Christians Have Been Lied to About Money (here’s the truth) [Ep 15]

Letting go of these 3 lies changed everything. In this episode, I’ll debunk the top 3 myths that keep Christians trapped in financial struggle and reveal how to align your faith with actions to unlock God’s financial blessings.

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0:00  Intro

0:37  Episode Topic

1:20  Lie #1

4:47  Lie #2

6:29  Helpful Tool

6:46  Lie #3

10:34  Prayer

13:09  Outro



For educational and entertainment purposes only. Not financial advice. Investing involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future results. This podcast contains affiliate links.

Podcast Tags

Shani Tené, Eternal Wealth Podcast, faith, finance, Christianity, money management, budgeting, debt reduction, investing, Bible, scripture, Christian living, testimony, financial freedom, Shani Tené, eternal wealth, biblical financial principles, financial peace, 700 club, financial planning for Christians, make money, Jesus Christ, biblical finance, God and money, the root of all evil, Christians money, Christians with money, making money as a Christian, church and money, lies about money, money, money motivation.


(0:00) Christians can’t be wealthy. (0:03) Well, that’s just flat out wrong. (0:05) But once I learned the truth about money, (0:08) I got over that.

(0:09) And today’s episode, we’re talking all about (0:11) how to break free from limiting beliefs (0:14) that are holding you back from the wealth (0:17) that God has for you. (0:18) God will automatically bless you with wealth (0:21) if you have faith. (0:23) That’s not how it works.

(0:25) Yes, God will provide all of your needs, (0:27) but you also have to… (0:30) Wealth, when managed wisely and used to serve others, (0:34) can be a blessing and a tool for advancing God’s kingdom. (0:38) The problem lies when wealth becomes an idol, (0:41) when it takes the place of God as your highest priority. (0:44) The key is to see money as a… (0:47) What’s up? (0:48) I’m your favorite money coach, Shani Tanay.

(0:50) Welcome to Eternal Wealth, where finance meets faith. (0:54) In today’s episode, we’re talking all about (0:56) how to break free from limiting beliefs (0:59) that are holding you back (1:01) from the wealth that God has for you. (1:04) And the biggest thing that I see (1:05) that holds Christians back from receiving that wealth (1:08) are the lies they believe about money.

(1:11) We will first dive into the belief (1:14) that is holding you back (1:15) from achieving the wealth God has in store for you. (1:18) Next, we’ll talk about how to align your faith (1:22) with actions to unlock God’s financial blessings, (1:25) and then we’ll top it off (1:27) with the way God actually wants you to view money (1:30) because it’s not what you’ve been taught. (1:34) So let’s get into lie number one.

(1:38) Christians can’t be wealthy. (1:41) Well, that’s just flat out wrong. (1:44) And the worst part is I used to believe this.

(1:47) I remember when I started to make a lot of money, (1:49) I used to hide it from people. (1:51) I didn’t want them to know that I had money (1:53) because I thought that they would expect me (1:55) to do different things with my money (1:57) and have all these expectations of me. (1:59) Like maybe they thought that I was gonna, (2:02) every time someone asked for money, (2:04) that I needed to give above and beyond, (2:06) contribute to every cause that came around (2:09) or give all my money to the church.

(2:10) And if I didn’t do those things, (2:12) then that somehow made me a bad Christian. (2:15) It was the most bizarre thing. (2:17) But once I learned the truth about money, (2:20) I got over that and I am happy to proclaim loud and proud (2:24) that I am a Christian and I am wealthy.

(2:28) It’s crazy how some people genuinely believe (2:30) that accumulating a lot of money is not compatible (2:33) with living a faithful Christian life. (2:35) It’s like they want Christians to suffer and struggle, (2:39) but that’s not what God wants for our lives. (2:42) The Bible does not condemn wealth itself, (2:44) but rather warns against greed and the misuse of resources.

(2:49) Wealth, when managed wisely and used to serve others, (2:53) can be a blessing and a tool for advancing God’s kingdom. (2:57) So it’s not that we can’t be rich, (3:00) it’s just that we need to shift our focus. (3:02) The focus should be on stewardship and generosity, (3:05) not rejecting wealth altogether.

(3:08) Money is referenced over 2000 times in the Bible. (3:12) That’s a lot. (3:13) It’s one of the most talked about topics in the Bible, (3:16) which highlights just how important it is to God (3:19) that we have money and that we manage it wisely.

(3:23) If wealth weren’t part of his plan for us, (3:25) he wouldn’t provide so much guidance on how to handle it. (3:29) God desires for us to be prosperous, (3:31) which is why scripture is filled with teachings (3:34) on building and stewarding wealth. (3:37) So we gotta use it.

(3:38) He has literally given us the blueprint (3:41) for how to manage our finances. (3:43) So here are two verses (3:44) that reflect God’s promises for prosperity. (3:49) Jeremiah 29, 11.

