They Lied to You About Stocks! Investing Myths Exposed [Ep 9]

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Are you hesitant to invest in stocks due to common myths? Join money coach Shani Tené as she debunks 3 popular misconceptions about stock investing. Discover the truth behind these myths and learn how to start your investment journey with confidence. 



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🔥 The Story of The Spies’ Report in Numbers 13-14

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Host: Shani Tené




TikTok: @shanitene







Shani Tené, Eternal Wealth,  eternal wealth podcast, stock investing, financial freedom, money coach, beginner’s guide, investment tips, debunking myths, biblical finance, S&P 500, index funds, fractional shares, Roth IRA, Vanguard, VOO, fear of investing, financial success, personal finance, investing for beginners, financial advice, investment strategies, financial education, money management, wealth building, personal development, self-improvement, financial literacy, money talks, biblical principles, faith and finance, financial freedom, financial independence, financial security, financial goals, financial planning, financial stability, financial wellness, financial success, financial literacy, financial education, financial tips, financial advice, financial planning, financial management


Money Talk Series Overview (0:00 – 2:56)

The episode begins with Shani Tené emphasizing the importance of overcoming fear in financial matters, particularly in investing. She draws a parallel between the Israelites’ 40 years in the wilderness and the struggles people face due to financial fear. Shani questions why people can trust God with smaller financial aspects like savings but hesitate when it comes to larger ones like investing. She shares her own journey from skepticism to regular investing, highlighting how stocks have significantly improved her life. Shani urges viewers not to let fear dictate their financial decisions and introduces the episode’s focus on debunking three common myths about stock investing. She explains that these myths often prevent people from tapping into the potential of investing. The episode is part of the “Money Talk” series, which aims to normalize discussions about money by sharing anonymous stories and providing biblically based solutions.

Mystery Guest (2:56 – 6:31)

Shani introduces a mystery guest, Kelly, a 42-year-old accountant from the southern United States with an annual salary of $85,000 and monthly expenses around $4,500. Kelly shares her financial fears, rooted in her father’s experience of losing everything in a market crash. This trauma has led her to play it safe with her finances, relying on savings accounts and certificates of deposit, which she finds predictable but wonders if she’s missing out on greater opportunities. Kelly is torn between the safety of her current financial strategies and the potential benefits of investing in stocks. Shani empathizes with Kelly’s fears, recounting her own past hesitation about investing. She encourages Kelly to move past her fears by citing her own success, where her investments grew by 42% in one year. Shani emphasizes that fear should not be a barrier to financial growth and reminds viewers of 2 Timothy 1:7, encouraging them to adopt a fearless mindset toward investing.

Bible Story (6:32 – 9:03)

Shani recounts the biblical story of the 12 spies sent by Moses to scout the land of Canaan. While 10 of the spies returned with fearful reports, focusing on the dangers and obstacles, two spies, Joshua and Caleb, returned with a positive report, trusting in God’s promise. Unfortunately, the Israelites chose to believe the negative report, leading to their 40-year wandering in the wilderness. Shani uses this story to illustrate the dangers of fear-based decision-making, especially in investing. She draws a parallel between the Israelites’ fear and the myths surrounding investing, encouraging listeners to be like Joshua and Caleb by trusting in reliable information and God’s promises rather than succumbing to fear. The story serves as a reminder to seek discernment and not simply follow the majority opinion, especially when it comes to making financial decisions.

Money Misconception (9:03 – 14:19)

Shani revisits Kelly’s story, highlighting that Kelly’s fears about investing are largely based on other people’s negative experiences and misconceptions. Shani begins to address the first myth: “You will lose money if you invest.” She acknowledges that the stock market can seem risky but emphasizes that the fear of losing money is often exaggerated. Shani recommends focusing on lower-risk stocks with a history of high returns, such as index funds that track the S&P 500, like VOO. She reassures viewers by sharing historical data, explaining that the S&P 500 has averaged a 12% annual return over the past 50 years. Shani argues that investing in such reliable options is not gambling but a calculated investment. By relying on historical data, she contends that investing is a strategic move towards financial growth, dispelling the myth that investing is inherently risky.

