with God, offering a simple prayer for them to follow. She celebrates those who make this decision and directs them to a special gift to help them start their faith walk.

The episode ends with Shani thanking her listeners, encouraging them to subscribe for more content, and expressing her love and blessings for them.


0:00  Intro

0:37  Episode Topic

1:40  Money Talk Series Overview

2:48  Mystery Guest

5:33  Bible Story

10:03  Money Misconception

10:38  Tip #1

13:17  Tip #2

16:14  FREE Tool to Boost Savings

17:17  Tip #3

19:21  Recap

20:27  BONUS Weekly Action

21:24  Prayer

24:45  Outro


(0:00) She’s a hustler. She’s a hustler. She’s not just spending money.

She’s making money. And so this (0:07) woman is a boss at turning her ideas into cash. And we have to step out of our comfort zone, (0:14) do unconventional things if we want unconventional results.

(0:20) What’s up? I’m your favorite money coach, Shani Tené. Welcome to Eternal Wealth, (0:25) where finance meets faith. If you’re new here, be sure to click that subscribe button.

You’re (0:31) not going to want to miss another show. In today’s episode, we are talking all about three simple (0:38) ways to earn extra income without the stress of starting a business. Now, you know, starting (0:44) businesses is a lot of work, so we want to do it without that stress.

And make sure you stick (0:49) around to the end because I’ll also share one resource that will help you make money faster (0:55) and one action that you can take this week to see immediate results to boosting your income fast. (1:03) So what I want to know is, do you want to make money, but things just keep getting in the way? (1:10) Maybe you just don’t have enough time, especially with your job and family and, you know, (1:16) life belifing. Or maybe you’re just not sure how to make more money, like you have no idea what (1:22) you could do to make additional income.

Or maybe, three, you don’t want to start a business because, (1:28) let’s face it, that requires too much work. And who wants to do that? Also money and time. (1:35) And so whatever the case may be, you are in the right place.

We are currently in our Money Talk (1:42) series where we’re normalizing talking about money because, y’all, long story short, money has always (1:51) been that taboo topic that no one wants to talk about and keep it on the hush hush. But you know (1:57) what? We’re changing that. And so we’re going to be talking all about money.

We’re specifically (2:02) going to be addressing real life money problems submitted by anonymous, yes, anonymous listeners. (2:08) And I’ll go through all the submissions and pick one story to provide a solution for. And so each (2:15) solution will be based on biblical principles.

Y’all know we keep God up in everything we do here, (2:21) so we’re going to just keep that rolling. And so God is going to be present. And so I pray that (2:27) you guys enjoy this episode.

So if you have a money problem or you need help, you can submit (2:33) an anonymous story, meaning I won’t know who you are, the people listening won’t know who you are, (2:38) by going to the link in the description. And if your story is selected, you may or may not be our (2:43) next mystery guest. Okay, but for today, our mystery guest is a female.

She’s 34 years old, (2:54) almost sounds like me. Oh, wait, but she’s married. She’s a project manager who makes around (3:01) $80,000 a year with a monthly expenses around $8,000 and lives in South USA.

So she had a lot (3:10) of few things like me, but you know, we still work on a few of those areas. But anyways, her identity (3:15) has been concealed for privacy reasons, but we will call her Jasmine. So here is what Jasmine (3:22) has to say.

I’m in a tough spot. A few weeks ago, my husband lost his job unexpectedly. (3:30) So now I’m the primary breadwinner for my family and we have two young kids and without his income, (3:38) we’ve been struggling to make ends meet.

The bills have started to pile up and our savings (3:43) are almost gone. He’s applied for dozens of jobs, but nothing has come through yet. (3:50) Last week, our car broke down and we don’t have the money to fix it.

Without the car, (3:56) he can’t even get to interviews or potential jobs. I’m desperate and scared. And knowing that my (4:03) family is depending on me, it makes it even worse.

I need to generate income fast to keep a roof over (4:10) our heads, put food on the table and pay them for the essentials. I’m willing to do whatever it (4:16) takes, but I just don’t know where to start. How can I make money quickly to get us through this (4:22) crisis without having to get another job or start a business? Jasmine, Jasmine, Jasmine.

First, (4:31) I’m really sorry to hear that your husband lost his job. I feel like the job market right now (4:36) is just so crazy. I have a few friends and family members who just lost their jobs as well.

