
I Saved Money While Trusting God. Here’s the Secret [Ep 13]

Tired of watching your savings disappear? Learn the 3 life-changing secrets to save more, break free from financial frustration, and trust God with your money!

🎁 AI Bill Negotiator 👉🏽https://shanitene.com/negotiate  

👀Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/3XQj7iqmedg

📝 Show Notes: https://shanitene.com/podcast/ep13



🔥 Eternal Wealth Journal: https://shanitene.com/journal

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🔥 Special Gift – I got saved!: https://shanitene.com/saved



Host: Shani Tené

Website: https://shanitene.com

Instagram:  @shanitene

TikTok:  @shanitene

YouTube: Eternal Wealth with Shani Tené

Book A Free Consultation: https://bit.ly/4d9MfI7



YouTube: https://youtu.be/74IvfdXnwbQ

Apple: https://apple.co/4bNFGtJ

Spotify: https://spoti.fi/4bH71xr



Save More Money, Financial Abundance, Money Mindset, Bible-based finance, Trust God with money, Automate savings, Money habits, Christian financial advice, Eternal Wealth, Shani Tené, Personal Finance Podcast, Kingdom Wealth, AI Bill Negotiator, Money Coach, Save Money, Financial Freedom, Christian Finance, Money Tips, Wealth Mindset, Savings, Faith And Finances, Bible And Money, Money Coach



Episode Overview
In this episode, Shani Tené dives into three powerful secrets to help you save more money, even when everything seems more expensive. Tune in to learn how to shift your mindset, automate your savings, and trust God with your financial journey.

Mystery Guest
Shani shares a personal story about a conversation that helped her see how negative thinking can block financial growth. She reflects on her past struggles and how changing her mindset was the key to turning her finances around.

Bible Story
Shani recounts how God stripped her of everything, helping her realize that her worth was not tied to money. Her testimony showcases the importance of relying on God for financial freedom.

Money Misconception
Too often, we let our egos and negative language block our financial progress. Shani encourages listeners to stop defining themselves by their bank account balances and start believing what God says about them.

Key Tips to Boost Your Savings

Tip #1: Let Go of Your Ego

  • Shift your mindset and let go of the idea that money defines you.
  • Reframe your thoughts with Scripture like Proverbs 18:21 and embrace your true identity in Christ.
  • Start journaling to face your fears and build financial confidence.

Tip #2: Learn About Money

  • Don’t let a lack of knowledge keep you stuck. Financial education will help eliminate fear.
  • Explore free resources and tools like an AI bill negotiator that Shani recommends for automating savings.
  • Partner with experts and gain the wisdom to level up your finances.

FREE Tool to Boost Investing
Shani highlights a new AI tool that negotiates bills automatically, saving you money effortlessly. Check out the link in the description to start using it today!

Tip #3: Invite God into Your Finances

  • Stop trying to handle money in your own strength—trust God with your finances.
  • Implement a weekly finance meeting with God to seek guidance and set goals.
  • Remember Proverbs 3:5-6 and allow God to direct your financial path.


  • Let go of your ego and stop defining yourself by money.
  • Educate yourself to remove fear and unlock new ways to save.
  • Invite God into your finances through weekly meetings and consistent prayer.

BONUS Weekly Action
Schedule a finance meeting with God to review your progress and seek His wisdom. Try out the free AI bill negotiator to start saving automatically.

Shani wraps up with a prayer asking God to help listeners trust Him with their savings and financial growth.



0:00  Intro

0:48  Episode Overview

1:56  Money Story

4:27  Secret #1

8:32  Secret #2

12:29  Secret #3

16:38  Prayer

19:50  Outro



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Get Started with Stocks Guide

Free Training: Reach Financial Freedom the Kingdom Way

AI Bill Negotiator


Wealthfront High Yield Savings Account:

Monarch Money Budgeting App



First Steps As a New Christian


The Bible App


THRIVE Devotional Bible


The Bible in 52 Weeks: Bible Study




This content is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Shani does not provide tax or investment advice. All investments carry risk, including the potential loss of principal. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Affiliate links in this description support the podcast at no extra cost to you – and oftentimes include discounts for you. Shani Tené participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Thank you for your support!



(0:00) Financial education is the cure to the fear of money. So the more you know, the less scared (0:06) you will be about your finances. Today, we’re going to be covering three very important saving (0:12) secrets.