Tip #1: Stick to Index Funds to Avoid Losing Money (Timestamp: 12:00 – 13:25)

The first tip focuses on the myth that you will lose money if you invest. The host explains that while there are risks in investing, sticking to tried and tested index funds can help mitigate these risks and better guarantee returns. Index funds, which track the performance of a broad market index like the S&P 500, are highlighted as a safer and more reliable investment option for beginners. By investing in index funds, you can avoid the pitfalls of trying to pick individual stocks, which can be riskier and more volatile.

Tip #2: Investing Is Easier Than It Seems (Timestamp: 13:26 – 15:13)
The second tip addresses the misconception that investing is too hard. The host simplifies the process, breaking it down into three easy steps: open a brokerage account, deposit funds, and make your first investment. She reassures listeners that investing doesn’t require a deep understanding of the stock market or complex financial knowledge. Instead, by following these straightforward steps, anyone can start investing and begin their journey toward building wealth.

FREE Tool to Boost Investing (Timestamp: 15:38 – 17:03)
A partnership with Coachline is introduced, offering a free training titled “Five Steps to Reach Financial Freedom the Kingdom Way.” This training covers essential financial strategies, including budgeting, saving, giving, debt elimination, and investment planning. It’s promoted as a comprehensive guide to achieving financial freedom without feeling overwhelmed. The host encourages listeners to subscribe to the podcast to access the training and take control of their finances.

Tip #3: You Don’t Have to Be Wealthy to Invest (Timestamp: 17:04 – 19:35)
The third myth addressed is the misconception that one needs to be wealthy to start investing. The host explains the concept of fractional shares, which allows individuals to invest with as little as one dollar. Using the example of VOO, a popular index fund, she illustrates how small, consistent investments can accumulate over time and benefit from compound growth. The host stresses that even small investments can lead to significant wealth due to the power of compounding.

Recap (Timestamp: 19:35 – 20:54)
A quick recap of the episode is provided, summarizing the key points discussed. The host revisits Kelly’s story, connecting it to the biblical narrative of the spies’ report from Numbers 13-14, and how it relates to overcoming fear in investing. The three investing myths are recapped: 1) the belief that you will lose money, 2) the idea that investing is too hard, and 3) the misconception that you need to be wealthy to invest. Each myth is debunked, emphasizing that investing is accessible, manageable, and not reserved for the wealthy.

BONUS Weekly Action (Timestamp: 20:55 – 22:17)
Listeners are challenged to research the history of the S&P 500 as their weekly action. The host emphasizes the importance of doing personal research to build confidence in investing, pointing out the historical performance of the S&P 500 since the 1920s. She encourages listeners to type “I’m doing my research” in the comments to show their commitment and invites those already investing to share their experiences.

Prayer (Timestamp: 22:17 – 26:52)

The host leads a prayer, thanking God for His grace, comfort, and protection. She prays specifically for her listeners, asking God to remove any fear associated with investing and replace it with peace and excitement. The prayer also includes a request for God to bless her listeners’ investments, helping them grow and allowing them to experience financial freedom.

Call to Salvation and Conclusion (Timestamp: 26:52 – 27:17)

The episode concludes with an invitation to listeners who wish to enter into a relationship with God. The host leads a simple prayer of salvation and celebrates those who have made the decision to follow Christ. She offers a special gift to help new believers start their faith journey and encourages listeners to subscribe, like, and share the episode to spread the message of financial and spiritual growth. The episode ends with a warm farewell and a reminder to visit the host’s website for additional resources.


0:00  Intro

0:51  Episode Topic

1:52  Money Talk Series Overview

2:38  Mystery Guest

5:44  Bible Story

8:36  Money Misconception

9:17  Myth #1

12:03  Myth #2

15:33  FREE Tool to Boost Savings

16:56  Myth #3

19:49  Recap

21:13  BONUS Weekly Action

22:27  Prayer

26:55  Outro


(0:00) You don’t want to be like the Israelites and spend 40 years in the wilderness, (0:04) struggling financially due to fear. So why is it that we can trust God to handle the smaller things (0:10) like our savings account, but we doubt his ability to take care of the bigger things like investing? (0:16) Like, do we really have faith? Like, if you really have faith, then you would step out and (0:20) try investing. I’m investing on the regular.

The most skeptical person ever is now investing on (0:26) the regular. And now stocks have been able to afford me the life that I’m able to live now. (0:33) Do not sleep on stocks.