(3:51) “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, (3:54) “‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, (3:56) “‘plans to give you a hope and a future.'” (3:59) And then Psalms 112, verse three says, (4:03) “‘Wealth and riches are in his house, (4:06) “‘and his righteousness endures forever.'” (4:10) These verses don’t say, (4:12) I want you to live paycheck to paycheck. (4:14) I want you to worry about (4:15) how you’re gonna pay your light bill. (4:18) I want you to struggle.

(4:19) They are the exact opposite. (4:22) God wants us to prosper. (4:24) He wants to give us a hope and a future.

(4:27) He wants our houses filled with riches. (4:30) That’s the God we serve, (4:32) and we have to start believing his promises (4:34) that are clear as day in the Bible. (4:37) I encourage you to memorize and meditate (4:40) on Jeremiah 29, 11 and Psalm 112 daily, (4:44) and watch your mindset shift, (4:46) and watch your finances grow, (4:48) because you are wealthy, and you will get wealthier.

(4:53) Drop a I am wealthy in the comments (4:55) if you believe that for yourself. (4:57) That is literally a mindset, you guys. (5:00) So let’s hop into lie number two.

(5:04) God will automatically bless you with wealth (5:07) if you have faith. (5:09) Now, this is for all my religious people in the back. (5:12) Y’all hear me? (5:13) Y’all hear me? (5:14) These are the people who think (5:16) just because they are Christian, (5:18) they don’t have to do anything.

(5:21) The ones who are like, the money’s coming. (5:24) The money’s coming. (5:26) God’s got me covered.

(5:27) I ain’t got nothing to worry about. (5:30) And then guess what? (5:31) The money never comes, (5:32) and now they’re angry with God. (5:35) Now, come on.

(5:37) God is the last person you should be mad at. (5:40) Yes, God will provide all of your needs, (5:43) but you also have to put in the work (5:45) to receive the blessing. (5:46) You can’t just sit around twiddling your thumbs, (5:49) expecting that he’s just going to hand you everything (5:52) on this silver platter, although that would be nice.

(5:56) That’s not how it works. (5:58) This way of thinking is referred to (6:01) as the prosperity gospel mentality, (6:04) and it tends to cause a lot of confusion. (6:08) While faith and obedience open doors for blessings, (6:11) the Bible also teaches stewardship, hard work, (6:15) and wise financial practices (6:16) as part of God’s plan for success.

(6:19) Wealth is not guaranteed by faith alone, (6:22) but through a combination of faith, action, and stewardship. (6:27) James 2.26 says faith without works is dead. (6:32) This is a very common recited Bible verse.

(6:36) Faith without works is dead. (6:38) The Bible makes it plain as day. (6:41) You gotta work.

(6:42) You can’t just have faith. (6:44) The good news is you do not have to do the work alone. (6:48) If you want the roadmap and full plan (6:50) to reach financial freedom, (6:52) I have a mini course, The Seven Keys to Eternal Wealth, (6:55) that will help you unlock your full potential.

(6:58) So grab your seat now using the link in the description. (7:01) But let’s move on to lie number three. (7:05) Money is evil.

(7:09) Money is evil. (7:11) Many Christians misinterpret the verse 1 Timothy 6.10, (7:16) which says, for the love of money is the root of all evil. (7:20) This verse is often shortened in a conversation (7:23) to money is the root of all evil.

(7:27) And that changes the whole meaning entirely. (7:29) The Bible doesn’t condemn money itself. (7:32) It’s neutral, a tool that can be used for good or bad.

(7:36) The key word in this verse is love. (7:39) It’s the love of money that leads to harmful behaviors (7:42) and strain from faith. (7:44) So this misinterpretation had led some believers (7:48) to feel guilty about earning wealth (7:50) or to believe that being financially successful (7:53) is spiritually wrong.

(7:56) However, wealth in and of itself isn’t sin filled. (8:00) Throughout the Bible, (8:02) we see many righteous individuals like Abraham, Job, Solomon, (8:07) who were blessed with wealth. (8:09) The problem lies when wealth becomes an idol, (8:13) when it takes the place of God as your highest priority.

(8:17) Here’s what we need to consider. (8:18) We need to first consider the dangers of idolizing money. (8:23) Idolization of wealth can lead to greed, (8:26) unethical practices, and neglect of spiritual values.

(8:29) When people prioritize accumulating riches (8:31) over their relationship with God, (8:33) they risk losing their moral compass (8:35) and becoming disconnected from their faith. (8:38) The second thing is the true root of evil. (8:42) It’s not the money itself that leads to evil, (8:44) but what we are willing to do to get it.

(8:47) People often compromise their integrity, (8:50) exploit others, or even harm themselves (8:53) and their families in the pursuit of wealth. (8:55) It’s nuts. (8:56) This desire can fuel envy, corruption, and dishonesty.