(4:42) So I can completely understand how difficult that situation might be. And seeing as though (4:48) I’ve been laid off in the past, I definitely have that level of understanding of how hard (4:53) it can be. So thank you so much for sharing your story.

Hopefully we can help you here today. So (4:59) for those listening, if there was any part of Jasmine’s story that you can relate to, (5:05) put an, I feel you in the comments. Okay.

The good news is that I got y’all, I got y’all. And so (5:13) I’m excited today to share three ways, three ways you can make extra income without a lot (5:21) of effort. So, but before we get into the tips, let’s take a look at y’all know what time it is.

(5:30) We’re going to take a look at the Proverbs 31 woman and Proverbs 31 versus 10 through 31. I (5:43) you right. So we’re going to pull some biblical principles that tie to finances out of this.

So (5:49) let’s talk about this Proverbs 31 woman. She’s basically the original girl boss before it was (5:56) even a thing. Like this woman was running a side hustle before side hustles were cool.

(6:02) She got her stuff together in ways that’s both inspiring and intimidating. So imagine being able (6:09) to handle a household, like it’s no big deal while also crushing it in the business world. (6:15) This woman is the total package.

She’s got the worth ethic of a CEO, the heart of a philanthropist (6:22) and the patience of a saint. She’s basically the blueprint for every woman trying to have it all. (6:30) She’s that friend.

You’re always like, girl, how do you do it all? She’s the kind of woman who (6:37) makes you rethink your life choices and your entire life existence. Like if she can do all (6:43) that stuff, what’s your excuse? It’s almost unfair how put together she is, whether male or female, (6:50) she’s the inspiration we all need. So what can we learn from the Proverbs 31 woman as it relates to (6:59) finances? So basically the Proverbs 31 woman shows us the importance of creating multiple (7:07) streams of income, multiple, not just one.

You’re not going to be able to nine to five your way to (7:13) wealth, meaning you can’t just work your way to wealth with a regular old job. We’re going to (7:18) need multiple streams of income. And a lot of times if you think about people who are wealthy, (7:24) they actually have, they say seven streams of income.

Okay. And so the Proverbs 31 woman, (7:29) she’s like the originator of the multiple streams of income. So her first stream, she buys a field (7:36) and plants a vineyard, creating a source of income from the land and its produce.

Two, (7:42) she creates goods from wool and flax, which she can sell or trade. And three, she makes linen (7:48) garments and sells them. Y’all, that’s three streams of income among a lot of other streams (7:55) that she has.

If you just check out Proverbs 31. And so those are just a few of the streams that (8:00) she creates to support her household. And so in Proverbs 31, 16, it says she considers a field (8:08) and buys it with the fruit of her hands.

She plants a vineyard. Okay. Y’all.

So she’s out here (8:14) getting her own land, planting her own plants. And so this verse is basically telling us that (8:20) she’s a hustler. She’s a, she’s a hustler.

No, don’t underwrite. So that song can’t be singing (8:24) that either, but with, um, with a side of investors. So she’s like a hustler investor, (8:30) if that’s a thing.

So she’s not just spending money, she’s making money. And so this woman (8:37) is a boss at turning her ideas into cash. And so the Proverbs 31 woman demonstrates the value (8:45) of diversifying income sources through real estate.

She does agriculture, textiles, trading, (8:52) and her ability to juggle various ventures and manage her household effectively serves as a (8:58) timeless example of financial prudence and entrepreneurship. Okay. So she’s that girl.

(9:04) She’s the girl. And so in today’s context, this can basically be translated to like (9:09) stepping out of your comfort zone and doing unconventional keyword, unconventional things. (9:16) It might not be stuff that you’re used to.

It might sound weird. It might not be something you (9:20) even want to do, but you guys, we have to step out of our comfort zone, do unconventional things. (9:25) If we want unconventional results.

Okay. And so these unconventional things are going to be (9:31) the things that are going to help you create multiple streams of income. So like I mentioned, (9:36) you can’t nine to five your way to wealth.

Okay. We need seven plus what we don’t need seven plus, (9:41) but a lot of people have seven plus, but today we’re going to go through at least a few ways (9:46) you can create some multiple streams of income. So let’s talk about how we can be like the Proverbs (9:52) 31 woman and create new income streams.

Okay. Let’s be that it girl or that it man. Okay.