Do not put fear in front of stocks. What’s up? I’m your favorite money (0:40) coach, Shani Tené. Welcome to Eternal Wealth, where finance meets faith.

If you’re new here, (0:47) be sure to click that subscribe button because you’re not going to want to miss another show. (0:51) In today’s episode, we’re talking all about three common stock investing myths (0:57) and the truth behind them. And make sure you stick around to the end because I’ll also share (1:03) one resource that will help you feel more comfortable investing and one action that (1:09) you can take this week to see immediate results with investing.

Are you guys ready to bust some (1:17) myths today? All right. So, so many people miss out on the power of investing because of these (1:25) crazy myths that we sometimes believe. One myth I see regularly is you will lose money if you invest.

(1:33) Myth number two, it seems too hard to invest. Myth three, you have to be wealthy to invest. (1:40) Whatever the case, you are in the right place.

We are going to bust these myths today so you (1:48) can take advantage of the power of investing. Right now, we are in the money talk series where (1:55) we’re normalizing talking about money because if we’re honest with ourselves, money isn’t something (2:00) we just talk about on the regular. We got to like pull it out of people.

It’s just not, it’s just (2:05) not what we talk about, but we want to make it more normal. And so what we’re doing is having (2:09) people submit anonymous stories where I select a story and I will provide a solution right here on (2:16) the show that’s going to be based in biblical principles. So if you have a money problem or you (2:21) need help with something, you can submit a written anonymous story, meaning I won’t know who you are, (2:26) the listeners won’t know who you are by going to the link in the description.

And if your story is (2:31) selected, you may or may not be our next mystery guest. But for today, our mystery guest is a female, (2:42) she’s 42 years old, married with two kids, is an accountant, has an annual salary of $85,000. (2:49) Her monthly expenses are around $4,500 and she lives in the suburbs of the South United States.

(2:56) Her identity has been concealed for privacy reasons, but we will call her Kelly. So here’s (3:02) what Kelly has to say. Numbers have always been my thing.

I crunched them for years as an accountant, (3:11) precise and predictable, but stocks, that’s a different world. A world of ups and downs, (3:17) of green and red, of hope and fear. It’s like gambling, right? Except you’re gambling with my (3:23) future, my family’s future.

I remember when my dad lost everything in the market crash. I was just (3:30) a kid, but I saw the fear in his eyes, the weight of the world on his shoulders. He was a strong man, (3:36) but that broke him.

Since then, every time I see stocks, I see his shattered dreams. So I play it (3:44) safe. Savings account, check.

Certificates of deposit, check. Boring maybe, but they’re predictable. (3:50) I can sleep at night knowing my money is there.

But a part of me wonders, am I missing out? (3:58) Maybe on a better life, a bigger house, a college fund for my kids. It’s a constant battle. The safe (4:05) harbor versus the open sea.

And I’m still caught in the storm. Are all the things I hear and feel (4:13) about stocks true? Help me feel comfortable about investing in stocks. Thanks so much for sharing (4:19) your story, Kelly.

I’ve been there and thought that too. Stocks were always a red flag for me. (4:24) Horror stories of people losing money, not understanding, and just not having enough to (4:29) invest were my reality until I did my own research and I started to invest.

And guess what? My (4:36) accounts grew by 42% in one year. That’s unheard of and practically impossible with a regular (4:43) savings account. You cannot let fear block you from your blessing.

But the sad truth is so many (4:52) people don’t get to experience that joy and that increase because they never start due to fear. (4:58) But remember, the Bible says in 2 Timothy chapter 1 verse 7, for God has not given me the spirit of (5:05) fear, but of power, love, and of a sound mind. So type in the comments, I’m fearless because you (5:13) are.

You can invest. You have to just get over the fear. So drop I’m fearless in the comments and (5:19) I’ll be sure to pray for each and every one of you who drops that in the comments because you know (5:23) what? Y’all, we fearless out here.

So who’s ready to put fear aside and try investing? Because (5:30) we’re going to get into this and be fearless people. So the good news is that I’m going to (5:35) bust these three myths and after that you are really, really, really going to feel fearless for real. (5:40) Okay, so before we get into the myths, it’s story time.

Let’s take a look at the spies report (5:49) in Numbers chapter 13 through 14. Moses sent out 12 spies and they were going to go look at the (5:58) land of Canaan, which God had promised to the Israelites. So after 40 days, the spies all came (6:04) back with their reports like we’re ready to let you know what’s going on.

