
How to Build Credit Quickly: Key Strategies for Improving Your Credit Score [Ep7]

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Struggling to improve your credit score? Discover how to build credit quickly with these 3 simple yet effective strategies for improving your credit score. Learn how to overcome common credit challenges, boost your financial confidence, and achieve your financial goals. 



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🔥The Story of The Unjust Steward in Luke 16:1-13

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Host: Shani Tené

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Shani Tené, Eternal Wealth, build credit, improve credit score, credit repair, financial advice, money coach, credit tips, credit card, secured credit card, authorized user, 15/3 payment rule, credit utilization, financial freedom, debt, money management, build credit, credit repair, finances, money tips, credit card, debt, financial freedom, credit coach, money coach, eternal wealth, shani tené, how to build credit, credit tips, credit boost, financial advice, money management, personal finance


0:00  Intro

0:38  Episode Topic

2:23  Money Talk Series Overview

3:04  Mystery Guest

6:10  Bible Story

8:50  Money Misconception

9:58  Tip #1

11:45  Tip #2

13:44  FREE Tool to Boost Savings

14:53  Tip #3

17:08  Recap

18:22  BONUS Weekly Action

20:04  Prayer

22:58  Outro


Money Talk Series Overview 

Shani Tené, the host of “Eternal Wealth,” begins by sharing a personal story about how her carelessness with money after being laid off caused her credit score to plummet to the 500s. However, with disciplined financial habits, she was able to raise her credit score to over 800, a feat she proudly shares to inspire her audience. Shani introduces the episode’s focus on building credit quickly through three strategies designed to improve credit scores. She encourages listeners to stay tuned until the end of the episode for a valuable resource that can help boost their credit score and a practical action they can take immediately. Shani then prompts the audience to reflect on their own struggles with credit, pointing out that various challenges, such as lack of financial knowledge, financial constraints, negative credit history, and limited access to credit, can make raising a credit score difficult. Despite these challenges, Shani reassures her audience that they are in the right place for solutions.

Mystery Guest 

Shani continues by introducing the current series, “Money Talk,” which aims to normalize conversations about money by addressing real-life financial issues shared by anonymous participants. She invites listeners to submit their own stories for a chance to be featured on the show. For this episode, the mystery guest, referred to as “Ashley,” is a 32-year-old single mother and retail manager living in the urban Midwest. Ashley earns about $35,000 annually with monthly expenses of $2,500, facing the challenge of managing finances in a high-cost-of-living area. Ashley shares her background, explaining how her parents never discussed money, leaving her unprepared when she received her first credit card in college. This lack of financial education, combined with her mother’s actions of placing bills in her name without her knowledge, resulted in a poor credit score. Now, Ashley is struggling to repair her credit, which is preventing her from securing a home due to high-interest rates or outright loan denials. Shani empathizes with Ashley’s situation, noting how relatable her story is for many, and reassures listeners that with the right strategy and consistency, credit scores can be significantly improved.

Bible Story

Transitioning into a biblical lesson, Shani introduces the parable of the unjust steward from Luke 16:1-13. In this story, a financial manager, realizing he is about to be fired, starts making deals with his boss’s clients to secure his future. Although his actions are shady, the steward is commended for his shrewdness in planning ahead. Shani draws a parallel between the steward’s social credit and the importance of building good financial credit. She emphasizes that while the steward’s methods were questionable, the lesson is about being smart with money now to ensure financial security later. Building good credit, much like the steward securing his future, involves making wise financial choices such as paying bills on time and keeping credit card balances low. Shani uses this story to illustrate the importance of planning ahead when it comes to credit, encouraging listeners to be proactive in managing their finances.

Money Misconception 

Before diving into the specific tips, Shani addresses a common misconception: that it is impossible to build credit. She emphasizes that while it may take time and patience, anyone can improve their credit score with a good strategy and consistent habits. She highlights the critical importance of never missing a credit card payment and keeping credit utilization low, as these factors significantly impact credit scores. Shani then prepares to introduce her first tip for boosting credit, setting the stage for actionable advice to follow.