I came across this new AI tool that negotiates bills on your behalf. I was shocked. (0:19) The way you view yourself and the way you define yourself cannot be centered around money.

What (0:24) you say becomes your truth. So what you say about your money becomes your financial truth. (0:30) People say that, like, change your mind and you’ll change your money.

But what does that (0:34) actually mean? No one actually broke it down to me and was like, this is what you do. When I (0:38) started to think about it, it really boiled down to one thing. What’s up? I’m your favorite money (0:44) coach, Shani Tené.

Welcome to Eternal Wealth, where finance meets faith. In today’s episode, (0:50) we’re talking all about how to save more money in a world where everything is more expensive. (0:58) If I see one more price increase, I’m literally going to scream.

So to help you save more, (1:06) so you can actually afford to live, today, we’re going to be covering three very important (1:12) saving secrets. Well, they’re not going to be secrets anymore after I give them to you. So (1:17) first up, we’re going to be talking about the mindset that is stopping you from building (1:22) the savings you want.

Then we’re going to hop into how you can put your savings on autopilot. (1:28) We’ll follow it up with talking about the easy way to build good saving habits all while trusting (1:35) God. Because let’s be honest, it’s hard to trust God with your savings when your savings account (1:40) is on E. Like, you build it up, then it goes back down.

You build it up, and then it goes back down. (1:46) It’s this never-ending cycle. So we’ll dive into some easy habits to help break that cycle, (1:52) so you can keep your savings once you have it.

Okay? So the other day, y’all, I was at this (1:58) amazing conference, and it was time for Q&A. And this girl stood up, and she asked a question (2:02) about money. And before she even started, she said, it’s so hard for me to save money.

(2:10) And all I could think was like, girl, of course it’s hard for you to save money. You said it was (2:17) hard, so it will be hard. And that’s a problem a lot of us have.

We speak too negatively about (2:24) our situation, not realizing the impact it actually has on our finances. That way of thinking really (2:31) took me back to my Cali days, LA, where you at, where I was struggling. Like, I was really (2:38) struggling after I got laid off.

And I would constantly say things like, life is hard. I’ll (2:43) never be able to save again. This sucks.

I hate it here. My saving situation was impacting my (2:50) entire environment. It got so bad, I became scared to look at my savings account, because I was so (2:56) nervous about what that number was going to be when I opened up my computer.

And I can remember (3:02) it like it was yesterday. One day, I was sitting at my computer, or I was probably looking at my (3:07) phone at that time, and I was like, okay, it’s time to check your balance. And I was literally (3:12) sweating bullets, y’all.

I was scared. And I know why, because literally my worst nightmare happened. (3:19) I opened up my bank account, and the balance was zero.

I felt completely defeated. It was like my (3:28) whole existence was defined by that zero dollars. I was a loser.

I was a failure. I was everything (3:36) but what God called me to be. And that’s when I realized I idolized money.

And I was like, me? No. (3:46) Idolizing money? That’s not me. I don’t idolize money.

But I had become so consumed into that (3:52) number zero that it became an idol. And God literally had to strip everything from me to (3:59) realize that he was actually all I ever needed. And once I was able to realize and accept that, (4:06) my life turned around for the better.

And I literally stand before you as a living, (4:13) breathing testimony of God’s goodness. And so I want to share that with you. And so we’re going (4:19) to dive into three secrets that took me from zero savings to hundreds of thousands of savings (4:25) over these years.

Okay? So secret number one, let go of your ego. The way you view yourself (4:36) and the way you define yourself cannot be centered around money. We have a good, good God (4:42) who has shown us who we are.

Okay? So you are fearfully and wonderfully made for you are God’s (4:51) handiwork. You are more than conquerors. You are a chosen people, God’s special possession.

(5:02) Your barns will be filled and overflowing. These are God’s words. So go ahead and drop, (5:09) I am a chosen in the comments because God has chosen you, you the one listening to this right (5:16) now, watching, listening to this podcast, God has chosen you.

You are chosen. You are fearfully and (5:22) wonderfully made. And Proverbs 18 21, it says death and life are in the power of the tongue (5:28) and those who love it will eat its fruits.

This fruit is telling us that what you say (5:34) becomes your truth. So what you say about your money becomes your financial truth. (5:40) So how do you actually change your language and renew your mind when it comes to your money? (5:45) People say that like, just change your mind.