10 of them gave a negative (6:10) report claiming that the land was filled with giants and fortified cities and that the Israelites (6:16) would never be able to conquer it. Their report caused fear and doubt among the Israelites. (6:23) However, two other spies, Joshua and Caleb, they came back and guess what? Their report was positive.

(6:32) They were saying that the land was good and that with God’s help, they could certainly take (6:37) possession of it. But unfortunately, like what typically happens, the majority of the people (6:44) believed the negative report. It led to them wandering in the wilderness for 40 years.

Y’all, (6:51) for 40 whole years, these people, because they listened to someone’s negative report, (6:57) were stranded for 40 years in the wild. That’s literally wild. Whereas there was these two other (7:05) people who had a different report.

How is it that they’re going to the same exact place, (7:09) seeing the same exact thing, and they come back with different reports? That’s what we call (7:14) perspective. People have differing perspectives. And so the lesson of this story highlights the (7:19) importance of discernment and not simply accepting the majority opinion.

Because in the context of (7:27) investing, this teaches us to not be swayed by the fear mongering or the widely accepted myths that (7:34) we just talked about. Instead, we should seek out reliable information and make informed decisions, (7:42) Bible, much like Joshua and Caleb, who trusted in God’s promises and their own observations over (7:50) the fearful reports of the other spies. So you don’t want to be like the Israelites and spend 40 (7:55) years in the wilderness, struggling financially due to fear.

So why is it that we can trust God (8:02) to handle the smaller things like our savings account, but we doubt his ability to take care (8:07) of the bigger things like investing? Do we really have faith? If you really have faith, (8:12) then you would step out and try investing. So don’t stop trusting God when he has something (8:20) available that’s going to help you reach your goals. So let’s talk about how we can be like (8:26) Joshua and Caleb and trust God and our own research rather than fall into fear based on (8:32) what others are saying about investing.

Okay, let’s like run it back really quick to Kelly’s (8:37) story. So it’s clear that she is basing her thoughts on investing on what other people think. (8:44) But sometimes we have to go on the road less traveled to step into greatness.

So to go against (8:51) the grain, you have to have a couple things. First, you have to have the facts, which I’m gonna (8:57) give you today. Two, you have to have the right attitude to be able to trust God’s promises.

(9:03) And three, you need to be able to state clearly what you believe. Like, I can do it. I’m fearless.

(9:11) Like you have to actually believe it. You can’t just put it in the comments. Okay, so let’s get (9:16) into it.

Myth number one, you will lose money if you invest. This myth is rooted in the fear of the (9:25) unknown. The stock market can indeed seem like a risky gamble, but the reality is much more nuanced.

(9:32) So when we talk about investing, especially for beginners, we recommend focusing on lower risk (9:38) stocks that have historically, keyword historically, shown high returns, such as an index fund that (9:45) tracks the S&P 500, like my favorite VOO, V-O-O. So I’m a numbers person. And for me, of all people, (9:54) to be invested in the stock market, the numbers gotta make sense.

Okay, y’all, I was, I was (10:00) skeptical about the stock market too. But once I figured out that there’s data backing it, I fell (10:05) back. So for me, I have to see the numbers in order to be, to feel comfortable buying anything, (10:11) including stocks.

I need to know that it works. And with stocks, we have that security. So if we (10:18) look at the historical data, again, data, historical, it’s there.

The S&P 500 has an average (10:26) annual return of about 12%. Of course, there’s years where the market does poorly, but over the (10:33) long term, the trend has always been upwards. And this has been for the past 50 years, five, zero, (10:42) for the past 50 years, it has historically gone upwards.

It has historically been 12% gains. So (10:49) since 1974, the S&P 500 has made an average return of 12% and continues to go up till this day. So you (11:00) can’t tell me that something that I can see with my eyes, that the numbers are telling me has been (11:04) going up for 50 years.

Why on earth would I not get in it? Why would I not take advantage of the (11:10) climb? It’s showing me 50 years, 50 years is more older than me older than a lot of you watching. (11:18) Like that’s a long time for it to be going up. The numbers don’t lie.

And because there is (11:23) historical data dating back to even 1896, the 1800s, y’all we way, way back when they started (11:30) tracking the stock market. There’s data from back then. So this makes investing not a gamble.