Tip #1: Secured Credit Card

The first tip focuses on using a secured credit card as a method to build or improve your credit score. The host explains that a secured credit card requires you to make a deposit, which serves as your credit limit. This type of card is ideal for individuals who are either new to credit or have a poor credit history, as it allows them to demonstrate responsible credit behavior. By consistently making on-time payments, you can build a positive payment history, which is one of the key factors that determine your credit score. The host emphasizes that paying off the balance in full each month is crucial to avoid interest charges and to maximize the credit-building benefits of this tool.

Tip #2: Authorized User

The second tip involves becoming an authorized user on someone else’s credit card. The host explains that this strategy allows you to benefit from the primary cardholder’s good credit history. When you are added as an authorized user, the card’s payment history, credit limit, and age of the account can be reflected on your credit report, potentially boosting your credit score. The host advises choosing someone who is financially responsible and has a strong credit history. It’s important that the primary cardholder makes timely payments and maintains a low credit utilization rate, as their behavior will directly impact your credit score. This method is particularly useful for individuals who may not qualify for their own credit card or who are looking to improve their credit score quickly.

FREE Tool to Boost Investing

In this segment, the host introduces a free tool designed to help listeners increase their investing potential. Although the host does not name the specific tool in the transcript, the focus is on how such resources can make investing more accessible, particularly for beginners. The host highlights that using this tool can allow listeners to start investing with minimal funds and offers guidance on how to make the most of it. By taking advantage of this free resource, listeners can begin to grow their wealth, even if they are starting small. The tool is presented as a way to complement the credit-building tips by offering an additional method to improve financial stability and increase long-term wealth.

Tip #3: The 15/3 Payment Rule

In this section, the host introduces the third tip to boost your credit score: the 15/3 payment rule. This method involves making two payments on your credit card each month—one 15 days before the due date and the other three days before the due date. The host emphasizes that this strategy helps reduce the credit card balance reported to credit bureaus, thereby improving credit utilization rates and ultimately boosting credit scores. A detailed example is provided, illustrating how this rule works using a credit card with a $1,000 limit and a $300 balance. The host explains that this technique makes it appear as though the credit card balance is decreasing more rapidly, which positively impacts your credit score.


The host recaps the episode by summarizing the key points discussed. The episode began with the story of Ashley, who was struggling to build her credit. This was then tied to the parable of the unjust steward from Luke 16:1-13, illustrating the importance of building good relationships to secure your financial future. The host reviewed the three credit-building tips covered in the episode:

  1. Secured Credit Card: Use this to build good payment history by paying back the deposit.
  2. Authorized User: Become an authorized user on someone else’s credit card who has a strong financial standing.
  3. 15/3 Payment Rule: Make two payments on your credit card each month—one 15 days before the due date and the other three days before.

BONUS Weekly Action

For those who stayed until the end, the host presents a weekly action: checking your credit score with all three major credit bureaus. The host stresses the importance of knowing your credit score across all bureaus, as different lenders use different bureaus to assess creditworthiness. Surprisingly, some clients have reported an immediate boost in their credit scores simply by checking them. The host encourages listeners to commit to this action by leaving a comment with the phrase “credit score” to signify their participation. The host also promises to pray for those who take this step.


The host concludes the episode with a prayer, asking for an increase in various areas of the listeners’ lives, including their credit scores, finances, wisdom, and connection with God. The prayer emphasizes that low credit scores do not define individuals and that through God’s grace, these scores can be improved. The host prays for wisdom, skills, and opportunities for the listeners to boost their credit scores, acknowledging the significant impact that credit scores have on many aspects of life.