(9:01) That is the root of all evil. (9:03) Next, we have to consider money as a resource. (9:07) When used wisely, money can serve good purposes.

(9:11) It can provide for families, fund ministries, (9:13) and support those in need. (9:14) Many biblical figures use their wealth (9:17) to further God’s kingdom. (9:18) The key is to see money as a resource, (9:21) a tool, not a master, okay? (9:24) We cannot serve both God and money, okay? (9:27) And then lastly, we gotta think about (9:29) the balance in financial pursuits.

(9:32) The Bible encourages diligence and stewardship, (9:35) but warns against greed. (9:37) Proverbs 13 11 says, dishonest money dwindles away, (9:41) but whoever gathers money little by little (9:44) makes it grow. (9:45) So this suggests that wealth building (9:47) isn’t inherently wrong as long as it’s done (9:50) with integrity and purpose.

(9:52) It’s not money that’s evil, (9:53) it’s the love of money that can corrupt us. (9:56) And Christians are called to be responsible stewards (9:59) of their resources, making sure that while they build wealth (10:02) their hearts remain focused on God, (10:05) not on the pursuit of riches. (10:07) Y’all, we can’t just keep going after the money.

(10:09) It’s not all about the money. (10:10) So let’s shift our perspective. (10:12) Wealth, when handled with the right intentions, (10:16) can be a blessing, not a curse.

(10:18) So once you understand how to handle what you’ve been given, (10:22) you’ll be equipped to work towards a life (10:24) of abundance and purpose, free from financial stress (10:28) and ready to step into your calling. (10:31) So instead of focusing on the lies, (10:33) let’s focus on God’s truth. (10:36) You were made to prosper.

(10:39) If you want help on your journey to financial freedom, (10:42) go ahead and hit that subscribe button. (10:45) And let’s pray before we head out. (10:49) So dear Heavenly Father, thank you for today.

(10:53) Thank you so, so, so, so, so much for all of my listeners. (10:57) I just bless the work that you’re doing (10:59) in and through them right now, (11:01) as they have taken time out of their busy days (11:04) to tune into this podcast today. (11:05) So I just pray that you give them this time, (11:07) time back and a half.

(11:09) I just pray that you help us to use money as a tool, Lord, (11:15) and not as a master, that we reframe our thinking (11:18) and that my listeners understand that they can and are (11:22) and will continue to be wealthy because you’ve said it. (11:26) And your promises always come true, Lord. (11:28) We just pray that these lies (11:30) are just removed from our mind, Lord, (11:32) that these lies are rebuked and cast into the sea, (11:36) never to return, Lord.

(11:37) Money is not evil, Lord. (11:39) It is used for good, (11:40) that we are made to be prosperous and wealthy, Lord. (11:43) And I pray those things over my listeners.

(11:45) I pray that they are wealthy. (11:46) I pray that they are prosperous. (11:47) In your mighty name, we give you all the honor.

(11:50) In Jesus’ name, amen, amen, amen. (11:53) And so I never like to end without giving you (11:56) the opportunity to step into a relationship with God. (11:59) So if you’ve heard about the love of God, (12:02) you’ve heard about being renewed (12:04) and being washed clear as day, (12:06) maybe you did something that you weren’t proud of, (12:08) the good news is you can be redeemed.

(12:11) God will forgive every single sin you’ve ever done (12:15) in your life and bring you into new life. (12:18) And so if that’s something that you wanna do right now, (12:20) you wanna cleanse your old self (12:21) and step into your new self in partnership with God, (12:25) then all you have to do is repeat this simple prayer. (12:28) And maybe you are saved, but you have gone astray (12:32) and you wanna get back on the path to God.

(12:35) Then this is also a prayer for you. (12:36) So we’re just gonna repeat this together. (12:39) Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and Savior.

(12:45) That’s it. (12:46) If you prayed that prayer, congratulations, (12:49) and welcome, welcome, welcome to the kingdom of heaven. (12:54) I am just so excited for you.

(12:57) The heavens are roaring. (12:58) God is so proud of you because you just made (13:01) the best decision you’ve made in your entire life. (13:04) And we wanna celebrate you.

(13:05) So go ahead and click the link in the description (13:07) to get access to a gift that we wanna give to you (13:10) to help you on your faith journey. (13:12) And so I just wanna thank you all for tuning in. (13:15) Thank you for joining me.

(13:17) Until next time, peace, love, and eternal wealth. (13:21) Love you guys. (13:25) Congrats, you just finished another episode (13:28) of Eternal Wealth.

(13:29) If you want more, head over to (13:32) for show notes and access to all the resources shared. (13:36) And if you’re looking for a new crew (13:38) of eternal wealth builders like you (13:39) to bounce ideas and ask questions, (13:41) be sure to join my exclusive community. (13:44) The link is waiting for you at


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