And (11:37) instead, it makes investing a calculated investment. So by choosing lower risk, high return (11:44) options, like index funds that have data that back them, you can transform what seems like a high (11:51) stakes gamble into a strategic move towards financial growth. So y’all, y’all don’t come with (11:58) me with like, it’s too risky.

The numbers don’t lie. All right, myth number two, it seems too hard (12:07) to invest. Come on, y’all.

Investing might seem complicated, but it’s actually quite simple once (12:13) you break it down. So I’m gonna break it down for you. Okay, so to get started, you really only need (12:19) three things, a brokerage, an account, and an investment.

So think of it like banking. So when (12:27) you want to manage your money, you go to the bank, you open a checking account, and you deposit your (12:33) money in there, right? Same three steps. Investing works similarly.

You first have to have a brokerage. (12:41) The brokerage is like your bank. It’s a firm that allows you to buy and sell investments aka stocks, (12:48) Vanguard is an excellent example of a brokerage firm that is user friendly and reputable.

Other (12:55) brokerages might include Fidelity and Charles Schwab, just like there’s a Bank of America and a (13:02) Chase equivalent, a bank is similar to a brokerage. So that’s what you need first. Second, you need an (13:09) account.

So just like you would go to your bank and open up a checking account, you need to open (13:16) up an investment account at your brokerage. So one popular choice is a Roth IRA, which is a (13:24) retirement account offering tax-free growth on your investments. And I use the word retirement (13:30) loosely because you can get this money out before retirement, okay? And so other accounts within a (13:38) brokerage could be like a 401k, which is a true retirement account, a traditional IRA, and you (13:46) just like there’s checking and savings accounts inside your bank, there are investments accounts (13:53) inside your brokerage, okay? The third thing you need is an investment.

So just like you deposit (14:00) that money into your checking account, you deposit money into your investment account, (14:05) like the Roth IRA, by buying an investment. And like we mentioned, an investment is a stock. (14:11) So a common choice is an index fund like Vanguard’s VOO, V-O-O, which tracks the S&P 500.

(14:20) Other investments might be like individual stocks like Google, Apple, Microsoft, Tesla, (14:26) Nvidia, index fund like VTI. So once you’ve got your brokerage, you have your account, (14:36) and then you have your investment, that’s all you need. So once you have these three components, (14:42) you’re ready to invest.

So the process, like I said, is straightforward and accessible, (14:48) even for those who are new to investing. Three things, just like you got a bank, an account, (14:54) and money, you have a brokerage, an account, and investment. It’s simple as that.

Simple as one, (14:59) two, three, brokerage, account, investment. One, two, three, brokerage, account, investment. (15:05) I used to want to be like an elementary school teacher, so apologies.

I’m not trying to dumb this (15:10) down for you guys, but I love teaching. It’s so fun. Anywho, those are the three things you need.

(15:14) Simple as that. Get it done. It’s not as complicated as it might seem.

Just think of it as a (15:19) regular bank, but you’re doing stocks in it, okay? So before we get into the third tip, let’s check (15:26) out something from one of our partners that will help you invest with ease, and it’s totally free. (15:32) Check it out. Hey, Wealth Builders, let’s talk about taking your finances to the next level.

(15:38) I’m excited to partner with Coachline, a leader in financial coaching services. They’re currently (15:43) offering a free training, Five Steps to Reach Financial Freedom the Kingdom Way. In this (15:49) training, you’ll get actionable steps to help you budget, give, optimize your savings, get out of (15:55) debt, and create an investment strategy to build real wealth.

There’s literally things you can do (16:01) today that will set you up for the rest of your life. Ultimately, the goal is to help you create (16:06) a financial plan without the overwhelm. Don’t miss this chance to take control of your finances (16:12) by learning how to manage your money wisely while doing it God’s way.

You must be subscribed to (16:18) Eternal Wealth to watch the free training, so go ahead and click that subscribe button now. (16:22) Visit forward slash freedom to learn more and watch the free training. (16:29) It’s time to level up.

Welcome back. Isn’t that so cool? Be sure to subscribe right now (16:37) so you can get the free training. The thing is, investing is just one little piece of the puzzle.

(16:43) You need a holistic approach to generate real wealth. So go check it out. Go check out that (16:49) training to get that financial blueprint.