Invitation to Accept Jesus

Before closing the episode, the host extends an invitation for listeners to enter into a relationship with God. The host offers a short prayer for those who want to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, encouraging them to take this step if they seek direction, love, peace, and eternal life with God. The host celebrates those who make this decision and directs them to a special link in the description to receive a gift that will help them begin their faith journey.

Closing Remarks

The episode ends with the host thanking listeners for joining and encouraging them to subscribe to the podcast. The host also invites them to visit ShaniTenay.com for show notes, resources, and access to an exclusive community of like-minded individuals striving for eternal wealth. The host signs off with a message of peace, love, and eternal wealth, expressing love and congratulations to the listeners for completing another episode.


(0:00) I remember when I got laid off and I was just so careless with my money (0:04) and it ended up causing my credit scores to tank. I was like at that time in like the 500s (0:10) but with good habits I was able to grow my score to well over an 800 which I was so proud of. And (0:17) so the good news is if I can go from a 500 credit score to an 800 credit score so can you.

What’s up (0:27) I’m your favorite money coach Shani Tené. Welcome to Eternal Wealth where finance meets faith. If (0:33) you’re new here be sure to click that subscribe button because you’re not going to miss another (0:38) show.

In today’s episode we’re talking all about how to build your credit quickly with three (0:44) strategies to improve your credit score. And make sure you stick around to the end because I’ll also (0:51) share one resource that will help you boost your credit score and one action that you can take this (0:59) week to see immediate results with your credit score. It’s going to be a fun, fun, fun time.

So I (1:05) got a question. Has it been difficult to raise your credit score? I just remember the times. (1:12) It might be difficult.

Maybe you lack financial knowledge and understanding credit scores, how (1:17) they’re calculated and all of the factors that really influence them can sometimes be overwhelming. (1:23) Or maybe you just have financial constraints. So building credit we know often requires consistent (1:29) payments and the ability to maintain low credit utilization.

And though for those who are (1:34) struggling financially this can be a significant hurdle. So maybe it’s that. Or maybe you just have (1:40) negative credit history like your past financial mistakes like late payments or defaults can really (1:47) negatively impact your credit score for years.

And so overcoming this can be long and (1:53) frustrating process. Or maybe the last thing is maybe you just have limited access to credit. (1:59) So people with poor credit histories may find it challenging to obtain new credit which is (2:04) essential for rebuilding credit.

And so this like creates that cycle of difficulty. All of which (2:10) suck right. But whatever the case may be you are in the right place.

We have solutions today. So (2:18) right now we are in the money talk series where we’re normalizing talking about money. A lot of (2:25) times money is that thing that people just keep secret and they don’t talk to other people about.

(2:30) But we’re changing that right now okay. In this show we are talking all about money because (2:34) if we talk about it we can make more of it. And if we don’t talk about it we don’t make more of it.

(2:39) So right now we are having people submit anonymous stories for different money issues that they may (2:45) be having. And then I’m going to provide real solutions on this show today. So if you have (2:51) a money issue that you’re going to that you’re seeking help for go to the link in the description (2:55) and submit that story.

All you have to do is write it and I may or may not feature you as our next (3:01) mystery guest. But for today our mystery guest is a female. She’s 32 years old.

She’s a single (3:09) mother. She is a retail manager. She averages about $35,000 annually with monthly expenses (3:17) around $2,500.

And she lives in the urban Midwest of the United States with a high cost of living. (3:25) Okay so we have a mother living somewhere that costs a lot of money. And so her identity has (3:30) been concealed for privacy reasons.

But we will call her Ashley. So here’s what Ashley has to say. (3:40) Growing up my parents didn’t have much.

We relied on canned goods and saved every penny. (3:46) I didn’t understand money because my parents never talked about it. I overheard adults discussing (3:51) credit but didn’t really know what it meant until college when I got offered a credit card.

(3:57) I had a $500 limit and used it to pay rent not really realizing that I had to pay it back. (4:05) I didn’t get a good start with money or credit. I struggled through high school and college (4:10) learning as I went.