That’s what people used to tell me. (5:49) Shawnee change your mind and you’ll change your money. Like, but what does that actually mean? (5:53) No one actually broke it down to me and was like, this is what you do.

So when I start to think (5:58) about it, it really boiled down to one thing. You have to face your fear of money. I had to face my (6:05) fear of money.

I had to look money in its eye and face it. And how did I do this exactly? I did this (6:12) through my wealth journal. And so this journal is where I would literally write letters to my money.

(6:21) And so what does this look like? So, you know, I was telling you like I was scared to open up my (6:25) bank account. So what I would do is I would get my eternal wealth journal and I would literally (6:31) write to my money demons like, look, devil, I don’t care what I see when I open up this bank (6:37) account. What’s in my account does not define who I am.

I am not lacking. I am no longer partnering (6:43) with the enemy schemes. No matter what my account says, I am more than enough.

This number will (6:49) multiply by 100 fold because I serve a God who provides. I am worthy of wealth and money comes (6:56) to me daily. And I’m literally writing all of this in my, in my journal.

So now when I go to open up (7:03) my bank account, I ain’t scared. I ain’t scared y’all because I have the full armor of God on me (7:09) right now and nothing can penetrate that. So now I’m not feeling defeated.

I’m not feeling like a (7:15) loser. I’m not feeling lame. I’m feeling like a daughter of the king, royalty, confident, fearless, (7:23) all of the things that God says I am.

And now I’m motivated to do what it takes to improve my (7:29) financial situation. My eternal wealth journal literally saved me and say, it helped me save in (7:36) the, in the, in the making. So if you want to grab your own eternal wealth journal, I’ll drop the (7:41) link to the one that I use in the description.

And so what this journal has allowed me to do (7:46) was see that my bank account is a natural reflection of my money, but we have a spiritual (7:53) bank account that we can tap into anytime. And that’s our Bible. So if you stay in your word, (8:00) God will continue to make deposits of positive things into your spiritual bank account that (8:06) will then become a reflection of your natural bank account.

So this is a game changer. Y’all (8:11) start making those positive deposits into that journal. So then you can face those demons and (8:18) you won’t be scared of your money anymore.

Okay. You’re going to show up a different person. (8:22) So now at this point that I have my mind right, I’m able to now step into that next secret.

(8:29) So secret number one, we have that unlocked. We have renewed our mind. So secret number two (8:34) is a learn about money.

Y’all literally have to stop saying, I don’t know, or I don’t know how (8:42) like those two things should not come out of your mouth anymore, because with all the free (8:45) information out there, there’s really no excuse not to be able to learn some tips and tricks about (8:51) how you can save more money. Obviously you’re doing better than most by listening to a Turner (8:56) Wealth podcast. So kudos to you, but there’s more to learn and I’m here to teach it to you.

So, okay. (9:02) So because we have to understand that financial education is the cure to the fear of money. (9:08) So the more, you know, the less scared you will be about your finances.

A lot of times y’all know (9:14) what to do, but you don’t do it because you fear it and education takes the fear out of it. (9:21) And then you’re actually able to implement what you learned. So if you always feeling stuck, like (9:27) I heard what she said, but I’m not doing it is because you have a fear of money that you need (9:31) to address.

Proverbs 15, 22 says plant plans fail for lack of counsel, but success is achieved (9:38) through many advisors. So the Bible is telling us you need help. You can’t do it on your own.

(9:45) So if you cannot be the expert over your finances, you need to seek education, which is going to be (9:51) your chance to partner with God, to find someone who can be the expert for you. Okay. Because at (9:58) the end of the day, experts know more than we do.

God gave every single person on this earth a gift. (10:03) And if you try to operate in someone else’s gift, you will fail. It’s kind of like if I fell and hit (10:10) my head, I’m not going to perform brain surgery on myself.

I’m gonna go get a neurosurgeon. So (10:16) why is it that we go to doctors when we’re sick or hurt, but we don’t go to financial advisors, (10:22) financial educators, when our money is sick, it literally makes no sense. And so education is (10:29) going to help introduce you to things that you may not be aware of that can help you level up.

(10:34) Like the other day I was looking for stuff for my clients. And I came across this new AI tool (10:40) that negotiates bills on your behalf. Like all I did was upload a bill and then the AI did its (10:46) thing.