(9:59) Um, so let’s like take it back to Jasmine story. So the first thing I want to point out is that (10:05) with your husband losing your job, that ultimately will make your expenses more than the household (10:12) income. So the first thing you’re going to want to do before you even think about generating more (10:16) income is to evaluate your current spending and make some cuts or find some savings, (10:22) some reductions in your budget.

And so this is going to help you out initially. And then once (10:28) you make these budget cuts or increase your savings, then we can move into the generating (10:32) more income that we’re going to talk about right now. Okay.

So here we go. Tip number one to making (10:39) extra income is to start bank churning. Now I know y’all like what’s churning now churning might sound (10:46) a little strange, but just stay with me.

Okay. Bank churning is the practice as of opening up (10:52) a new bank account to take advantage of signup bonuses. And so if you don’t know, many banks (10:58) offer really like cool cash bonuses to new customers who can meet certain criteria, such as (11:05) like setting up direct deposit or maintaining a minimum minimum balance for a few months.

And so (11:10) what the key really is, is to meet the minimum requirements to earn the bonus, then close the (11:17) account before the fees kick in. And so it’s really important to note that you want to pick banks that (11:22) don’t require a credit check and ones that don’t have any fees or at least limited fees. Okay.

So (11:28) what you want to do first is kind of like research which banks offer these kind of bonuses. You might (11:33) even got some in the mail when you went to the bank, they might’ve mentioned it. And then you (11:38) can also find them online and then go through and make sure you understand the requirements.

(11:43) So it’s crucial to keep track of the important dates to avoid any fees or for real, for real (11:49) missing out on the expense on the bonuses. And so remember once you’ve received the bonus and the (11:55) required period has passed, you can decide whether or not to keep the account or close it and just (12:01) move on to the next opportunity. It’s like a rinse and repeat.

And so just be sure not to open and (12:07) close too many accounts because that might look a little sketchy. I mean, I’ve done a lot in my (12:12) time and I have racked up a lot of, a lot of money. So let me give an example.

So there’s a bank (12:18) and they are offering $500. If you open up a new checking account with them. So what do you do (12:24) first? Y’all going to read the requirements, use those eyes, read the requirements.

(12:29) Two, you’re going to open the account, which again, opening the account should be free. (12:35) Three, you follow the requirements. Like it might say you have to keep a certain balance in there, (12:40) whatever the requirements are, you follow them.

It’s usually lasts for about like 30 to 90 days. (12:46) Depending on what the requirements are. Then four, they deposit the $500 into your account.

(12:53) It’s that simple. And now you are $500 richer just for opening up an account. And that my friends is (13:01) what we call bank churning.

Open, get reward, close, open, get reward, close. It’s simple. (13:09) And you just do that over and over and you can rack up thousands of dollars worth of bonuses (13:13) in one year.

Okay. Tip number two to making extra income is to sign up for a cash back platform (13:22) for online shopping. So let me explain online shopping, cashback platforms allow you to earn (13:29) cash back on your online purchase purchases.

So it’s really simple to use. So all you do is sign (13:37) up for a free account. And before you shop online, you go to the cashback website app or install (13:43) the Chrome plugin, whichever way you want to use it.

You find the store that you want to shop at (13:48) and the cashback platform will redirect you to the store’s website. And you’ll earn a percentage (13:54) of your purchase back in cash. Yes.

Y’all they’ll just give you money for making that purchase. (14:00) And so how much they give you back, um, the percentages will vary depending on the store, (14:05) but over time you can really add these numbers up. And so it’s really an easy and effortless way to (14:12) save money on purchases.

You were basically already planning to make. So it’s not like you’re (14:17) spending extra money. It’s stuff that you were already trying to buy.

You just shop as usual, (14:21) and you basically get paid to shop. And so the cashback accumulates in your account and you can (14:27) cash it out via check or PayPal. And so let me give you an example to make this, make a little (14:32) bit more sense of how, um, you can make extra income while making purchases you were already (14:37) planning to make.

So let’s just say you need a new laptop because we got business to do, right? (14:42) And so let’s just say the laptop costs $1,300 and you’re getting it from Best Buy. So you simply go (14:50) to bestbuy.com. You activate the little cashback platform on the website and you buy your laptop (14:57) and they give you, let’s just say 10% back on your laptop purchase. Y’all that is $130 (15:04) and free cold cash just for shopping, doing something you know you was already going to do.