It’s literally a game changer, but we’re gonna hop back (16:54) in to the third myth. This myth, y’all, this one gets me. You have to be wealthy to invest.

(17:04) This is perhaps one of the most common myths about investing. Many people believe that they need to (17:09) be rich and they need thousands and thousands of dollars to start, but this couldn’t be further (17:14) from the truth, y’all. So with what we call fractional shares, you can start investing with (17:20) as little as one dollar.

So a fractional share allows you to buy a little piece of the share (17:26) rather than the whole thing. So this means you can own a portion of a high-priced stock without (17:33) having to invest a large sum of money up front. So let’s take a look at VOO, V-O-O, which is one (17:40) of my favorite index funds.

Right now, VOO costs about $500, which might be a lot, but instead of (17:49) needing a full $500, you can buy a fraction of VOO with just $1, $2, $10, $100, or essentially (17:59) whatever you have to invest. So this opens up the door for basically anyone to start investing (18:05) regardless of your financial situation, regardless of how much money you have. So think about it, (18:11) if you invested $10 into VOO, you would own 2% of the stock.

Then as you keep adding more, like (18:19) the next time you put $5, $10, $20, $30, eventually you would have contributed the full $500 and then (18:26) at that point you would own 100% of the stock, which is considered one share. So starting with (18:33) small amounts not only gets you into the habit of investing regularly, which is very important, (18:38) but it also allows you to benefit from compound growth over time. So basically even small, (18:44) consistent investments can grow significantly as they earn returns and those returns earn returns.

(18:51) So compounding, it just piles on top of each other. The money just grows and grows and grows. So (18:55) that’s why a small investment can actually end up being a large amount of money due to compounding (19:01) interest.

So y’all, these are the three myths that even I had to overcome to get over my fear of (19:08) investing. But look at me now y’all, I’m investing on the regular. The most skeptical person ever (19:14) is now investing on the regular and now stocks have been able to afford me the life that I’m (19:21) able to live now.

So do not sleep on stocks. Do not put fear in front of stocks. So I would not (19:29) be where I am obviously without God, but then secondly with a whole bunch of other things.

(19:35) Secondly, but this is on the top list of I wouldn’t be where I am without stocks because again, (19:40) stocks fund my life. So we just talked about a lot. Let’s run it back.

Let’s do a quick recap. (19:48) Let’s do a quick recap. So we started with Kelly, who is fearful to invest because of what she’s (19:55) seen and what she’s heard.

We tied that into the spies report in numbers chapter 13 through 14 (20:01) that shows us we should rely on our own research and not let fear stop us from obtaining our (20:08) blessings. Then we connected it all together and debunked three investing myths. Myth number one, (20:16) you will lose money if you invest, but that’s not true.

Stick to the tried and tested index fund (20:21) to better guarantee returns. Myth number two, it seems too hard to invest and that’s not true. (20:29) All you need is a brokerage, an account, an investment, and you’re set.

Myth number three, (20:36) you have to be wealthy to invest. Wrong again. Buying fractional shares starting at $1 allows (20:43) you to be able to invest no matter how much money you have.

You do not need to be rich. All right. (20:48) So for those who’s stuck around to the end, I’m so glad that you’re still here with us.

(20:55) Go ahead and give this episode a like and share it with someone because other people need to know (21:01) that investing is not what it seems. Okay. Let somebody know, help somebody else out (21:06) so they can see that these myths have been busted today.

Okay. And so as promised for staying until (21:12) the end, your action for the week is to research the history of the S&P 500 because I don’t want (21:23) you to just take it from me. I want y’all to see on your own, like we said, like you have to go do (21:28) your own research.

I want you to see on your own that I’m telling the truth. Okay. So having this (21:34) knowledge will hopefully help you feel more confident if you don’t already right now, (21:39) more confident in investing, knowing that it legit has historically performed well since the 1920s (21:46) y’all.

So head to the link in the description to check out the stock history that you can look at (21:52) and see for yourself. Let me know that you’re committed to completing this weekly action by (21:57) typing, I’m doing my research in the comments. So again, I’m doing my research in the comments.

Let (22:02) me know. Um, and I will be sure to pray you up, cheer you on as you do that research. And so (22:09) if on the flip side, you’re already investing, let me know what you’ve already researched, (22:13) what you’re investing in, in the comments would love to see what you, what you got going on there.