I made do with what I had and often turned to Google for financial advice. (4:17) For years I was too afraid to even look at my credit score beating myself up throughout my (4:24) 20s. I would get those emails from Credit Karma and never look at them.

Then I discovered my mom (4:30) had put my name on bills and accounts without telling me. By the time I found out my credit (4:35) was completely ruined. My credit score fell because of her actions and my own mistakes with (4:41) credit cards.

Now I’m desperately trying to fix my credit score. I want to buy a house but the (4:48) interest rates I’m getting are just too high because my low credit score and most times I’m (4:54) getting denied. It’s very frustrating and impossible to improve my score.

How do I increase my credit (5:01) score so I can have a better future? Ashley thanks so much for telling your story. Unfortunately that (5:08) story is very relatable for most of us. I remember when I got laid off and I was just so careless (5:14) with my money and it ended up causing my credit scores to tank.

I was like at that time in like (5:20) the 500s but with good habits I was able to grow my score to well over an 800 which I was so proud (5:28) of and so the good news is if I can go from a 500 credit score to an 800 credit score so can you. (5:35) So for those listening if there’s anything that Ashley said that you can relate to and if you had (5:40) any time where you had to struggle with building your credit put up I feel you in the comments and (5:46) y’all we don’t just put this in the comments to put it in the comments this is so I can pray over (5:50) you so if you’re dealing with any credit issues put I feel you and I will add you to my prayer list (5:55) okay so go ahead and drop that in the comments and so right now I’m excited to share three tips (6:02) to increase your credit score but before we get into those tips let’s take a look at what God has (6:07) to say about this because y’all know it’s story time so let’s take a look at the story of the (6:16) unjust steward in Luke chapter 16 verses 1 through 13. Okay so picture this you’re the financial (6:24) manager for a super rich boss you’ve been handling all of their money but let’s just say you really (6:30) haven’t been the best at it so your boss starts to catch on and he’s literally about to fire you (6:37) so that’s basically the situation that this guy is in the bible and he finds himself in the (6:42) situation now instead of like panicking this guy gets really really smart he knows like he’s about (6:48) to be jobless so he starts making some questionable deals with his boss’s clients and so basically (6:54) he’s trying to get them to like him so that they’ll help him once he’s unemployed and so he’s (7:00) building up good relationships and we can think of this as like his social credit um but he’s (7:06) building this up before he gets fired so Jesus isn’t necessarily saying that this is a this guy (7:11) is good um but he’s actually just like you know really shady but the point is is that even though (7:17) this guy is doing all these things he’s smart enough to know that it’s going to be important (7:23) to plan for his future once he’s unemployed so he’s building that social credit up but let’s (7:28) talk about real credit okay because building good credit is like this guy in the in the story (7:33) trying to secure his future it’s about making smart financial choices now so you can have more (7:40) options later think of it as this way so like paying your bills on time keeping your credit (7:45) card balances low that’s like making deals with the banks to be nice to you um in the future like (7:51) this guy is doing with his boss’s clients so it’s not always exciting and it might not be something (7:56) we want to do but it’s basically laying the groundwork for a better financial life and so (8:01) just like the steward was trying to secure a place to stay after getting fired building good credit (8:07) basically helps secure your financial future so it’s about being smart with your money today so (8:13) you can have more freedom tomorrow and we know we all about the freedom so while this guy in the (8:19) bible story isn’t exactly a role model he does teach us something important it pays to plan ahead (8:27) and when it comes to money planning ahead means building good credit because we know our credit (8:32) impacts everything we do so let’s talk about how we can be like the steward and build good (8:38) relationships with banks to increase our credit scores um we’re just going to ensure that we’re (8:43) going to be doing it the right way right not the unjust way like this steward right y’all with me (8:48) okay so let’s take it back quickly to ashley’s story so i want to address a common misconception (8:56) that is impossible to build your credit because you can it might take a little time it might take (9:01) a little patience but all you need is a good strategy and consistent habits over time will (9:07) pretty much like guarantee a boost in your credit score so don’t lose hope on the credit score a few (9:13) things before we get into the tips i just want to cover off on is first off y’all y’all gotta stop (9:17) doing this you never ever ever want to miss a credit card payment that is going to have the (9:24) biggest impact on your credit score and affect you down the road secondly you want to keep your (9:28) balance low because credit utilization accounts for like the majority of your credit score so (9:34) the rule of thumb is usually like you shouldn’t be using more than 30 of your credit card balance (9:39) so let’s just say you have a thousand dollar balance you should only be using three hundred (9:44) dollars of that a thousand that’s 30 so keeping your balance low and making on-time payments will (9:50) really help you to boost your credit score and then these three tips will kind of just be like (9:54) the icing on the cake so let’s go let’s get into tip number one which is apply for a secured credit (10:02) card secure credit cards are like an excellent tool for those who are like new to credit or (10:09) they’re working to rebuild their credit it’s basically a card that requires a cash deposit (10:14) that acts as collateral this deposit usually determines your credit limit so for instance (10:20) if you deposit five hundred dollars your credit limit will most likely be five hundred dollars (10:27) so the reason why this works so well is that it reduces the lender’s risk so if you don’t pay (10:33) your bill which we don’t pay our bills right the lender can use your deposit to cover the debt and (10:39) so because of this reduced risk it’s often so much easier to get approved for a secure credit card (10:44) compared to like a traditional credit card and so to maximize the benefits of your secure credit (10:50) card you just want to make small purchases and then make sure you pay off the balance in full (10:56) each month so this practice is going to help you avoid interest charges and most importantly is (11:02) going to help you build positive payment history so i know y’all tripping off the 500 what i’m (11:07) supposed to do with five hundred dollars on my credit card y’all it’s not about having a large credit limit (11:12) it’s about how responsibly you use it and so this is one of the best methods if your score is very (11:20) low so like if you didn’t have a low score then i would recommend getting a regular card but we’re (11:24) talking about if you have a low score and you’re trying to build this is going to be the best way (11:28) because it shows that you’re responsible so again if you do have a decent score then yes just apply (11:33) for a regular credit card and that will help boost your score because you’ll have a higher (11:37) credit balance so this is a good way if you have low credit get that secure credit card all right (11:43) hopping in to tip number two become an authorized user on someone else’s credit card now i love this (11:52) one because it’s so easy so this strategy can be effective if you have a friend or family member (11:58) with good credit who is basically willing to add you to their account so as an authorized user you (12:04) get a card with your name on it but the primary card holder so the friend or family member remains (12:10) responsible for the debt so the major benefit here is that the account’s positive payment history (12:16) and credit utilization are reported to the credit bureaus under your name so it’s basically like you (12:22) get to use this person’s credit good good spending habits and it’s going to impact your credit score (12:27) positively so that’s only basically if the primary card holder maintains a good payment history and (12:34) keeps their credit utilization low so if they do those things then your credit score will go up (12:38) so i want to say that it is very very very very important that you pick somebody who has a solid (12:47) credit history and good financial habits don’t just be out here picking up anybody asking them (12:53) like hey uncle louie can you add me to your credit card when we know uncle louie out there doing (12:58) who knows what okay so get somebody who’s responsible because you don’t want to risk (13:02) your credit score by being added to someone who has a poor payment history or high credit (13:07) utilization so also one other thing to consider is don’t use the credit card even though they’re (13:13) going to get a card with your name on it they should probably actually just keep it to prevent (13:18) you from using it because you don’t want to use it because we don’t want your spending to negatively (13:23) impact the person who has been like gracious enough to add you to the authorized user okay (13:28) so that’s a very important thing so before we get into the third tip um for how to boost your credit (13:35) let’s check out something from one of our partners that will help you secure your financial future (13:40) faster