(15:10) So you get paid to shop. There’s literally no strings attached. Y’all I know y’all probably (15:15) like, well, what’s the catch? Ain’t no catch, no strings attached.

You can do this with almost (15:20) anything. So Jasmine, if you need diapers, household stuff, whatever, just buy it from somewhere (15:26) online that offers the cashback and you will get paid to shop. And so my favorite cashback platform (15:34) is called Rakuten.

It used to be called Ebates back in the day, but you know, they did a real (15:39) rebrand or whatnot. So just head to the link in the description to sign up now. Um, it’s totally (15:45) free.

And if you use my link, you’ll get a special signup bonus. Um, so you’ll definitely want to (15:50) check out that link to get that bonus and you don’t want to miss out on that. So go ahead and (15:54) get your free money.

Y’all go sign up for that. So before we get into the third tip to make extra (16:01) income, let’s check out a resource from one of our partners that will help you make extra income (16:07) faster. And it’s totally free.

Check it out. Hey, wealth builders, let’s talk about taking your (16:13) finances to the next level. I’m excited to partner with Coachline, a leader in financial (16:18) coaching services.

They’re currently offering a free get started with stocks guide. In this guide, (16:23) you will get actionable steps to help you understand what stocks are and how they work, (16:28) determine an investing budget and which stocks to buy and how to open a brokerage account. So you (16:33) can buy your very first stock.

Ultimately, the goal is to help you get started with stocks without (16:39) the overwhelm. Don’t miss this chance to make your money grow by learning how to invest. You must be (16:45) subscribed to eternal wealth to get the free investing guide.

So go ahead and hit that subscribe (16:49) button now. Visit Shawnee tonight dot com forward slash stock guide to learn more and claim your (16:55) free get started with stocks guide. It’s time to level up.

Welcome back. Isn’t that awesome? (17:03) Be sure to subscribe now so you can get the free investing guide is a literally a game changer, (17:08) y’all. And it really helped me increase my income drastically.

But we’re going to just hop back in. (17:15) So tip number three to make extra income is to start investing ASAP. Investing in the stock market (17:24) is one of the fastest ways to generate income.

So let me give you an example. So let’s just say you (17:32) invest just $500 a month. Y’all know that over the next 20 years, you would be a millionaire.

(17:39) Yes, you would have $1 million. If you just invested $500 a month for the next 20 years, (17:46) $1 million, thanks to compounding interest. And so so forget only just saving or wasting money on (17:53) stuff that you don’t need.

If all you did was invest that extra money, it will grow again, (17:59) thanks to compounding interest, because the numbers will compound and the interest that (18:03) you’re gaining will grow your money. Okay, so I know you probably like, okay, Shawnee, I don’t (18:09) have $500 to invest monthly. I get it.

That was just an example. But what you do have is something, (18:16) even if it’s just $20, that’s better than $0. And so an easy way to start investing is just to cut (18:23) one thing out of your budget, one thing, find one thing in your budget that you can cut out (18:29) and invest that money instead.

No excuses. I know y’all be going to Starbucks literally like every (18:35) day, every week, cut out those Starbucks runs, make your own coffee and invest that money instead. (18:41) I’m not really a coffee girly.

But if you are a coffee girly guy, whatever, whatever it is, (18:47) cut it out and invest the money instead. And so I actually shot a whole video that outlines the (18:53) three steps to start investing in the stock market for beginners. And so I’ll link it in (18:58) the comments.

And so make sure you click that link to be able to check out that training. Okay. (19:05) So y’all, these three tips are exactly what I did to generate income without having to start a (19:12) business or overwork myself.

No overwhelm, you guys. And so we talked about a lot. So let’s run (19:18) it back.

Let’s do a quick recap. All right. So we started with Jasmine, whose husband just lost (19:25) his job and she needs new ways to generate income.

We tied that all together with the Proverbs 31 (19:33) woman. Yes. Who is a legit girl boss.

And in Proverbs 31 verses 10 through 31, she teaches us (19:42) the importance of creating multiple streams of income. Then we connected it all together (19:48) with three tips to help make you extra income. Tip number one was to start bank churning by (19:55) signing up for bank bonuses.