(22:17) So, and if you want to learn how to start investing, I did actually shoot a video about it (22:23) and you can check it out in the link in the description. And I would love to pray for you (22:28) guys before we leave. You guys know I never like to end the episode without praying.

So let us all (22:35) pray. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you. Just thank you.

Thank you for your grace. Thank you for your (22:43) comfort. Thank you for your protection.

Thank you for your love. Thank you for just being the God (22:48) Almighty, the Alpha, the Omega, just Lord, we just thank you for everything that you’re doing. And I (22:53) definitely thank you for all my listeners, Lord.

I pray that you just bless them Lord. I pray that (22:58) you remove any fear from their minds Lord. We rebuke fear in the name of Jesus Lord.

Any fear (23:04) that they have attached to investing Lord, we uproot that right now in your name Lord. Fear is not real. (23:11) You have not given us the spirit of fear Lord.

So any fear that might be associated with investing (23:16) is now gone. The listeners right now have been released from that fear Lord. We bind it, we rebuke (23:22) and we replace that fear with peace and comfort and happiness and excitement to invest Lord.

(23:30) Because help my listeners to understand that investing is a gift that you’ve given us to be (23:39) able to level up in life. So help them renew their mind, renew their hearts, open up their (23:46) ears, open up their eyes to receive investing as a blessing Lord. And just give them the desire, (23:51) give their hearts the desire to invest and feel safe and comfortable.

Let them know that they can (23:57) start small Lord and then give them, you say you start small and you’ll bless us with more Lord. (24:02) So show them, I pray that you show them growth in their accounts Lord. I pray that these investments (24:06) grow wildly.

They grow exponentially Lord. They grow miraculously Lord, that you just put growth (24:13) on top of growth, on top of growth and to my listeners investments accounts. So they can start (24:19) to walk into the freedom that we know that you’ve called each one of them to Lord.

So we pray that (24:23) they’re able to have a seamless investing experience. It’s easy. They can set it up and they see these (24:28) gains Lord.

So we just thank you in advance. We give you all the glory. We give you all the honor (24:32) and is in your mighty name that we all say amen, amen, amen.

Okay. And so y’all know I never want (24:40) to end an episode without giving you the opportunity to enter into a relationship with the big G-O-D. (24:47) Okay.

So y’all like, aside from investing, aside from all that, like God has so much for us and (24:55) we have to just be open to giving our lives to him to be experiencing that. So if you’re struggling (25:01) with anything in life, money related or not, the one solution is God. He can save you.

He can make (25:09) you pure. He can make you whole. He can fill you up.

If you have any voids, God is here to be your (25:16) filler. He’s here to be your redeemer. So if you want to step into a relationship with God, (25:22) be redeemed, finally like live a joyous, happy life and just live the life that he’s called you (25:28) to live and step into relationship with him today.

All you have to do is repeat this simple prayer. (25:34) And it doesn’t matter where you’re at in life. Your life might be messy.

It doesn’t matter. God (25:39) loves you just the way that you are. So if you’re ready to step in, to dive all the way in with God, (25:45) just repeat after me, Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and Savior.

And that’s it. If you prayed (25:56) that prayer, congratulations, congratulations and welcome, welcome, welcome to the kingdom of heaven. (26:03) Literally the heavens are jumping for joy because you just made the best decision of your entire (26:10) life.

And so we want to celebrate you. You’re awesome. So go to the link in the description (26:16) to get a special gift, help you start on your faith journey.

So I’m so excited for you. Let’s (26:23) give a round of applause for those who just gave their life to Christ. So grab that gift.

And so (26:28) if you enjoyed this video, please be sure to subscribe, like, and share because this needs (26:35) to reach the masses. God has a word, not just for you, but someone else. So there’s someone else that (26:40) you know that could benefit from this video, please share.

It would just help me so much. (26:45) And ultimately help God and the kingdom. So until next time, peace, love, and eternal wealth.

(26:52) Love you guys. Congrats. You just finished another episode of Eternal Wealth.

If you want more, (27:00) head over to for show notes and access to all the resources shared. And if you’re (27:06) looking for a new crew of eternal wealth builders like you to bounce ideas and ask questions, be (27:11) sure to join my exclusive community. The link is waiting for you at


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