and it’s totally free check it out hey wealth builders let’s talk about taking your (13:46) finances to the next level i’m excited to partner with coachline a leader in financial coaching (13:52) services they’re currently offering a free get started with stocks guide in this guide you will (13:57) get actionable steps to help you understand what stocks are and how they work determine an investing (14:02) budget and which stocks to buy and how to open a brokerage account so you can buy your very first (14:08) stock ultimately the goal is to help you get started with stocks without the overwhelm don’t miss this (14:14) chance to make your money grow by learning how to invest you must be subscribed to eternal wealth (14:19) to get the free investing guide so go ahead and hit that subscribe button now visit shawnee (14:24) tonight.com forward slash stock guide to learn more and claim your free get started with stocks (14:30) guide it’s time to level up welcome back wasn’t that so cool be sure to subscribe so you can get (14:37) that free investing guide it’s a total game changer it helps you grow your money so you can then (14:44) generate additional money to pay down that debt faster okay so the lower your debt the better your (14:50) credit score so it goes hand in hand but we’re going to hop back in to tip number three which (14:56) is follow the 15-3 payment rule so y’all probably ain’t heard of when heard of this before so this (15:02) is our insider okay so here’s how it works instead of making just one payment per month on the due (15:08) date you make two payments within the same month so the first payment should be made 15 days before (15:16) your credit card’s statement due date and then the second payment is made three days before the due (15:22) date so that’s where we get the 15-3 rule okay so this approach ensures that your credit card balance (15:28) is reported to the credit bureaus as being lower which improves your credit utilization even though (15:34) it’s pretty much the same balance it it kind of shows to them that it’s lower okay so (15:39) basically what I say is like we trick the system to believe one thing when it’s still another thing (15:45) but it’s all it’s all still accurate right and so they on their end it makes it look like you’re (15:50) being very responsible making two payments and it seems like the the balance is going down but (15:55) you’re still just making that same amount of monthly payment we’re just splitting it into (15:58) two payments okay so let me give you an example let’s just say your credit limit on your credit (16:03) card is a thousand dollars and you have a $300 balance so you want to pay off part of that (16:11) balance early and then pay the other part off later on so basically you would be taking that $300 (16:18) if your payment for the month is $300 and you would be paying $150 15 days before the due date (16:25) and then the other $150 three days before the due date so this again helps maintain a lower (16:32) credit utilization because your bill is going down by $150 in the middle of the month so this (16:37) is going to be important because like I mentioned credit utilization is going to be one of the main (16:43) factors when it comes to determining your credit score so by doing this again we’re tricking the (16:49) system let’s do it okay so there you have it those are three effective ways to build your credit (16:57) score so these three tips plus increasing your money with investing are a sure way to boost your (17:03) credit fast so I know we just talked about a lot so let’s take it back let’s do a quick recap so (17:10) we started with Ashley who’s struggling to build her credit right then we tie that into the parable (17:19) of the unjust steward in Luke 16 verses 1 through 13 and he secures his future by building good (17:28) relationships then we connected it all together with three tips to help you build good relationships (17:34) with the banks to boost your credit score tip number one was to apply for a secured credit card (17:41) and so that just requires you to pay back the deposit to show that you have good payment history (17:46) tip two was to become an authorized user by being added to a card of someone who’s financially (17:52) secure and then tip three is to follow the 15-3 payment rule which is basically making two (17:59) payments a month one 15 days before the due date and the second three days before the due date and (18:05) so that’s it you guys follow those three steps and you’ll be likely to see your credit score increase (18:11) but for those who stick around I’m so glad you’re still with us go ahead and give this episode a like (18:17) and rate it a five and as promised for those who stick around to the end your action for the week (18:25) is to check your credit score with all three bureaus so it’s important to understand that (18:32) there are three different bureaus all with different credit scores and different lenders (18:38) and loans and mortgages