Tip two was to sign up for a cash back platform for online shopping, (20:02) basically to get paid for shopping. And tip number three was to start investing ASAP. So by making (20:10) budget cuts and then investing that extra money.

And so for those of you who stuck around to the (20:15) end, I’m so glad that you’re still here with us. Go ahead and give this episode a like or rate it (20:21) a five. As promised for staying around to the end, your action for the week.

So the one thing that I (20:28) want you to commit to doing this week is to sign up for Rakuten cash back platform. It’s free. (20:35) It’s easy.

And it’ll take you five minutes. Just click that link in the description. And so to let, (20:42) you know, we got to have accountability because y’all been getting away with stuff.

So to let me (20:46) know that you are serious. Um, I want you to put hashtag cash back in the comments. If you are (20:53) committing this week to complete this action for opening up that cash back platform.

Okay. We’re (20:58) going to hold each other accountable. So I’m going to be checking the comments.

If y’all put hashtag (21:01) cash back, and I’m expecting you to open that account. And if you already have a cash back (21:06) program, um, let me know which one you use in the comments. Um, it’s always just good to see, (21:12) um, multiple options and you can always have more than one because the more the merrier.

And so (21:17) y’all know, I always love to pray for you before we close out. So let us pray. So dear heavenly (21:24) father, thank you for today.

Again, thank you for my amazing listeners. Y’all we are in this thing (21:31) and I have some supporters who are legit here with me. So I thank you for them.

I pray that (21:36) you bless them for just taking time to consume information. Um, that’s rooted in your word, (21:42) Lord. I hope that it advances their life.

I pray that people are able to, um, save their money, (21:50) grow their money, make their money, um, that their income just increases expedient expeditiously, (21:57) Lord, fast. We want that money to increase fast and we pray that it grows a lot. Lord, (22:02) we pray that you do more than they can ask for, think, or imagine, and that their income just (22:07) grows so quickly that the only way that it can happen is through your grace.

God, let us know (22:13) that the increase in our life is due to you, Lord. So help us put all our faith, all of our trust (22:17) into you so you can be our ultimate provider. Lord, we pray for increase in each household (22:23) for every year listening to this podcast today, Lord, we thank you in advance.

Um, I pray that (22:29) the setup of these cashback programs is easy and people start to generate that income that starts (22:35) to compound over time and they’re able to step into financial freedom. We pray all these things (22:40) in your mighty name and we all say, amen, amen, amen. And so I never want to end an episode (22:49) without giving you the opportunity to enter into a relationship with God.

And so it doesn’t matter (22:54) if you have it all together or your money’s a mess or you literally just, uh, you don’t feel (23:01) like you have any money. You’re, you’re just down bad. Maybe you did something that you shouldn’t (23:07) have done.

Um, maybe you did something out of character. It doesn’t matter what you did, (23:11) guys. It doesn’t matter what you did yesterday, the day before yesterday, last month, today is a (23:15) new day and God wants to give you a very new chance.

He wants to help you grow your money, (23:21) increase your finances. So if you want to step into partnership with God and see all that he has (23:26) to offer you and all that he can do with you, um, because ultimately God loves you. So if you’re (23:32) ready to give your life to Christ and step into real relationship with God, all you have to do (23:37) is repeat after me is very short.

Um, so all you will say is Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and (23:46) savior. And that’s it. If you prayed that prayer, congratulations and welcome to the kingdom of (23:57) heaven.

We are so, so, so excited for you. Like y’all, this is a really big decision and I, we (24:05) want to celebrate you. So be sure to click the link in the description to get a special gift (24:10) to help you start your faith walk.

Like, ah, it’s so exciting. Congratulations to you. So y’all let’s (24:17) give it up for all of the people who just gave their life to Christ.

Oh, they got me spinning. (24:23) That’s how much we love the Lord. And so also please be sure to subscribe if you found this (24:29) episode helpful.

Thank you so much for joining me until next time. I’ll see you on another episode (24:36) of eternal wealth. So peace, love, and eternal wealth.

Love you guys. Bye. Congrats.

You just (24:46) finished another episode of eternal wealth. If you want more, head over to Shanitene.com for (24:52) show notes and access to all the resources shared. And if you’re looking for a new crew of eternal (24:58) wealth builders like you to bounce ideas and ask questions, be sure to join my exclusive community.

(25:03) The link is waiting for you at Shanitene.com.


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