And then they sent me an email telling me how much they were able to save me on my phone (10:50) bill. Like, I was like, is this like that? I was shocked. Like I can’t even, I was shocked.

And so (10:57) each month the savings just automatically applied and my bill was a lot lower. So you best believe (11:04) I did this for all of my bills. And I ended up with thousands and thousand dollars worth of (11:08) savings without having to do anything.

This was, this is literally the epitome of putting my (11:14) savings on autopilot. Now, if I wasn’t making an effort to learn, I wasn’t out seeking new (11:20) knowledge. I wasn’t trying to better myself.

I might not have found the savings tool. So if (11:25) want to check it out, I’ll drop the link in the description. I really love it.

So check it out if (11:29) you’re interested in actually finding some real savings for your bills. But y’all that’s just one (11:34) of many tools. There are so many things out there that we have to get knowledgeable about.

And (11:40) obviously I’m going to do my best to keep you informed of these tools in this podcast, but you (11:45) got to make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss them. So y’all stop dating me. Let’s get married.

(11:50) Hit that subscribe button. If you are really serious about leveling up your finances, (11:56) I’m the expert. So just tap in.

So now that you have the tools, at least one of those tools, (12:02) at that time I had started to gather all these tools. I had all these new resources. I started (12:06) to learn new things, listening to podcasts, reading books, all of that stuff.

I was developing the (12:12) education that I needed to be informed. It wasn’t until that point that I was able to actually (12:18) make real savings with tools like the AI tool and things like that, that were actually making (12:23) me savings, which then allowed me to really step into the next secret. So secret number three (12:31) is going to be invite God into your finances.

So the thing is, most of y’all are out here (12:38) trying to fix your finances on your own and in your own strength. And then you’re wondering why (12:43) they all jacked up. You can’t do it.

You need God. Proverbs three verses five through six says, (12:51) trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding and all your ways, (12:56) acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. So how did I trust God even when my savings was zero (13:03) dollars? It was hard.

But what I did was I developed a weekly habit of meeting with God. (13:09) Like y’all, I literally had a weekly finance meeting with God. So y’all want to talk to (13:15) everybody and they mama about your money, your best friend, your coworker, your whatever.

You’re (13:19) talking about your money problems, but you’re not talking about your money problems with God. (13:24) All of this time talking to other people, like when is the last time that you ever sat down (13:29) and had a conversation with God about your money back then? Never. Like I never did that.

So what (13:38) does this actually look like? So y’all I’m gonna explain exactly what it looks like for me. So (13:42) y’all I’m literally go to my dining room table. I’m on one side, the father, the son and the Holy (13:47) Spirit are on the other side.

So I’m looking at them like, y’all, what’s up? I literally have (13:51) my pencil and paper in hand and I walk them through my finances. I’m a hundred percent honest. (13:58) I’m telling them what’s going well, what’s not going well.

I’m asking for guidance and asking (14:04) for wisdom. I’m literally like, Lord, teach me your money ways. Teach me your ways.

Teach me how (14:10) to be fruitful. Teach me how to save. Teach me how to make money.

I don’t know. I can’t do it on my (14:15) own. So I’m literally asking him in our meeting, we pray over the finances together and then we (14:21) wrap it up by setting goals.

So then in next week’s meeting, I can report back and be like, hey yo (14:27) Trinity, this where we at. I did this, this, this and this, and I probably still need more work on (14:32) this. So how can we partner together to make that happen? Like you got to partner with God in your (14:38) finances.

And then guess what? I just repeat this every single week. I have my weekly finance (14:44) meeting. Okay.

So you got meetings with your boss for your weekly check-ins probably or your monthly (14:49) check-ins. Why would you not have a meeting with God? Okay. So if you are serious about improving (14:55) your finances and you want to try out this weekly finance meeting with God, let me know in the (14:59) comments by putting, I’m putting God on my calendar.

Okay. I’m putting God in my calendar. Drop that (15:05) in the comments and really do it because out of all the habits I’ve developed over the years, this (15:11) weekly finance meeting with God tops them all because you can reframe your mindset all you want (15:17) and put your savings on autopilot.

But if you don’t develop consistent habits, you will be right back (15:23) where you started with no savings. So get in the habit of inviting God into your finances. And I (15:30) promise you, you will see a change in your savings and in your life in general.