and places they all use different bureaus to check your credit score so (18:44) you really need to know all three because just because one is good doesn’t mean the other is (18:48) okay so you got to check all three because they use different factors and so I’ve also noticed a (18:53) lot of times with my clients sometimes by simply just checking your credit score I’ve seen uh an (18:59) immediate boost in credit scores typically that is not something that would increase your credit (19:03) but like crazily over the past couple of months it’s been happening for my clients so just check (19:09) your credit score and see if it does give a boost if it does great if it doesn’t then it usually (19:13) doesn’t anyways but check it because you do want to know what it is you can use the link in the (19:18) description to check all three credit bureaus and then once you know your credit score then you can (19:24) increase them okay so it starts first by knowing what the score is and then increasing it so let (19:28) me go know that you guys are committed to completing this weekly action by leaving um a (19:34) credit score in the in the comments so put credit score in the comments if you plan to check your (19:40) credit score this week because I want to hold you accountable so I’m going to be checking the (19:43) comments to see and praying over those who are checking their credit scores okay so if you already (19:49) know your credit score um let us know in the comments like I already know and make sure you (19:55) know on all three bureaus okay so y’all this has been so much fun and I definitely want to make (20:01) sure we pray before we head out so let’s all pray so dear heavenly father thank you for this (20:10) glorious day thank you for my amazing listeners lord I just pray for increase in the lives of (20:17) my listeners lord increase in credit scores increase in money increase in wisdom increase (20:23) and just their connection with you lord we’re calling for increase in all areas of our life (20:29) and specifically for this day lord we were calling for increase in our credit scores we (20:35) bind any low credit scores lord and we understand that that we can be redeemed and that these low (20:42) credit scores don’t define us lord we know that we can increase the credit score because if you (20:46) did it for me lord you can do it for my listeners lord I pray that you have that same grace that (20:50) you have for me on my listeners lord and that you give them wisdom and skills and opportunities and (20:56) all the right pieces to be able to boost their credit scores lord we know that these credit (21:00) scores impact so much of our lives and we pray that you just cover these credit scores help them (21:05) to increase quickly lord and allow us to be able to buy the things do the things that we want to do (21:12) in our life um that are dependent on these credit scores so we ask all of these things in your mighty (21:17) name and we all pray and say amen amen amen so thank you guys so much for tuning in I don’t want (21:26) to close the episode without giving you the opportunity to enter into a relationship with god (21:30) so if you guys if you are like on the fence and you haven’t really stepped in fully and done the (21:37) deep dive with god and you’re still questioning your money or you’re still just struggling in (21:41) life and you’re looking for direction and guidance and just love and peace you can find (21:47) that in jesus so if you really want to like transform your life spend eternity with god in (21:52) heaven then all you have to do is accept jesus as your lord and savior and so if that’s something (21:58) that you want to do and you want to build that genuine connection and move into that next level (22:02) of your life all you have to do is say this quick prayer and just repeat after me it’s very short (22:07) all it is is jesus i accept you as my lord and savior that’s it so if you prayed that prayer (22:19) congratulations and welcome welcome welcome to the kingdom of heaven we are so excited for you (22:26) this is like a really big big big big big decision and we want to celebrate you so be sure to click (22:32) the link in the description to get a special gift to help you start your faith walk it’s so exciting (22:37) and we’re so happy for you so let’s give it up for those who just gave their life to christ (22:43) and if you enjoyed this episode be sure to subscribe so thank you guys so much for joining (22:50) me until next time peace love and eternal wealth love you guys congrats you just finished another (23:01) episode of eternal wealth if you want more head over to shanitene.com for show notes and (23:07) access to all the resources shared and if you’re looking for a new crew of eternal wealth builders (23:13) like you to bounce ideas and ask questions be sure to join my exclusive community the (23:18) link is waiting for you at shanitene.com


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