So inviting God into (15:37) your finances is actually one of the seven keys. If you guys know there, there are seven keys to (15:43) unlocking eternal wealth. And I talk about this key and the other six keys in my free masterclass (15:48) called the seven keys to eternal wealth.

So check it out. If you really want to discover how to (15:54) partner with God and your finances and how to unlock all seven keys so you can get those practical (16:00) steps to achieving wealth while staying true to God. So I’ll drop the link to that free masterclass (16:07) in the description, but y’all, you have to put God first.

You will not see change in your savings or (16:13) anything for that matter. If you don’t put him first. So putting God first should be your number (16:19) one goal.

And then everything else will follow. Okay. So God will provide all of your needs.

Okay. (16:24) But all the rest will follow. Okay.

If you seek first the kingdom of God and all things will be (16:29) added onto you. So that’s what that verse is talking about. So that’s it.

You got to let go (16:33) of your ego, learn about money and invite God into your finances. Let’s pray before we close out (16:40) because we are a pray first community. And so we also know because prayer works.

Okay. So dear (16:48) heavenly father, thank you so much for today. Thank you for my listeners.

Just thank you for (16:53) the positivity that you’re putting into our lives. Lord, we pray for spiritual positive deposits (16:59) into our hearts, into our minds, open up our eyes and our ears to see and hear what you want for our (17:06) lives. Lord, help us to release any negative language, any negative mindset that we have (17:11) around money.

Lord, please give us positive affirmations that we can recite on a daily basis. (17:16) Help us to understand that we are beautiful and wonderfully made that we are chosen. Lord, (17:20) help us to not just say it, but to actually believe it and to live it out.

Lord, we pray that you cover (17:25) us in our savings. Lord, that you just magnify and increase our territories. Lord, we pray Ephesians (17:31) over our savings.

Lord, we pray that you increase it more than we can ask for think or imagine. Lord, (17:38) we pray that you cover us and we pray that you give us the desire to invite you into our finances. (17:43) Lord, that we actually sit down with you and converse with you about our money.

So you can (17:48) give us the wisdom, the knowledge and the resources to be able to grow our savings. Lord, we know that (17:55) we cannot do nothing with you. And we pray that you just continue to partner with us as we grow (18:00) our money.

We thank you. We honor you. We give you all their praise.

And it is in your mighty name (18:05) that we all say amen, amen, amen. And I never want to close out an episode without giving you the (18:12) opportunity to step into a relationship with God. So maybe your life is a mess.

Maybe you’ve strayed (18:18) away. Maybe you don’t know what I’m talking about, this love with God and all of these positive (18:23) things that he’s depositing. Maybe you’ve never experienced that, but you want to experience that.

(18:27) Maybe you want to release the money as an idol. Maybe you just need to, you are already saved, (18:32) but you need to rededicate your life to Christ because you’ve gone off the broken road. Okay.

(18:37) So let’s get all back on the same road, step into relationship with God. So we can all spend (18:42) eternity with God. So if that’s something that you want for your life and you want to give your life (18:47) to Christ, I’m going to give you that opportunity right now.

I’m going to just say a short prayer. (18:51) And all you have to do is repeat after me and you will be saved and you will be welcome into (18:56) eternity in heaven. So if you are ready to take that step, just repeat after me.

(19:01) Dear Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and savior. And that’s it. If you prayed that prayer, (19:12) congratulations and welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome to the kingdom of heaven.

God is looking (19:18) down on you. He’s so proud of you. The heavens are jumping and roaring and praising and shouting (19:23) because you just made the best decision of your entire life and we want to celebrate you.

So be (19:28) sure to click the link in the description because we want to send you a gift to help you as you (19:32) navigate this new faith journey. So we’re so excited for you. Congratulations again.

And I (19:38) just want to thank you guys so much for joining me in this episode until next time, peace, love, (19:45) and eternal wealth. Love you guys. Congrats.

You just finished another episode of eternal wealth. (19:55) If you want more head over to Shawnee Tanay.com for show notes and access to all the resources (20:01) shared. And if you’re looking for a new crew of eternal wealth builders like you to bounce ideas (20:06) and ask questions, be sure to join my exclusive community.

The link is waiting for you at (20:11) Shanitene.com


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